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Last game you beat
Just beaten Super Mario RPG. This was a little fun blast to the past. Its quite understandable how both Paper Mario and the Mario and Luigi series got their start off. I think what made this good was that its got very likable characters, great music that feels like it would fit in Mario's universe while it still maintains the RPG elements for the RPG games, and the humor is funny here.  Also. I did the unthinkable while I was playing this game. I beaten Cluex(the secret optional boss) and I got the proof for it too

[Image: DcW6nATVQAAsAIC.jpg]

He was hard, but I never felt so satisfied to kick this guy's butt. He was challenging as gamers were going on about. I think what the sad thing about this is the first and last(if you're not counting cameos) we got to see characters like Geno, Mallow, Booster, and everything else that was created for this game. Even though I'm not holding my breathe for a straight up sequel for Mario RPG. If one should happen. It would be a tough torch to carry. Although, the possibility of that may be possible since Square and Nintendo are on good terms to bring their games to the Nintendo switch.
Beaten Metal Gear Solid II last night. I can understand how some of the fans dislike this particular title. One thing that impressed me were the game's graphics. The writing in this game is pretty good. The only downside of this game are the game's cutscenes. They're too damn long. I can tell they were aiming for feature film quality in terms of how long the cutscenes. I'm thankful that the scenes were skippable, but hell, I almost forgot that it would've been two am by the time the game would go back into gameplay.

I mean, ALL MGS game have long cutscenes, MGS4 has an hour long epilogue.
Beat the original Bioshock on PC today for the first time on hard.
Bioshock is still the great game it's always been, gonna try on Survivor the next time I play through. But god damn, the "Remastered" edition is a buggy mess. The positional audio is just broken and I came across a lot of graphical glitches that weren't even the original game. I don't even know how they managed to do all that and without giving the game any substantial graphical upgrades. I'd more mad but I only paid $5 for it on G2A. So whatever, Bioshock is still a modern classic and I'd recommend it to anyone who's never played it. Even if you don't like shooters, the story and world are reason enough to play. Just buy the original version if your playing on Steam. (EDIT: Well they both come bundled together, so just download the original.)
So today I finished playing Final Ninja.

What can I say about the game that hasn't been said thousands of times? Decent plot, challeging but fair (for the most part), the soundtrack while repetitive it keeps you going and sets the mood. My only real complaint is that the Cyborg Samurai enemies are more difficult to kill than the first and second bosses. A fun little flash game, overall. (the game)
Last year I played Metal Gear Solid 3 for a game challenge. I found it a slog to get through and pretty much gave up on the 3D Metal Gear games. This year, there's another challenge, so I did the same thing with Metal Gear Solid 2.

It is a very silly game that wants to be a serous game and put forward a serious message. However, unlike MGS3, this feels like Mr. Kojima knows what he's talking about. The game is finally tuned to be tough but fair. I was afraid that since it took place on an oil facility, I would get lost, but I knew where I was at all times. The long cutscenes did turn me off at first, but after the intro scene, they weren't too bad IMO and I pretty much enjoyed them. That being said, the last two cutscenes of the game lasted an hour including the time I took to kill the boss (which wasn't very long), and tried to jam every twist the story could muster.

All in all, I just learned that MGS3 was a fluke and just because I didn't love or even like the best game in the series, doesn't mean it's a bad series. It's not enough to make me a hardcore fan, but I'm more then willing to go play the other games. I'm even excited to playDeath Stranding now.
(06-28-2018, 07:40 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: Last year I played Metal Gear Solid 3 for a game challenge. I found it a slog to get through and pretty much gave up on the 3D Metal Gear games. This year, there's another challenge, so I did the same thing with Metal Gear Solid 2.

It is a very silly game that wants to be a serous game and put forward a serious message. However, unlike MGS3, this feels like Mr. Kojima knows what he's talking about.

