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The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
Not sure if news or just general discussion but here.

Demon Souls playable via a PS3 emulator.

Breath of the wild playable via Wii U emulator.

Xbox emulation is showing signs of life as well.

Really interesting to see how far emulation is coming over the past few years or so.
Tiny moments in life:

Playing Katamari Damacy when my mom stops to watch a little bit. After describing (more so abridging) what you do in the game, she remarks, "That's kinda stupid." After playing a little bit more, I start hearing comments like "Damn bear. He'll get you later", and "You're big enough to get the tricycles." She didn't have to say it, but I believe she was having fun for the little bit that she was watching.
So I've sort of been looking up random things about Halo, and as you all know Halo died with 4 and has been dead since there may actually be a silver lining to all of this.

Apparently, 343 noticed that when they pander to the traditional Halo fans, people approve of it. Whether it be adding the original BR to Halo 5's multiplayer, or the Master Chief Collection in general.

In other words, 343 are actually taking cues from the fans this time around, instead of what Microsoft want. So this could mean that Halo 6 might actually be, dare I say it? Good.

Halo 4 may have had a good story, but everything else was inexcusable, and then with Halo 5 copying everything that other big games have done (which ironically evolved from copying Halo, we've finally gone full fucking circle people) I just couldn't accept 343 as anything but an incompetent developer that doesn't really know what anyone wants and just makes sure they meet their Microsoft quota.

Halo 6 needs a lot to be good in my eyes, but with all this news I've been hearing of 343 actually pandering to nostalgic fans....well they may be on to something here.
Starting playing Borderlands with PsychoSpaceCow et al., and it's been a blast so far.

We're also leaning tons about the birds and the bees :
[Image: eyIKJZx.jpg]
It's 4 am and I've got Zelda on the brain so I'm just gonna rate all of the Water Dungeons I've played through fuck it.

Swamp Palace - Link to the Past
Eh, it's fine. Just like a standard, run of the mill dungeon but with some watery bits. Hardly even counts as a Water Dungeon if you ask me, which might be a good thing. 5/10 - Meh.

Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly - Ocarina of Time
I love this dungeon, I've always loved it. Killing Jellyfish and Uvulas with a boomerang? Weird, creepy viruses and quicksand pits made out of blood vessels? This place is weird as hell and exemplifies everything that a Zelda dungeon should be.

Except for the escort mission fish-person-box bangalore, that was tedious and dumb. 8/10 - Love it.

Water Temple - Ocarina of Time
Ok, honestly, I've never really had a problem with this one. Even as a kid, I never had that much of an issue with it. Inside the Deku Tree always screwed with my head though so I might just be off. It does get tedious, don't get me wrong changing the water levels and your booties all the time is annoying as hell, but both of the boss fights are great, the item is great, and I have a soft spot for that block that floats up then you have to drop underneath where it was. 6/10 - Alright, personal bias.

Pirates' Fortress - Majora's Mask
This one only kinda counts but the swimming up to it with crummy stealth elements bugs the crap out of me. It's just the Gerudo level from OOT but worse and with water. Dropping the Bees and collecting the Eggs are fun though, and I always really enjoyed the Gerdudo fights in the N64 games. 4/10 - Ehhh

Great Bay Temple
I fuckin' hate this place. I fuckin' hate the clunky Zora mask, I fuckin' hate screwing with currents, I fuckin' hate tiny hallways you have to awkwardly swim through, I fuckin' hate the horrible camera tracking here, and I fuckin' hate the boss fight. Ice arrow platforming is fun and keeps this from being the worst Water dungeon ever. 3/10 - Please no

Lakebed Temple - Twilight Princess
I love this place, probably the only Water dungeon I'd ever actually consider good. The underwater segments are still clunky and uncomfortable, but they're few and far between. I love messing around with the Hookshot and I think that it was used incredibly well here; I still think about pulling those turtle guys shells off and throwing them back at 'em today. 7/10 - Really good.

(Breath of the Wild mostly-mechanical but still kinda early story spoilers below)
There are others but I don't really remember them well enough to rank them. Phantom Hourglass's was just hammer puzzles, honestly can't recall anything about Wind Waker's.

