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The Third Degree - Arjahn
(07-02-2014, 03:55 AM)The Antagonist Wrote: Ok, so this is a thing again?
Two new people on the list and it's gamemaster1991's turn.

Edit: Arjahn, since you revived the thread and not on the list... you're in?

I'm in !

GameMaster1991 -

What qualifies you to be a "game master 1991" ?

What do you think was the downfall of the Tuoba Empire and Chagatai Khanate ?

Should I buy or sell ?

If you had the choice of visiting a European country, which would it be ?

What goes better with eggs -- Cumin or Oregano ?

Tell me a joke that involves Henri IV, the Dalai Lama, a stray dog, and Benjamin Netanyahu.
Um...I'll join. Not sure how this works completely, though.

1. Who do you think will win the World Cup?
2. Did you have to google for answers from some of the questions of SERIOUSLY?
3. What did you think of the E3 this year?
Gamemaster1991, what has driven you to such high amounts of accepted submissions?
If you could learn something in it's entirety instantly (say a language, play an instrument, master's level physics), what would it be?
If you were stuck in a time period, what time period would prefer to be stuck in?
Let's see what we have here....

(07-02-2014, 09:24 AM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote: GameMaster1991 -

What qualifies you to be a "game master 1991" ?

What do you think was the downfall of the Tuoba Empire and Chagatai Khanate ?

Should I buy or sell ?

If you had the choice of visiting a European country, which would it be ?

What goes better with eggs -- Cumin or Oregano ?

Tell me a joke that involves Henri IV, the Dalai Lama, a stray dog, and Benjamin Netanyahu.

Because I like games, I like to master them, and I was born in 1991

Being overconfident and not planing well enough.

Buy, Buy Buy...... no wait SELL!

Not sure what counts as a European country (geography was never my subject), but I would like to go to Ireland, UK, and Germany, along with the places you guys are from just to meet you at lest once.

It really depends on who you are. For me, I like Oregano.

Henri IV, the Dalai Lama, a stray dog, and Benjamin Netanyahu walk into a bar and the bar tender says "What is this a joke?".

(07-02-2014, 02:45 PM)The Antagonist Wrote: GameMaster1991

1. Who do you think will win the World Cup?
2. Did you have to google for answers from some of the questions of SERIOUSLY?
3. What did you think of the E3 this year?

1. I have no clue. I have not been keeping up with the world cup but if I had to guess (looks over at forum posts) France or Germany.
2.......... maybe.
3. Some good ideas, many bad ideas. Over all not too bad.

(07-02-2014, 03:19 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: Gamemaster1991, what has driven you to such high amounts of accepted submissions?

Fake answer: Because I have a huge ego and I want to be better than all of you.
Real answer: Because I love finding trivia, and I'm a huge nerd filled with useless knowledge and want to share it with people.

(07-02-2014, 04:17 PM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: If you could learn something in it's entirety instantly (say a language, play an instrument, master's level physics), what would it be?

Hmmmm...... that's hard. I would say knowing how to program everything in video games. Either that or learning how to speak fluent Japanese.

(07-02-2014, 05:37 PM)ssbawesome Wrote: If you were stuck in a time period, what time period would prefer to be stuck in?

If I'm able to build machines and change history, The Civil War. Steam Punk, baby!
If not, not sure. the 60's maybe.
Hey look at that I forgot about a post again

Ok so the revised list is as follows:
The Antagonist

Let me know if I screwed that up somehow.

I'm also going to repost the rules real quick to avoid any potential confusion

Oh and if I abandon this post like my son again, feel free to continue on or add members without me.

Ok, so without further adieu, Psycospacecow, you're up.

1. Are you a vegan?
2. Why are you a vegan?
3. Stop being a vegan goddammit.
4. How many illegitimate kids have you had?
What makes a good space cow, Sir Psycho of The Space Cows?
How long can you hold your breath?
1. I am not a vegan. I enjoy eating cow...Wait a min-
2. I am a vegan because that would be cannibalism otherwise.
3. You buy 'em, I'll fry 'em.
4. -23 actually. Don't ask me how. I don't know how it works.

A good space cow is composed of at least 50% cow, 10% space, and 20% ingenuity with a pinch of Sean Connery's manliness. The rest can be filler, like saw dust or cyanide.
I can hold my breath for -redacted- space -redacted-. Why do you ask?
(08-06-2014, 08:55 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: I can hold my breath for -redacted- space -redacted-. Why do you ask?
No particular reason whatsoever. On a totally unrelated scale, how quickly will air leak out of your spaceship if I say... put a missile in the side of it?
Well, seeing as Space Cow vessels are saran wrapped to keep their freshness, a good few space -redacted-.
1. Can you recommend me some good questions to ask you?
2. Most awkward moment of your life?
3. Why is Arjahn stealling my job and naming space cows?
1. I am afraid that I cannot sir due to unfortunate circumstances.
2. Most awkward moment of my life... Does almost having my legs ground off against a treadmill count as awkward?
3. Hie caem 2 taek uor jahhhhhhhhhhhbbbsss! and I name the space cows.
(08-07-2014, 11:06 AM)Psychospacecow Wrote: Does almost having my legs ground off against a treadmill count as awkward?

If hot girls saw you, yes it counts.

1. What do you prefer... Poor sentimentaly speaking and a millionaire or the exact opposite?
2. Subject you hate the most?
3. How many videogames have you played "illegally"?
4. Is there something you wanted to do but never did?

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