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Threads: 3,884
Members: 6,803
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Threads per day: 0.85
Members per day: 1.5
Posts per member: 11.76
Threads per member: 0.57
Replies per thread: 19.59
Newest Member: Drulybax
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Top referrer: Dazz (4 referrals)

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The Chit Chat Thread: 2 (Electric Boogaloo?) (1,462 replies)
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Guess the videogame in the picture (1,369 replies)
At the Movies! (1,271 replies)
World News (1,046 replies)
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Gaming news (2,750,444 views)
The Free Gaming Thread v2 : Electric Boogaloo (2,332,233 views)
General Anime/Manga/Otaku Thread (2,286,117 views)
The Chit Chat Thread: 2 (Electric Boogaloo?) (2,107,316 views)
Fighting Games (2,088,127 views)
Funny GIFS and Pictures (2,006,443 views)
At the Movies! (1,747,688 views)
Guess the videogame in the picture (1,721,544 views)
The Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread (1,685,706 views)
The 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!' thread (1,632,329 views)
The Share Youtube Videos Thread! (1,346,228 views)
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