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The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
Guess I'll have to get it for the Xbox. Shame, it's so much cheaper on steam right now.
So I was playing the original Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, and I just realized that the entire framing device for the game is pro skaters travelling to various locations to make skating videos. It's why you get a tape for completing each objective. It's also why all the tapes feature the 411VM logo (a skate magazine known for it's skating VHS tapes). Odd though that it took them until Proving Ground to actually try and replicate the low angle, fish-eye look of 90s skate videos.

Don't know why it took me nearly 20 years to realize this, but it's actually a neat little touch that sadly went away in later games.
I just unsubscribed from The Know, because they had a title and thumbnail suggesting the entire playstation brand was being censored to an unspecified degree, but it was really a bunch of the typical sort in the UK whining for a game to be censored. Anyone know some gaming news youtube channels that aren't toxin infused clickbait vitriol?

Sega turned this down ;-;.
(12-16-2017, 09:09 PM)retrolinkx Wrote:

Sega turned this down ;-;.

...I did not expect to end my night feeling this sad. God dammit. I LOVED Jet Grind Radio.
Finally getting around to playing South Park: The Fractured But Whole now that finals are over, and holy crap am I digging the combat. It's like a new Paper Mario but not terrible (jumping as a depletable resource... c'mon guys).

Intelligent Systems should really look at this game for a prime example of how to update Paper Mario's combat without making it shallow or taking away everything that made the original special.
I've recently been thinking about Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective a lot.

I love that game to bits, and it's probably my 2nd favourite game of all time and I've just noticed that I've gotten 5 people into the game over the past 2 years.

One of them was a friend I told to play the game when I met him at uni back in 2015. Which is funny because he didn't like me at first, and then I acted superior in my taste in gaming around him, so soon enough when I asked if he had played Ghost Trick, he said no in an annoyed voice and so I offered the game to him and that was what made him change his opinion on me.

Another was a friend I had just started to live with last year. He took a liking to Shenmue and from there I told him that he should play Ghost Trick. He made fun of it at first but then absolutely loved it by the end. Telling me it was "fantastic".

The same year from telling people about Ghost Trick, another friend who had heard about the game and knew the spoilers eventually played it and loved it as well, even with the spoilers.

This year was even better, two new freshers came to our societies and we befriended them quickly. I asked if one of them had played Ghost Trick and when he said no I showed him the trailer and asked him to play it. Soon enough he comes back to me a week later telling me it was fantastic and bought his own copy of the game.

To add ONTO this, while we were discussing the game the OTHER person started asking what game we're talking about and told him to also play Ghost Trick, and he was reluctant at first but soon after we convinced him to play it, he did. And he came back to us saying the game was amazing and he couldn't put it down due to how good it was.

Honestly, Ghost Trick may be the only game I'd consider perfect just because it seems as if 99% of players love the game, and only 1% hate it outright, and honestly I've never seen people openly hate the game so who knows.

Still, this post is more to say if you haven't played Ghost Trick yet, play it right the fuck now. I played it back when it came out in 2011, and it still holds up.
(12-20-2017, 06:15 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: I've recently been thinking about Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective a lot.

I love that game to bits, and it's probably my 2nd favourite game of all time and I've just noticed that I've gotten 5 people into the game over the past 2 years.

One of them was a friend I told to play the game when I met him at uni back in 2015. Which is funny because he didn't like me at first, and then I acted superior in my taste in gaming around him, so soon enough when I asked if he had played Ghost Trick, he said no in an annoyed voice and so I offered the game to him and that was what made him change his opinion on me.

Another was a friend I had just started to live with last year. He took a liking to Shenmue and from there I told him that he should play Ghost Trick. He made fun of it at first but then absolutely loved it by the end. Telling me it was "fantastic".

The same year from telling people about Ghost Trick, another friend who had heard about the game and knew the spoilers eventually played it and loved it as well, even with the spoilers.

This year was even better, two new freshers came to our societies and we befriended them quickly. I asked if one of them had played Ghost Trick and when he said no I showed him the trailer and asked him to play it. Soon enough he comes back to me a week later telling me it was fantastic and bought his own copy of the game.

To add ONTO this, while we were discussing the game the OTHER person started asking what game we're talking about and told him to also play Ghost Trick, and he was reluctant at first but soon after we convinced him to play it, he did. And he came back to us saying the game was amazing and he couldn't put it down due to how good it was.

Honestly, Ghost Trick may be the only game I'd consider perfect just because it seems as if 99% of players love the game, and only 1% hate it outright, and honestly I've never seen people openly hate the game so who knows.

Still, this post is more to say if you haven't played Ghost Trick yet, play it right the fuck now. I played it back when it came out in 2011, and it still holds up.
The lead development was handled by Shu Takumi, creator of the Ace Attorney franchise.
Say no more. I’m interested.

Oh man, how have YOU not played it?

It's incredible.
Ryzen 1700x is a monster of a chip. :D

I'm not used to playing games that came out this era where you can see 20 feet in front of you.
A couple of months late for celebration, but still...
[Image: Ibqa1Rv.jpg]
Happy 10th anniversary to that ridiculously epic song about a random guy who sucks at Mega Man 2!

And happy 10th anniversary to No More Heroes! (December 6)
I just downloaded Enter the Gungeon on my Switch.
Loving it!
So, I've been playing the Yakuza series on and off for a few years. I played and finished 1 back in 2015, took me around a month or so, I played through 2 multiple times, but only finished it this October after a month of playing it, and finally I'm onto Yakuza 3.

I wanted to try and complete the game before Christmas, and was rushing through it. I got to Chapter 10 today and decided to call it quits, and see how long I've got left. Yakuza 1 and 2 were around 20 chapters, so I was assuming that it would be 20 chapters as well.

Turns out, it's 12 fucking chapters long. I wouldn't be annoyed with this if it wasn't for the fact the first 6 chapters of the game are setting up the main story of the game, and I'm quite literally leading a Slice of Life, Shounen protag's life. A ex-Yakuza taking care of an orphanage. I mean I liked the game at this point but man, that was HALF of the game.

I was pissed they removed Mahjong from the game, but if it's lacking chapters and other things. That's just a massive shame. I'm glad they at least translated it for us.
Loving how good Fallout 4's looking on my computer now. Got bored of it already though. >:

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