03-23-2013, 08:29 AM
I thought about mentioning this either in the fighting game thread or the gaming news thread but honestly, this deserves its own thread.
So, to anyone unfamiliar with the game it was a project to make a fighting game out of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic but Hasbro put a stop to the whole thing, thus rendering the game pretty much dead.
Now help has arrived from fairly unexpected directions. Lauren Faust, the creator of the said series, joined the team in order to help them make a whole new one with original characters and settings. Then Mike Zaimont of the Skullgirls fame approached the Mane6 team and offered to give them their engine for free if their Kickstarter reaches $725,000. This is where the help is needed: small donations to the Skullgirls team (a good investment in itself) will help this project get right on track.
Good news everyone! The fundraiser was a success and the team now has the Z-Engine. Now it's just waiting for the game to be developed.
In any case, even if they don't get to that sum the Mane6 team might still buy the engine and by doing that they could sell the game on PSN, XBLA and whatevs. I think Hasbro did them a favor when they cancelled the original project.
Dev Team Site
Skullgirls Donations Site
Seriously, any game where you can fight as an alpaca is an insta-buy.
So, to anyone unfamiliar with the game it was a project to make a fighting game out of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic but Hasbro put a stop to the whole thing, thus rendering the game pretty much dead.
Now help has arrived from fairly unexpected directions. Lauren Faust, the creator of the said series, joined the team in order to help them make a whole new one with original characters and settings. Then Mike Zaimont of the Skullgirls fame approached the Mane6 team and offered to give them their engine for free if their Kickstarter reaches $725,000. This is where the help is needed: small donations to the Skullgirls team (a good investment in itself) will help this project get right on track.
Good news everyone! The fundraiser was a success and the team now has the Z-Engine. Now it's just waiting for the game to be developed.
In any case, even if they don't get to that sum the Mane6 team might still buy the engine and by doing that they could sell the game on PSN, XBLA and whatevs. I think Hasbro did them a favor when they cancelled the original project.
Dev Team Site
Skullgirls Donations Site
Seriously, any game where you can fight as an alpaca is an insta-buy.
![[Image: 1897676_216323628565994_1452838349_n.png]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/1897676_216323628565994_1452838349_n.png)