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Non-Gaming Kickstarter Thread
Banging up this thread back with an indiego project that a few of my online friends's friends are working on that are in need of your help.

Support this so they'll kick Disney in the sack for closing the doors on the 2D animation film department.
Under the Dog is a really cool looking animated feature. Check out the story, concept art and trailer on their kickstarter page:

The second one I'd like to bring to your attention is a sad one, so sorry about that. This dude saves sick and orphaned cats from the streets and tries to treat them to health but it's a costy procedure. There's no time limit on this one, except the kitten's life, which actually makes this even sadder. It's legit, don't worry.
Bumping this thread. To reveal a stop-motion animation project of the freak brothers
I think this video would be appropriate on this thread:
^That video is more of a joke on people who abuse kickstarter(like that idiot who funded for a potato salad).
(02-23-2015, 04:29 PM)CLXcool Wrote: ^That video is more of a joke on people who abuse kickstarter(like that idiot who funded for a potato salad).

Hey, say what you will, but at least he delivered. I'm still bitter about the stomping land.
Animator Billy Plympton's got a new hand-drawn film coming, he needs your help to make it a reality.
I'm bumping this. Because this kickstarter project might interest ya(even you Psycho if you're reading this)
I'll be enthusiastic when they aren't so secretive of the new style.
(07-23-2015, 01:25 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: I'll be enthusiastic when they aren't so secretive of the new style.

They reached their goal yesterday, maybe one of the stretch goals will have a sneak peak on what the animation will look like.
Cyanide And Happiness are makeing (what I assume to be) a Cards Agenst Humanity-style card game. I'm not the bigest CaH fan and I think card games are getting out of hand now adays, but I still want to see them make this.

Joking Hazard (no, seriously. That's what it's called)
Go fund The Order, a movie staring former Power Ranger actors.
Fund Long Gone Gulch from Tara Billinger & Zach Bellissimo. To start a pilot for a new cartoon in a western.
Better leave this before some nutjob/lunatic posts it
Yeh. He's calling me a nutjob because he can't get over his own problems or he's mad about my opinion on the KS.

Anyway, here's an old KS that has been legitimately funded:

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