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Hunger Games Simulator
Nah, you got the right idea.
District 12

Captain Kirk
[Image: star-trek-william-shatner-300x202.jpg]

Captain Picard
[Image: image1.jpg]
[Image: Mrx9zlm.jpg]
Day 1

As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.

Majora's Mask Moon runs away from the Cornucopia.

Uncle Grandpa grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty.

Charlie Chaplin's Mustache runs away from the Cornucopia.

Chimera runs away from the Cornucopia.

Freddy Mercury's Mustache severely slices Kirk with a sword.

Maggot finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver.

Ryu Hayabusa runs away from the Cornucopia.

Xenoverse Trunks runs away from the Cornucopia.

Wikus runs away from the Cornucopia.

Taki takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia.

Lucina runs away from the Cornucopia.

CosmykTheDolfyn runs away from the Cornucopia.

Picard grabs a sword.

Garbage the Fox grabs a sword.

Psychospacecow runs away from the Cornucopia.

Marvin grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.

Don Cheadle runs away from the Cornucopia.

Hulk Hogan grabs a backpack and retreats.

Charles Barkley stays at the cornucopia for resources.

Shaq runs away from the Cornucopia.

Beak grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.

Marco Rossi runs away from the Cornucopia.

Allen O'Neil runs into the cornucopia and hides.

Maggot stalks Shaq.

Uncle Grandpa, Hulk Hogan, Beak, and Chimera raid Picard's camp while he is hunting.

Majora's Mask Moon overhears Wikus and Charlie Chaplin's Mustache talking in the distance.

CosmykTheDolfyn explores the arena.

Taki explores the arena.

Freddy Mercury's Mustache receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Xenoverse Trunks poisons Lucina's drink, but mistakes it for his own and dies.

Garbage the Fox receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Marvin tries to sleep through the entire day.

Marco Rossi tries to sleep through the entire day.

Psychospacecow camouflauges himself in the bushes.

Allen O'Neil attacks Don Cheadle, but he manages to escape.

Ryu Hayabusa bleeds out due to untreated injuries.

Charles Barkley receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 12

Xenoverse Trunks
District 3

Ryu Hayabusa
District 5

Captain Kirk, Trunks and Ryu are Dead

Taki climbs a tree to rest.

Don Cheadle climbs a tree to rest.

Garbage the Fox goes to sleep.

Freddy Mercury's Mustache and Picard tell stories about themselves to each other.

Charles Barkley and Hulk Hogan hold hands.

Majora's Mask Moon screams for help.

Lucina lets Uncle Grandpa into her shelter.

Marvin tries to sing herself to sleep.

Shaq climbs a tree to rest.

Allen O'Neil thinks about winning.

Beak stays awake all night.

Chimera sets up camp for the night.

Psychospacecow cooks his food before putting his fire out.

Marco Rossi tries to treat her infection.
Day 2

Maggot begs for Charlie Chaplin's Mustache to kill him. He refuses, keeping Maggot alive.

Wikus bashes CosmykTheDolfyn's head against a rock several times.

Garbage the Fox defeats Psychospacecow in a fight, but spares his life.

Wikus stalks Taki.

Freddy Mercury's Mustache searches for a water source.

Lucina, Don Cheadle, and Picard hunt for other tributes.

Hulk Hogan receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Charlie Chaplin's Mustache fishes.

Charles Barkley steals from Marco Rossi while she isn't looking.

Beak, Shaq, Uncle Grandpa, and Majora's Mask Moon hunt for other tributes.

Allen O'Neil scares Chimera off.

Maggot runs away from Marvin.

1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.

District 9

Cosmyk is Dead

Marvin sets up camp for the night.

Allen O'Neil receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Shaq and Garbage the Fox sleep in shifts.

Lucina, Freddy Mercury's Mustache, Don Cheadle, and Psychospacecow sleep in shifts.

Marco Rossi, Charles Barkley, and Uncle Grandpa discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

Taki, Majora's Mask Moon, and Charlie Chaplin's Mustache sleep in shifts.

Beak is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

Picard and Chimera talk about the tributes still alive.

Maggot tends to his wounds.

Wikus destroys Hulk Hogan's supplies while he is asleep.
Day 3

Majora's Mask Moon discovers a cave.

Lucina receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Charlie Chaplin's Mustache camouflauges himself in the bushes.

Hulk Hogan runs away from Freddy Mercury's Mustache.

Charles Barkley begs for Maggot to kill her. He refuses, keeping Charles Barkley alive.

Garbage the Fox tends to Taki's wounds.

Don Cheadle tries to sleep through the entire day.

Psychospacecow explores the arena.

Marco Rossi tends to Uncle Grandpa's wounds.

Allen O'Neil decapitates Shaq with a sword.

Chimera kills Wikus as she tries to run.

Beak injures herself.

Marvin tries to spear fish with a trident.

Picard receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 6

District 9

Shaq and Wikus are dead

Beak tracks down and kills Freddy Mercury's Mustache.

Charlie Chaplin's Mustache cries himself to sleep.

