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Those amazing games no one knows about.
Baten Kaitos Origins for the GameCube, and Shenmue for the Sega Dreamcast, two of the best RPGs that I have ever played yet no one seems to know of them. I just wish Shenmue would have actually finished because it lead off into a second one that was made for the Xbox (which I played) and that one also lead off so they could make a trilogy but the third one doesn't seem like it will ever get made.
Live a Live on the SNES. Beautifully simple, deep and amazing. With a freakishly hard battle system that took me a while to get used to...
Legend of Dragoon for the PS1. This was the first RPG I ever played, and it's easily one of my favorites. The characters were amazing, the story was ace, and the battle system. Oh man, the battle system. Picture something like Super Mario RPG or the Mario and the Luigi game's timed button presses, but even better. Each character had tons of what they called "Additions", or combos basically, that they could pull off in battle during their attack phase. They ranged from a simple two-three hit combos to ten-fifteen hitters that took time to master. Better yet, each successful hit gave out xp that LEVELED YOUR COMBOS UP. Granted, these days that's not a big deal, but back then that was THE SHIT.

God, I miss that game.
(03-20-2013, 03:29 PM)Wardenclyffe Wrote: Legend of Dragoon for the PS1. This was the first RPG I ever played, and it's easily one of my favorites. The characters were amazing, the story was ace, and the battle system. Oh man, the battle system. Picture something like Super Mario RPG or the Mario and the Luigi game's timed button presses, but even better. Each character had tons of what they called "Additions", or combos basically, that they could pull off in battle during their attack phase. They ranged from a simple two-three hit combos to ten-fifteen hitters that took time to master. Better yet, each successful hit gave out xp that LEVELED YOUR COMBOS UP. Granted, these days that's not a big deal, but back then that was THE SHIT.

God, I miss that game.

I think I remember my cousins having that game, never played it though, there're super into RPGs.
Star Ocean: the Second Story and Saga Frontier were two of my favorite RPGs. Star Ocean was like a "Tales of" style game except on an overworld style plane instead of a side-scrolling one. (It's hard for me to describe.) Saga Frontier is a standard turn-based RPG, but it has multiple stories and a pretty cool learning system where you learn moves through experience. They were two RPGs I grew up for the Playstation.
I found on GameFAQs that a lot of people had heard of The World Ends With You but hadn't played it. It's a fantastic game that everyone needs to sample.

Besides that, Inazuma Eleven. It hasn't had an American release but the first two games (plus a spin-off) have been released in Europe and they're fun little football/soccer RPGs if you can find them cheap. I found the first game for £10 and I got about 20 hours of enjoyment out of it, and I despise football.
Shenmue 3 is still a possibility. It has a shot at being made. Yu Suzuki hasn't given up, it's just Sega.

Anyhow, some of the games that I loved playing but everyone forgot, or just never played.

Streets of RAGE
Kuru Kuru Kururin
Phantom Crash
Skies of Arcadia

Probably more, but you know how video games are.
Hagane for SNES
God Hand for PS2
Maximo for PS2
Killer 7
Wand of Gamelon
El Shaddai
Earth Defence Force
Kula World
(03-20-2013, 04:15 PM)retrolinkx Wrote: Shenmue 3 is still a possibility. It has a shot at being made. Yu Suzuki hasn't given up, it's just Sega.

I know it's still a possibility, it's just that Sega doesn't wanna pour all the money that would go into making and marketing the game when it doesn't really have a big enough fan base to justify that kind of money, I mean the Shenmue 2 alone cost them $47 million.
(03-20-2013, 04:15 PM)retrolinkx Wrote: Kuru Kuru Kururin

I played this game yeeeeeeeeeears ago. it's so hard but it's really interesting.
Heart of Darkness for PS1. That game is just absolutely amazing and one of the best games I have ever played in my life. It's a 2D puzzle platformer with some really gruesome deaths, which is weird when you look at the otherwise PG looking game.

Resident Evil: Confidential Report. It's a strategic shooter for mobile platforms and honestly, I'm really surprised not many RE fans know about this. It has its own original story and characters too.

Sweet Home . One of Capcom's earlier games, it's a survival horror RPG and the game that later gave birth to a little something called Resident Evil.

Hey Cody, have you heard of a game called Waku Waku 7? It's a really interesting fighting game.
Honestly, yu-gi-oh being under the radar Even though its a amazing game
Commandos 2. If your into strategy games.

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