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Fighting is Magic is revived!
(05-04-2015, 01:47 PM)CLXcool Wrote: But to get back on subject. I guess Mane 6 has been very quiet about this game.

I was actually a bit off when I said they have been in silence for a year. Their website had not been updated since May last year but apparently they have been more active on their Facebook page. Damn you facebook! Why do you not show me this stuff on my front page instead of those oh-so-funny pictures people keep slapping on their walls?
New character revealed!

[Image: ReindeerPalettesInEngine.png]

You can see both of the revealed characters' idle movement in this article:

There are also short demonstrations of Cow's combos.
First gameplay trailer has appeared!

A few things I could gather from that: The game's name is now Them's Fightin' Herds, the names of the three revealed characters are Arizona Cow, Paprika Paca and Velvet Reindeer, both RainbowCrash88 and Whitetail are still working on the music for the game ever since the days of Fighting is Magic, they have combined the Z-Engine (used to power Skullgirls) with something called Geobox Engine and, thankfully, the online is handled with GGPO.

It will need crowdfunding, they have been making it with basically no budget thus far, so I'm eager to throw my money at them when the funding starts on September 21st.
This is looking good so far. What are the odds that this will succeed on the first day?
This is just about the coolest thing ever:

Just skip to the video part and read the descriptions if you don't want to go through all the text at the beginning. This dynamic music thing is the coolest shit I've seen/heard.
I wonder if this game is going to have MvC style combat like Skullgirls.
Its using the skullgirls engine, so chances are its going to have combat style similar to Skullgirls.
Well, that doesn't mean they'll opt for 3v3s.
Alright people, the page to fund the game is up on indiego.
Just a heads up, the game finished its crowdfunding campaign and gathered over $100,000 above their initial goal, which means it'll have mac and linux support in addition to getting one more playable character, complete with story, stages and music.

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