Marvin convinces Don Cheadle to snuggle with her.

Majora's Mask Moon loses sight of where she is.

Chimera receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Psychospacecow cooks his food before putting his fire out.

Uncle Grandpa sets up camp for the night.

Allen O'Neil, Marco Rossi, and Charles Barkley track down and kill Lucina.

Garbage the Fox destroys Maggot's supplies while he is asleep.

Picard tries to treat his infection.

Hulk Hogan and Taki sleep in shifts.
Day 4

Majora's Mask Moon receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Garbage the Fox and Hulk Hogan work together for the day.

Maggot silently snaps Allen O'Neil's neck.

Beak begs for Taki to kill her. She refuses, keeping Beak alive.

Marvin receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Marco Rossi stalks Don Cheadle.

Chimera makes a slingshot.

Uncle Grandpa constructs a shack.

Picard defeats Charles Barkley in a fight, but spares her life.

Psychospacecow and Charlie Chaplin's Mustache work together for the day.

3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Freddy Mercury's Mustache
District 8

District 3

Allen O'Neil
District 11

Freddy's Stash, Lucina, and Allen are dead.

Picard and Chimera run into each other and decide to truce for the night.

Taki is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

Hulk Hogan defeats Uncle Grandpa in a fight, but spares his life.

Don Cheadle thinks about winning.

Garbage the Fox sets up camp for the night.

Majora's Mask Moon and Psychospacecow hold hands.

Marvin begs for Beak to kill her. She refuses, keeping Marvin alive.

Marco Rossi and Maggot talk about the tributes still alive.

Charles Barkley thinks about home.

Charlie Chaplin's Mustache cooks his food before putting his fire out.
[b]Day 5

[/b] discovers a river.

Maggot collects fruit from a tree.

Charles Barkley kills Garbage the Fox as she tries to run.

Charlie Chaplin's Mustache diverts Uncle Grandpa's attention and runs away.

Beak sprains her ankle while running away from Hulk Hogan.

Chimera searches for firewood.

Don Cheadle receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Psychospacecow falls into a pit and dies.

Majora's Mask Moon injures herself.

Picard constructs a shack.

Marco Rossi thinks about home.

Taki accidently steps on a landmine.

3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Garbage the Fox
District 2

District 10

District 5

Garbage, Psycho, and Taki are dead.

Maggot fends Charlie Chaplin's Mustache, Don Cheadle, and Uncle Grandpa away from his fire.

Chimera is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

Hulk Hogan cooks his food before putting his fire out.

Marvin quietly hums.

Charles Barkley quietly hums.

Majora's Mask Moon and Picard huddle for warmth.

Beak and Marco Rossi tell stories about themselves to each other.
Day 6

Chimera questions his sanity.

Beak makes a slingshot.

Hulk Hogan diverts Maggot's attention and runs away.

Marco Rossi, Majora's Mask Moon, Charles Barkley, and Picard hunt for other tributes.

Don Cheadle bashes Marvin's head in with a mace.

Uncle Grandpa stabs Charlie Chaplin's Mustache in the back with a trident.

2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 10

Charlie Chaplin's Mustache
District 8

Marvin and Charlie's Stach are dead

Maggot sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Chimera passes out from exhaustion.

Marco Rossi goes to sleep.

Uncle Grandpa and Majora's Mask Moon talk about the tributes still alive.

Hulk Hogan and Beak sleep in shifts.

Picard receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Charles Barkley and Don Cheadle tell stories about themselves to each other.

Day 7

Don Cheadle kills Marco Rossi with her own weapon.

Chimera begs for Majora's Mask Moon to kill him. She refuses, keeping Chimera alive.

Uncle Grandpa scares Hulk Hogan off.

Charles Barkley receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Beak kills Maggot with a hatchet.

Picard explores the arena.

Monkey mutts fill the arena.

Picard is pummeled to the ground and killed by a troop of monkey mutts.

Charles Barkley survives.

Don Cheadle survives.

Chimera survives.

Hulk Hogan survives.

Uncle Grandpa survives.

Majora's Mask Moon uses Beak as a shield from the monkey mutts.

4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Marco Rossi
District 11

District 7

District 12

District 7

Marco, Maggot, Captain Picard, and Beak are dead.

Chimera goes to sleep.

Don Cheadle tends to his wounds.

Charles Barkley looks at the night sky.

Hulk Hogan overpowers Majora's Mask Moon, killing her.

Uncle Grandpa receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.

Uncle Grandpa decides not to go to The Feast.

Charles Barkley severely injures Chimera and leaves him to die.

Hulk Hogan decides not to go to The Feast.

Don Cheadle falls into a frozen lake and drowns.

Hulk Hogan practices his archery.

Charles Barkley pushes Uncle Grandpa off a cliff during a knife fight.

A swarm of tracker jackers invades the arena.

While running away from the tracker jackers, Hulk Hogan grabs Charles Barkley and throws her to the ground.

5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Majora's Mask Moon
District 1

District 2

Don Cheadle
District 6

Uncle Grandpa
District 1

Charles Barkley
District 4

The Moon, Chimera, Don, Uncle Grandpa, and Charles are dead.

