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I don't know, but a game released with such a massive glitch as GTA V had should not even be considered a 10. Gameplay, I understand, is still awesome, and still should have a decent score, but not a 10. NO.

People be getting money under da table.
For anyone that didn't see the new Nintendo Direct here you go.
I got back into payday 2 and i leveled up like CRAZY! i was level 60 a week ago now im level 80. My character is a total tank. Anybody on the forums that havee Payday 2 on PS3 wanna play?. I need fellow heisters
Gotta love game journalism these days.

Sure, it's an old article but I only now happened to see it. "Hey, let's make a short news piece about an announcement of a new part to a game series and say it should have died already. Reasons? We don't need those."

I can only assume why I have never heard of a gaming news site called ZTGD.
(10-01-2013, 08:15 PM)PixelXenoKing Wrote: I got back into payday 2 and i leveled up like CRAZY! i was level 60 a week ago now im level 80. My character is a total tank. Anybody on the forums that have Payday 2 on PS3 wanna play? I need fellow heisters

I bought Saints Row IV instead of Payday 2, and then I bought Diablo 3 instead of Payday 2...
(10-01-2013, 05:39 PM)JiraiyaSannin Wrote: For anyone that didn't see the new Nintendo Direct here you go.

Quite a few interesting bits of news there.
-Gonna have to buy those awesome Mario and Luigi Wii Motion Plus controllers.
-Do want Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies...but not from the eShop.
-Super Mario 3D: Worlds looks pretty fun. Just a shame Nintendo gonna Nintendo and milk the Super Mario 3D series like they've done/doing with New Super Mario.
-Nice to see DLC for three 3DS games.
-Atlus are still a shitty company. In Europe we only just recently got Etrian Odyssey IV...then they announce Etrian Odyssey: Untold Stories with no mention of Europe. I've said it before on the forum because of past experiences, and this just pushes my point further. Fuck Atlus.
-The new Square-enix game 'Bravely Default' looks awesome. Better than anything Atlus could ever produce.
-Zelda going back to it's original roots is freaking awesome! I want a hard Zelda that isn't holding my hands like Skyward Sword insultingly did.
-Kirby looks like a breathe of fresh air. Definitely getting
Super Mario 3D World Looks AWESOME!!!. Times like this i wished i had a WII U. Super mario 3D Land was also amazing i got hooked onto it for a while
Woo Kirby!

Oh, and Neko Mario still looks pretty great.
The Battlefield 4 beta has crashed 5 too many times in the loading screen for me to keep caring.

I'm scared.
(10-03-2013, 01:54 AM)retrolinkx Wrote:

I'm scared.

Cannot stop laughing!
Oh my XD
*Is watching on repeat*
And that is why Bite is a dark type move.
(10-03-2013, 01:54 AM)retrolinkx Wrote:

I'm scared.

Super Effective for a reason bra!
See, it's funny the first time.

Then you watch it again.

And you see Red's face when Charmander is getting bit.

Then you watch it again

And you see the flame of Charmanders Flame get smaller.

Then you watch it again.

And it's scary, and terrifying.

Also, the way Red's body is positioned, you can see he was really into the battle until that part happened, and he didn't know what to do. He was confused, and wondering what the hell to do.

I wonder if this is going to be in the dub...

Here, have something that is funny, and not terrifying.
Hey, I'm doing this free horror game thing at Screwattack. Did it last year too.

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