You're making the dungeon to be a lot worse that it actually is, but I will admit I spent too long on it.

Using the Time Stop on the gate was fucking retarded, since time stop is used to propel things. Not to open a fucking gate that's attached to something. You should've used the magnet on it, because, you know. It's fucking metal.

Then wheel is also not as bad as you're making it. I didn't know what I was meant to do at first until I got the map and then understood the gimmick of this dungeon. The big wheel in the middle isn't hard at all. I fell off once and then timed everything correctly the second time to be able to fall into the slot awkwardly but still in there.

Also, from what I'm reading it sounds like you did the puzzle a bit wrong. You're not meant to fly mid jump and use the gimmick or whatever you were trying to do to get to the third floor (if that what you were doing?) All I did was just move to the spot that the two water wheels are seperated from and walk onto the platforms and then jump from there.

The trunk was slow I'll give you that.
^ I dunno, guess wheels just give me acid flashbacks or something but I spent a solid hour on that floor contemplating smashing my wii u with a hammer.

Also, playing some Quiplash if anyone wants in, then you just join with your cell phone telephone.

Edit: It's over, really enjoyed it though, I'd love to do it more often for wholesome gems like this.
So I recently found out that all the GTA games from the 3D era/universe (with the exception of Vice City Stories) were ported to Android and IOS. Now, I do not own any of the related devices but still, how good are those ports? I know the graphics are better, but what about the gameplay mechanics? Did they tweaked it up a bit or it's mostly the same? Has the storyline been edited/censored in some form?
(03-25-2017, 03:13 PM)Zpace Jockey Wrote: So I recently found out that all the GTA games from the 3D era/universe (with the exception of Vice City Stories) were ported to Android and IOS. Now, I do not own any of the related devices but still, how good are those ports? I know the graphics are better, but what about the gameplay mechanics? Did they tweaked it up a bit or it's mostly the same? Has the storyline been edited/censored in some form?

I remember playing a wee bit of GTA3 on an iOS device in 2013, it worked very well. Probably even more performant now.
Spent the last hour or so trying to find a way to play an Act 3 Save of Snatcher on an emulator because it's impossible to shoot using a touchpad.

Kega Fusion just doesn't want to use the save files I give it, and the only other sega emulator called Gens hasn't been updated for 15 years so I don't even know how to use that.

Such a shame since it's like the last gameplay moment in the game, and it's one full minute of shooting and it's IMPOSSIBLE on a fucking touchscreen. I can't even connect any bluetooth controllers to it, it won't accept them without rooting the phone.
Picked up Shovel Knight, I am having a legitimate great time playing thru it and the Shield Knight sequences feels pretty neat. I don't have much complaints and I am still playing Bravely Default but the soundtrack is so egregious and samey, placing me out of the game for the majority of my playthrough. Ended up having to turn music off :/
^ oh god play Bravely Default on mute, for the love of god the weird grunting noises and soundtrack just slay my eardrums.

Also, this is a weird question, but what's a good example of a Human Videogame Bad guy? Like a henchman or something, you know noticeable. Just asking because I've gotta shoot a short film and I'm planning on it just being a bunch of character development between minor bad guys in a videogame. Not too big of a deal, but right now I'm pretty much just planning on some Metal Gear Solid guards.
(04-03-2017, 12:40 AM)Arjahn Wrote: Also, this is a weird question, but what's a good example of a Human Videogame Bad guy? Like a henchman or something, you know noticeable. Just asking because I've gotta shoot a short film and I'm planning on it just being a bunch of character development between minor bad guys in a videogame. Not too big of a deal, but right now I'm pretty much just planning on some Metal Gear Solid guards.

The first thing that came to my mind, which may or may not be a good example, are the guys you get to kill in Manhunt (I haven't played Manhunt 2). There's a pretty good variety in character design and these guys are just sitting around, waiting to die.
For minor characters, you could always use Warcraft or Starcraft units. More personality in an SCV than most fps protagonists.
For anyone who enjoy the Dynasty Warrior series, the mobile game is SO MUCH FUN.

It's freemium, but I've been enjoying myself without paying so far.

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