MGS3? Don't you mean MGS2?
(06-28-2018, 08:45 PM)ZpaceJ0ck0 Wrote:
(06-28-2018, 07:40 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: Last year I played Metal Gear Solid 3 for a game challenge. I found it a slog to get through and pretty much gave up on the 3D Metal Gear games. This year, there's another challenge, so I did the same thing with Metal Gear Solid 2.

It is a very silly game that wants to be a serous game and put forward a serious message. However, unlike MGS3, this feels like Mr. Kojima knows what he's talking about.

MGS3? Don't you mean MGS2?

You're right. I LOVED the message of "You can't trust any one on the battlefield" and "War is hell and is not fair." I LOVE the fact that Spoiler:the three people that betray someone are laid out so that you can guess at a sight who they are. The person who repeats over and over "Don't trust anyone" is the person who betrays someone not once but twice. Hell, the game has Ocelot as a main bad guy and if the previous two games are to go by, he's going to be a double agent. I LOVE the fact that Big Boss/Naked Snake, who we're told is a great soldier and is the best at what he does, is love sick over his teacher for the entire game and doesn't know what to do around girls.

I'll give you that MGS2 is worst then most of the series. I've only played four/five of them (Solid 2, Solid 3, Ghost Babel, and both the NES/MSX games), so I wouldn't really know at this point. However, having played those games, I'm well aware of the "war sucks" and "someone is going to betray you" messages and each of those games did it better by making me care about the characters (except for NES/MSX). Even MGS1, which I've only seen, does a better job at making me care about everyone I see. I can't tell you a single thing about the The Pain or The End aside from one likes Bees/wasps and the other is an old guy who dies if you forget to play your game for a while. I can tell you a lot about The Boss, but it's mostly stuff to make you feel sorry for her.
Ghost Babel did a bad job at giving depth to there villains but even then, it only asked you to care about Chris and I think they succeeded at that. The three characters MGS3 asked me to care about (Snake, EVA, and The Boss) I really could not careless about. Jack and Rose's relationship may have been...... bad, but you can see a relationship in there and that they do love each other and it's breaking Raiden's heart that Rose might not be the person he thinks she is. We're meant to believe that Snake and EVA would get together after the mission, but I'm still under the impression that he cloned himself because he's uncomfortable around women. And then there is the problem I have with with Adam. I knew who he was, the game told me that I didn't know who he was, and then at the end told me I did know after all. MGS2 may be stupid, but at lest it didn't insult my insult my intelligence.

I'm sorry, but MGS3 has the worst story and characters.

Edit: Sorry if any of that sounded a bit sour. It's just something I've been thinking about for sometime.
....oh, that's cool. That's not what I meant by by original post, thought.

I thought you made a typo by mentioning MGS3 twice on a single sentence when you were alreadyd talking about it (not sure if I ezplain myself here). I wanst trying to refute your points or anything. Mostly because I have yet to play any Metal Gear game.
(06-29-2018, 05:50 PM)ZpaceJ0ck0 Wrote: ....oh, that's cool. That's not what I meant by by original post, thought.

I thought you made a typo by mentioning MGS3 twice on a single sentence when you were alreadyd talking about it (not sure if I ezplain myself here). I wanst trying to refute your points or anything. Mostly because I have yet to play any Metal Gear game.

....oh.... Sorry for ranting. I'm just tired hear how good the game is even though I see so many flaws with it. All of that is from someone who started out with MGS3 and moved on the original, Ghost Babel and MGS2. I finished each of those games with one playthrough in the span of a week, but MGS3 took me years of stopping and restarting just to finish. I don't mean to scare anyone off of the game.

If you ever want to get into the series, start with the NES game (as that pretty much the MSX game with minor changes) or MGS1, and play them in order. Don't let my pessimistic look at this game to suck out the fun you may have. You may see everything I don't see.
Battle Mania Daiginjou, or Trouble Shooter Vintage in English. A really cool shootemup for the Mega Drive that was only released in Japan (although the prequel was released in English under the name Trouble Shooter).

