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Youtube but not the videos
Man, this is some grade A weaponized bull. It better perform a lot better to justify this terrible ui.
It doesn't.
I love how when I was just staring blankly at the changes there suddenly was this little popup that said "Take a look at the changes we made to make the site more intuitive!"

I'm starting to think they are seriously just fucking with us.

Btw. My friend just told me that ever since the changes the videos have loaded reeeeeally slow for him. It's not just him, though, it seems to take forever for the main page to load up for me.
Another uncalled for upgrade.
I didn't mind the changes as much this time because the video player was finally recentered, and then I went to a channel page...
I made the mistake of leaving a funny comment on a video from a popular channel when it was just uploaded. Now this crappy new notification system won't shut up about all the +1's on my comment. Does it really have to remind me of every single one?

Btw. Is anyone else having the problem that when you're trying to leave a comment the site tells you to sign in again? It keeps doing that and it's annoying as hell. Seriously, YouTube (or more precisely google) is the bane of my existence.
Yeah, I've had that problem. Also, when I touch the like button, I have to do it 5 or 6 times before it accepts it.
Sometimes either the like or the reply buttons are missing for me too on random comments. Reloading the page does nothing.

(03-09-2014, 05:40 AM)Mass Distraction Wrote: Sometimes either the like or the reply buttons are missing for me too on random comments. Reloading the page does nothing.


People can ask to not have the like or reply buttons not added to their comments. It's both a smart and trollish thing to do.
Really? Huh. I can understand choosing not to have the like/dislike feature available for your comments since then the notification system won't spam your inbox with every single like ever left. I just wish there was a simple option to choose NOT to be reminded of such trivial things. Only things I care about are replies to my own comments and comments to my videos.

As for the replies to my own comments, this system also reminds me of replies to people who either replied to my comment or replied to the comment I replied to. I don't need this information! And it gets really annoying when people just go on a comment spree with each other, none of them actually having anythign to do with the comment I left. Thanks google. Seriously, you're the best.
OMG YouTube just gave me the scare of a lifetime! For some reason it had changed my login into my stupid google+ account instead of my actual YT account and all my subs and videos were missing. Everything's fine now.
Goddamnit google.... Goddamnit...

A comment on the video sums this bullshit up pretty well: "They're too busy linking everything to Google+ to properly review the problems that they actually have."

EDIT: Wouldn't you know, the video got deleted. Smooth move there, google. I know it says "Private video" but why would the guy himself make a video about YT awareness private?
It might just be me but, I think Youtubes sub box is absolutely broken today, because the "My Subscriptions" page hasn't updated for 16 hours and people I watch have definitely uploaded videos.
Its recommending me Women's cosmetics and clothing tips because I watched some buzzfeed top 10s in my insomnia.
It also decides which channels it wants to display me in my subscriptions. I am subscribed to a lot of channels and apparently they submit A LOT more than I would have thought.
I think I figured it out. I had all my subscriptions under the "show uploads only" option, which apparently caused it to do the opposite, so I unchecked that for all of my subs and now it's showing everyone's uploads. I really hate Youtube sometimes.
Only sometimes?

A thing happened:

Some cartoon analysis guy's account got terminated without a warning and knowing google, especially pointing out to the video I have posted above, they will never reply to his inquiries in any respectful or productive manner.

Just remember people who have posted content containing someone else's work, be it game or cartoon, there is a chance google will fuck you over too.

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