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The Music Thread
(07-20-2017, 04:18 PM)RepentantSky Wrote: Lead Singer of Linkin Park, Chester Bennington has died of a successful suicide attempt.

Other members of the band like Mike Shinoda have confirmed it's real and that an official statement from the band is coming, but suffice it to say, Linkin Park as a band, is likely over. I doubt there's anyone who could replace Chester as a singer of this group.

Sad news aside, we had to know something was going on with the dude/group (whoever writes the songs). Burn It Down, Numb, Breaking the Habit, Powerless. Adding in the fact that he was a drug addict and alcoholic, he must have felt that life wasn't treating him well.
(07-20-2017, 08:01 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote:
(07-20-2017, 04:18 PM)RepentantSky Wrote: Lead Singer of Linkin Park, Chester Bennington has died of a successful suicide attempt.

Other members of the band like Mike Shinoda have confirmed it's real and that an official statement from the band is coming, but suffice it to say, Linkin Park as a band, is likely over. I doubt there's anyone who could replace Chester as a singer of this group.

Sad news aside, we had to know something was going on with the dude/group (whoever writes the songs). Burn It Down, Numb, Breaking the Habit, Powerless. Adding in the fact that he was a drug addict and alcoholic, he must have felt that life wasn't treating him well.
Chester was abused by his father and took it very hard when Sound Garden's lead singer Chris Cornell committed suicide back in May. July 20th is Cornell's birthday. Also, apparently Chester had also had issues with drugs and although it's not been made clear, it seems likely that the combination of all these things hitting him at once lead to the suicide.
(07-21-2017, 01:34 AM)RepentantSky Wrote:
(07-20-2017, 08:01 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote:
(07-20-2017, 04:18 PM)RepentantSky Wrote: Lead Singer of Linkin Park, Chester Bennington has died of a successful suicide attempt.

Other members of the band like Mike Shinoda have confirmed it's real and that an official statement from the band is coming, but suffice it to say, Linkin Park as a band, is likely over. I doubt there's anyone who could replace Chester as a singer of this group.

Sad news aside, we had to know something was going on with the dude/group (whoever writes the songs). Burn It Down, Numb, Breaking the Habit, Powerless. Adding in the fact that he was a drug addict and alcoholic, he must have felt that life wasn't treating him well.
Chester was abused by his father and took it very hard when Sound Garden's lead singer Chris Cornell committed suicide back in May. July 20th is Cornell's birthday. Also, apparently Chester had also had issues with drugs and although it's not been made clear, it seems likely that the combination of all these things hitting him at once lead to the suicide.

I never liked very much "mainstream" music.  If my friends listened to it or other kids at school heard of it, I hated it.

But I had always made an exception for Linkin Park.  As someone who was abused in several pretty vile ways as a child and still deals with some horridly vivid memories of those moments, knowing that Chester had dealt with some similar things always somehow gave me a little hope.

I know that people will make jokes about being music for edgy kids and what not, but hearing someone else, someone in a position of authority say that they had been molested and abused as a child gave some comfort and hope to us with similar backgrounds.  No matter how strong the memories and the pain still is, just keep going on and don't be afraid to mention the pain you feel.
RIP Chester.
^While I can't say that I've been physically abused as a kid, the band still spoke to me as someone who was always told to do better. Getting B's and C's in a class were good, but they weren't A's. I got an A one time in a class, but I was told I couldn't keep it up. I was also put into a "special" group (as in being taken out of class to have someone help you with test taking) because I was looked at as being slow or stupid.
You try telling your friends and your family how you're feeling and the best response you get is "Stop whining." This would make you feel unloved, and has been something I've dealt with to this day, to the point that I have distanced my self from most people. So when you come across a song that brings up the numbing feeling this can all bring, it's atlest nice to know someone else feels that way. I never saw it as this wangsty music that only edgy kids listen to because it's a phase (though Crawling may cross the line, but I never liked the song in the first place). It was just a good band.

If Chester Bennington can take anything to his grave, in the end, he really mattered to a bunch of people.
(07-21-2017, 09:03 AM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote:
(07-21-2017, 01:34 AM)RepentantSky Wrote:
(07-20-2017, 08:01 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: Sad news aside, we had to know something was going on with the dude/group (whoever writes the songs). Burn It Down, Numb, Breaking the Habit, Powerless. Adding in the fact that he was a drug addict and alcoholic, he must have felt that life wasn't treating him well.
Chester was abused by his father and took it very hard when Sound Garden's lead singer Chris Cornell committed suicide back in May. July 20th is Cornell's birthday. Also, apparently Chester had also had issues with drugs and although it's not been made clear, it seems likely that the combination of all these things hitting him at once lead to the suicide.

I never liked very much "mainstream" music.  If my friends listened to it or other kids at school heard of it, I hated it.

But I had always made an exception for Linkin Park.  As someone who was abused in several pretty vile ways as a child and still deals with some horridly vivid memories of those moments, knowing that Chester had dealt with some similar things always somehow gave me a little hope.

I know that people will make jokes about being music for edgy kids and what not, but hearing someone else, someone in a position of authority say that they had been molested and abused as a child gave some comfort and hope to us with similar backgrounds.  No matter how strong the memories and the pain still is, just keep going on and don't be afraid to mention the pain you feel.
RIP Chester.

I had never been abused or anything like that but I had to lot to deal with outside of school drama and the like and when I was 15, I nearly committed suicide, but Linkin Park songs always calmed me down and gave me a place to direct my feelings when things were at their worst. I've always been a huge fan of the band, they were apart of the reason I made it this far. That may seem sappy but it really is true for me.
With my broken foot, I sit at a desk most of the work day and work on a computer and listen to music. I have found myself listening to a lot of......dark country? I'm not sure. Anyways, here are some of my favorites:

Getting some Tom scott vibes from this. And its good.
Pretty sure this is my favorite music video of all time.

Don't you just hate when you go to the bar dressed up in your sailing gear with your best girlie by your side, but the bar is populated by interpretive dancers and this alien from another planet who happens to be missing his front teeth is hitting on your gal the whole night?
Country singer Glen Campbell has passed away.
(08-08-2017, 07:37 PM)ZpaceJ0ck0 Wrote: Country singer Glen Campbell has passed away.

I remember him from watching the medicore film Rock-a-doodle(he provided the voice of Chanticleer and did the singing for most of the songs). This being a song from the film that occasionally comes back to my mind now and then
The internet(for me) theme.

Have some funky Japanese jazz for your friday evening
I was just thinking "Gee, I wish there were more stop motion music videos."
I also happened to think "I wish more people covered the music from "Charlie And The Chocolate Factory" in unique ways".
I followed that with "I would REALLY be thrilled if they used cow noises".

Daggon it, Primus did all of that already.

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