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The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
(07-03-2016, 11:27 AM)Space Jockey Wrote:
(07-01-2016, 12:37 PM)Takahashi2212 Wrote: When you're looking up stuff about Resident Evil, and Mass Distraction's username keeps popping up. He's neck-deep in this stuff. Honestly was kind of cool to see.

Something similar happened to me, i was looking up stuff about Grand Theft Auto and ClaudX's username just popped up everywhere.

Anyway, someone here has knowledge on the Japanese language? Becuase i need help with two trivia submissions.

ClaudX is the GTA guy for this site, much like you're the Jojo's Bizzare Adventure guy.
(07-03-2016, 02:55 PM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: ClaudX is the GTA guy for this site, much like you're the Jojo's Bizzare Adventure guy.

Strange...i always though G-Haven was the "Jojo's Bizzare Adventure guy" of VGfacts because he was the first one who posted JoJo related trivia here (to my knowledge, at least). Unless i am G-Haven succesor in that regard and i am unaware of that.
Not really a self promotion, nor a youtube video. So I'd rather put them here. Move them if they're in the wrong place.

Played a few games of comp. Won 5, Lost 2. Got some good plays out it. I'm a natural Reinhart player according to one of my friends.

Lucio plays, best plays.

Never stop swinging.

Another POTG

Full play

This one hurt the most. Basically saved the team but no POTG.

Thought it would be cool to share.
Fallout 4 News
Update 1.6 is adding 300+ new names for Codsworth.
Update 1.6 has officially bricked my copy of Fallout 4. W and w/o mods, even with complete wipe and reinstall, I am completely unable to progress past the startup menu, and all instances that I attempt to start it from (e.g. Steam, NMM, windows explorer) crash when I do start the startup menu.
(07-03-2016, 04:27 PM)Space Jockey Wrote:
(07-03-2016, 02:55 PM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: ClaudX is the GTA guy for this site, much like you're the Jojo's Bizzare Adventure guy.

Strange...i always though G-Haven was the "Jojo's Bizzare Adventure guy" of VGfacts because he was the first one who posted JoJo related trivia here (to my knowledge, at least). Unless i am G-Haven succesor in that regard and i am unaware of that.

Hmmm....well..... I never noticed. I blame it on my ADD.
Real question: can I be the F-Zero guy, or do I need to find a trivia piece for F-Zero: GP Legend so I have one on every game on the site first?
You are the Ecco The Dolphin guy until the complete F-Zero anthology has had your name on the page.

What guy am I?
(07-09-2016, 11:04 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: You are the Ecco The Dolphin guy until the complete F-Zero anthology has had your name on the page.

What guy am I?

The World of Warcraft guy? :V

(07-09-2016, 05:50 PM)Kakariko Kid Wrote:
(07-03-2016, 04:27 PM)Space Jockey Wrote:
(07-03-2016, 02:55 PM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: ClaudX is the GTA guy for this site, much like you're the Jojo's Bizzare Adventure guy.

Strange...i always though G-Haven was the "Jojo's Bizzare Adventure guy" of VGfacts because he was the first one who posted JoJo related trivia here (to my knowledge, at least). Unless i am G-Haven succesor in that regard and i am unaware of that.

Hmmm....well..... I never noticed. I blame it on my ADD.

Nah, it's ok we are always forgetting stuff, and if you think about it, yes, it is true that G-Haven was the first person that posted JJBA related trivia, but, so far, i posted more trivia than he did (does pending submissions count?), so yeah, i can understand why people think of me as the "JJBA guy".

Also, what is ADD??
I don't feel I'd deserve WoW guy. I literally just experienced WoTLK last year and never made it to Pandaria. Never been in a raid either. They don't seem very fun.
Dude, I met some cool people playing Overwatch, they invited me to their group and we had an awesome time.

Wtf that's not supposed to happen, go back to xbox live you nerds.
From what I've been hearing, XBL has actually been really toxic for Overwatch players because of the reputation system on there being really easy to exploit. I can't say for sure how true that is on account of not own an XB1, but I've found the opposite to be true on PC. Very few toxic players considering its an online FPS. I haven't even been cussed out in Russian yet.

It's not a f2p game, Russian's and other toxic players only infest the f2p games or games that are incredibly cheap (Dota 2, CS:GO). A toxic community comes can occur for many reasons, and Overwatch does actually have a small one, but one nonetheless.

I've never cared for toxic communities because what people tell me online for 10 minutes in a game is not going to dictate my life and I will never see these people again, so might as well go with the flow. Insult them back, and do your best to win so you can have the smug satisfaction that you one up'd them.

I've sidetracked a little there, but yeah. If a game isn't cheap/F2P you'll meet no russians/other third worlders and a Overwatch does have a toxic community on all platforms, but not as much on PC.
I think for PC, its partially just that PC has easier enforcement on Blizz's part.
(07-10-2016, 02:48 PM)Space Jockey Wrote: Also, what is ADD??

Attention Deficit Disorder. "... blame it on my ADD" is also a line is "Sail" by AWOL Nation, which is what I was referencing. I love the song. Check it out.


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