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So, I nearly died on Sunday afternoon.
Ok, I didn't die. Heck, I wasn't even hurt. Just emotionally hurt and very scared.

Did you hear about the tornadoes that struck Illinois and Indiana on Sunday afternoon? No? Well, check this out.

Now that you know what's up. I was nearly in the freaking thing. So, we were coming home from a family emergency that forced my sister and brother to make a trip down to Arkansas (crappy state, I tell you... well, At least Searcy is a crappy town). On our way home, we noticed that there was some pretty dark clouds around us, and in an area, it was really green looking. We're driving down the interstate then all the sudden it pours so heavy, the heaviest I have ever seen it in my nearly 24 years of existence, that we could not see in front of our vehicle. I kid you not, all we could see was our hood. Take that, with being on a busy interstate near a pretty big town. Yep, you can totally guess what was going through my head at the time. All I could think about was that someone was going to hit us and we were going to die. Our vehicle shook a bit, even slid a little bit. We were lucky enough to pull to the side of the road and just stop.

Probably 30 seconds rolls by and the rain slows down dramatically. Still raining, but nowhere near as heavy. All 3 of us (sister, brother-in-law and me, my brother lives in Missouri) in the vehicle were shocked that not a single accident happened around us. We were all scared. We're driving home and we saw houses destroyed, METAL powerlines snapped in half (just think of the force that was there to do that in the first place), semis rolled over (about 6 we saw, there were definitely more than that).

We made it. Now, I'm finding out that about 10 people dead and many more injured. No power in some areas. It was an F-4 tornado! Wow!
Bloody hell, AZR, happy to know you and the other passengers got through OK !
Jeeeeesus. Glad you're ok!!!!
Well, at least you're all well dude.
Its good to hear you're alright man. Don't really know what else to say.
There really isn't much else to say, really. I mean, I look at this story at a perspective of someone who wasn't in it and all I can think of saying is everything you guys have said. But thanks guys!
It would have been way worse if a tornado hit that intersection...
But your ok and thats all that matters! :D
Now I feel bad for being annoyed that my power flickered twice and I lost a few turns in Civ5. I'm glad you and you're family are OK.
"you and you are family are safe"

right. lol

But thanks!
Damn, America is one scary place yo'.

Lucky you made it by the skin of your teeth.

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