It's a game about two girls one named Madison and the other named Crystal who are some sort of Mercenaries or something. They're hired (or at least I think they're hired) to take down people. Honestly, I'm not sure what the story was about really I just like to think of them as human Panty and Stocking and they've got jobs where they fly around shooting people. The girls are fun characters though and I enjoyed them for what little we knew about them.

The gameplay is a lot of fun, although it's pretty much reaction times and trial and error. There's difficulty but it wasn't too bad since I had played the original and knew how the game worked so I finished it in one sitting and a couple of deaths. It also has some great music.


If you're a fun of horizontal shmups with some semblance of difficulty, play Trouble Shooter and Trouble Shooter Vintage (with the translation). They're a lot of fun for what they are.

Far cry 5 and it was really an amazing game. Loved the graphics and story.
Bought Halo 3 last sunday, so it's about time to continue my look at the series with this and Halo 4. Over thoughts: Meh. About a 6/10. I've played better and worse (Combat Evolved  and Reach are still the worse of all four I've played). It feels like an overly drawn out epilogue to Halo 2. The last game set up the main conflict, had a big plot revil for both sides of the conflict, and ended before we could get any any resolution for anything. This game even opens up (what I believe) is right after the screen cuts to black. It's a fun game, I had fun with it, but it's just warping up every lose thread that 2 brought up.
The Flood where once again mostly wasted. That being said, they were kinda scary again. The next to last level made me feel like I did in the orignal Halo's Flood level. There was also a mission near the end involving the Flood that was really cool. Cortana and Gravemind's "Hallucinations" (best word I could come up with) were neat, but wore out their welcome almost instantly. My biggest complaint would have to be the boss fights. Spoiler:There's only one. The Prophet of Truth and Gravemind were built up as the main people we have to take down to save the world, but both were taken out in cutscenes. And the one with Guilty Spark is only layed out like a boss, but is more of a interactive cutscene.
I never realized how much I liked Cortana until I spent most of the game without her. It's really jarring when you finally get a voice that constantly talks to you when it's been mostly missing. The one thing that Halo always does have is great music. Most of the fight scenes and emotional scenes seem to hit a bit harder, even though I'm 95% sure most of the music I'm thinking of is from the last game. It's this music that I think makes the final mission my favrate level in the whole series.
In review, kinda good, just not the best in the series.
Had downtime with Metroid: Samus Returns. For two days, I was on a roll from collecting as many missiles, upgrades, and showing the metroids who their maker was. Then the last Metroid was giving me the hardest time. I don't know if I somehow choked or whatever but the final Metroid was really irritating me because it wasn't the hardest boss but I kept getting killed for the dumbest reasons so I ragequited.

I comeback to the game about two weeks later because I had nothing to do and ended up beating it...THE. FIRST. TRY. I just don't understand myself.

Anywho, ended up beating the game that very same day and the final boss(Meta Ridley) was a walk in the park.
Beat Halo 4 now. I'm not sure what the fan reaction to the game was, but I think I remember hearing that it's not as good as the original trilogy. If that's true then I need to apologize right now, because I think that this my be my favorite so far. I do see the problems with the game, but I'm sure that the entertainment that I had out weighted any gripe or nit pick I could come up with.  For one I think it made me care about Master Chief, a character that I always thought was one of the worst things to come out of the Bro-gamer culture. Before he was just a faceless soldier who respected the military. Now he's actually a character who has who has actual emotions. A bit of a shame that I find it really funny/disturbing every time he has a touching moment and we can't see his face, but one step at a time. It's also eye rolling that John is no longer a great soldier with really good luck, but is now also "the chosen one" with special DNA that no one else has, not even the other Spartans.

Still, I'm a little sad that this is where I'm going to have to leave the series for some time, since I'm not going to get an XBO anytime soon. It's a shame cause I really wanted to see how bad Halo 5 is. Oh well, at lest I have ODST and Wars to look forward to next time I'm in the neighborhood.

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