The winner is Hulk Hogan from District 4!

The Bloodbath
Freddy Mercury's Mustache severely slices Kirk with a sword.

Day 1
Xenoverse Trunks poisons Lucina's drink, but mistakes it for his own and dies.
Ryu Hayabusa bleeds out due to untreated injuries.

Night 1
Wikus bashes CosmykTheDolfyn's head against a rock several times.

Day 2
No deaths occurred.

Night 2
No deaths occurred.

Day 3
Allen O'Neil decapitates Shaq with a sword.
Chimera kills Wikus as she tries to run.

Night 3
Beak tracks down and kills Freddy Mercury's Mustache.
Allen O'Neil, Marco Rossi, and Charles Barkley track down and kill Lucina.

Day 4
Maggot silently snaps Allen O'Neil's neck.

Night 4
No deaths occurred.

Day 5
Charles Barkley kills Garbage the Fox as she tries to run.
Psychospacecow falls into a pit and dies.
Taki accidently steps on a landmine.

Night 5
No deaths occurred.

Day 6
Don Cheadle bashes Marvin's head in with a mace.
Uncle Grandpa stabs Charlie Chaplin's Mustache in the back with a trident.

Night 6
No deaths occurred.

Day 7
Don Cheadle kills Marco Rossi with her own weapon.
Beak kills Maggot with a hatchet.

Arena Event
Monkey mutts fill the arena.
Picard is pummeled to the ground and killed by a troop of monkey mutts.
Majora's Mask Moon uses Beak as a shield from the monkey mutts.

Night 7
Hulk Hogan overpowers Majora's Mask Moon, killing her.

The Feast
Charles Barkley severely injures Chimera and leaves him to die.
Don Cheadle falls into a frozen lake and drowns.

Day 8
Charles Barkley pushes Uncle Grandpa off a cliff during a knife fight.

Arena Event
A swarm of tracker jackers invades the arena.
While running away from the tracker jackers, Hulk Hogan grabs Charles Barkley and throws her to the ground.
The winner is Hulk Hogan from District 4!

Tribute Placements

1. Hulk Hogan
2. Charles Barkley
3. Uncle Grandpa
4. Don Cheadle
5. Chimera
6. Majora's Mask Moon
7. Beak
8. Picard
9. Maggot
10. Marco Rossi
11. Charlie Chaplin's Mustache
12. Marvin
13. Taki
14. Psychospacecow
15. Garbage the Fox
16. Allen O'Neil
17. Lucina
18. Freddy Mercury's Mustache
19. Wikus
20. Shaq
21. CosmykTheDolfyn
22. Ryu Hayabusa
23. Xenoverse Trunks
24. Kirk

District Placements

1. District 4
2. District 1
3. District 6
4. District 2
5. District 7
6. District 12
7. District 11
8. District 8
9. District 10
10. District 5
11. District 3
12. District 9

Kills Made

4: Charles Barkley
2: Allen O'Neil
2: Beak
2: Hulk Hogan
2: Don Cheadle
1: Maggot
1: Freddy Mercury's Mustache
1: Majora's Mask Moon
1: Wikus
1: Marco Rossi
1: Chimera
1: Uncle Grandpa
[Image: 2956685-hulk+hogan.jpg]
District 1:

April O'Neil
Fallout 4 hype
District 2:
Ichigo Kurosaki
[Image: Ichigo-kurosaki-ichigo-8722700-700-1414.jpg]

Yu Narukami

[Image: 211px-Yu_Narukami_render.png]
District 3

Snake (Big Boss)
[Image: metal-gear-solid-5-big-boss.jpg]

Smiling Arin Turnip
[Image: vMwiOQc.png]
District 4

Black Dynamite
[Image: Black_dynamite_poster.jpg]

Drunken Master

[Image: chan-drunken-master.jpg]
District 5

[Image: Cocaine-Abuse-Rehabilitation-300x299.jpg]

[Image: gty_sugar_jtm_130918_16x9_608.jpg]
* CosmykTheDolfyn died by a rock. RIP... So...
District 6 is rock killers.
Jaw Crusher:
[Image: jaw-crusher-mobile-crawler-compact-57445-3968815.jpg]
[Image: Darunia_Artwork.png]
Let's start this up again, shall we?

District 7

[Image: bPnycpc8.jpeg]

[Image: It+s+a+feminist+conspiracy+i+tell+ya+_8c...fb95ff.png]
This site is showing me how much of an asshole I really am.......

District 8: Armless Wonders

[Image: latest?cb=20130414094705&path-prefix=es]
Rin Tezuka
[Image: Homestar_Runner.png]
Homestar Runner
District 9 : Things that I don't know how to feel about.
Vegeta with a mustache.
[Image: latest?cb=20091203172049]
Awkward situation Stahl.
[Image: USTmrlX.jpg]
Alright, starting this fresh. Only rule is that you have to include yourself in your district. Images not necessary.

District 1

Psycho Space Cow alongside Six Penguins and a steer

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