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Sorry to hear about that, Wastelander.
Taught the cat how to Mission Impossible.

[Image: YawningSilverGoral.gif]
Lots of sad news right now :(
I'm sorry for both of your losses. I hope you guys are doing alright.
We're all here for y'all if you need anything.

Nola's Meow Box came in yesterday!

My guinea pigs have started sleeping in front of me with their eyes closed. They only do this if they feel safe and secure; otherwise they're wide open and creepy looking.
[Image: iH1FFCZ.jpg]

...I worry about how dense Dahlia is. I gave her a bath and she chose this as her hiding place, thinking I wouldn't be able to get her.
Aww that's cute! It's like she wants you to hide her from you.
I love it when people shame their pets. Even more so when people put together compilations of the best ones:
(05-28-2014, 10:40 AM)Hexadecimal Wrote: I love it when people shame their pets. Even more so when people put together compilations of the best ones:

Have I ever told you about my aunt's dog, Lily AKA Cake Eater?

[Image: 525735_710519848965027_1013955585_n.jpg]
(05-28-2014, 01:28 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote:
(05-28-2014, 10:40 AM)Hexadecimal Wrote: I love it when people shame their pets. Even more so when people put together compilations of the best ones:

Have I ever told you about my aunt's dog, Lily AKA Cake Eater?

[Image: 525735_710519848965027_1013955585_n.jpg]

In the dog's defence, how accessible was the cake?
On the floor, beyond a closed and locked door..... That she snuck in as it was being closed.

Here is the after math.

[Image: 644292_710524582297887_1215845350_n.jpg]
My Mom used to bake wedding cakes as a business (still does some for friends, slowed down 6 years ago after a heart attack) out of our home. We had two large dogs at the time, Goldie (Lab mix) and Ellie May (Half German Shepard, Half Border Collie. She was a very beautiful and smart dog, I miss her a lot). We kept them out of the cooking area. But once, they snuck in and ate the side out of this massive cake that was supposed to be for something like 200 people and had to be delivered in a few hours. They actually jumped up on a table to get to it.
Talk about absolute chaos. But, we were able to bake, decorate and deliver an entirely new cake in time.
How to tell your cat no longer wants to play...

[Image: MeekAgitatedDikdik.gif]
A new guy at work and his girlfriend are huge animal lovers. They own three cats, three dogs, two ferrets, and a corn snake.

He told me that once, while they were both gone, the dogs chased the cats into the bathroom and ended up shutting the door, trapping them all. This resulted in the bathroom pretty much getting destroyed along with blood, feces, and urine everywhere.

They do take good care of the animals, but I don't think you should have that many unless there's a human at the house 24/7. With that many critters stuff like that is bound to happen.
So, this tune last year, I had two cats and a dog. One cat died at 20 years old, the dog died at 7. My final pet, Sophie, is 10 and now has advanced cancer and severe diabetes. She's list a ton of weight, her coat has become awful and she can't control her bladder and is peeing everywhere. She had more energy now than she used to and doesn't seem to be in any pain, but I get the feeling her time is coming soon.

It just sucks losing your pets all close together.
Babysitting my cousin's beagle for three days as my cousin is off on a business trip. So far she's enjoying herself around my place.

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