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Video game series which need another installment
There are some video games series, no matter how big or obscure, we can't get enough of or there are others which we believe should be forgotten all together.

Which series do want to see have a sequel or another installment?
Megaman X, Thou If I could have it my way Retro style like MM9-10 in 16 bit graphics.
Suikoden. And none of this Suikoden IV nonsense, a spin off DS game, or a spin off PSP.
Suikoden VI. Properly. REPRESENT.
Good luck getting ANYTHING Mega Man related :/

For me I want a Resident Evil 2/Silent Hill (original 3) reboot but neither seem probable.
(03-16-2013, 08:55 PM)Xannidel Wrote: Good luck getting ANYTHING Mega Man related :/.

Tell me about it ;..;.

What happened to Megaman is like walking into an ally to a bar to find your child hood hero thrown into a gutter.
Be nice to see another Psychonauts game. That last one was left on a bit of a cliffhanger. Plus i heard the guy who made Minecraft wanted to fund it. He even tweeted Tim Schafer himself about it.
Chrono Trigger. Its character were developed and lovable, the story was great, and Chrono Cross, from what I've heard, didn't do the first game justice.
I'd like to see another installment in the Elite Beat Agents franchise, it's a really fun music game, and I'd really like to see what songs they would use in a second game.

I'd also play a second Mole Mania game (Mole Mania being an overhead 3D Puzzle game).
I would say Thief, but Square Enix announced the Eidos Montreal is making the reboot to Thief. I would love to see a new Mirror's Edge! I freaking loved the first game!
(03-16-2013, 10:17 PM)mitchgamelover Wrote: I'd like to see another installment in the Elite Beat Agents franchise, it's a really fun music game, and I'd really like to see what songs they would use in a second game.

I'd also play a second Mole Mania game (Mole Mania being an overhead 3D Puzzle game).

Elite Beat Agents I agree with. Who knew tapping a bunch of dudes to make them dance could be so much fun?

Viewtiful Joe, and anyone who has beat the first two games knows why.

Also, one of Sega's lesser known series, Ristar.
I'd really love to see a genuinely new SSX game, instead of just an HD revamp like we got recently.
Other than that, a new Tales RPG would work really well on he Wii U.
I'd definitely go for another Tetris Attack/Panel de Pon/Puzzle League game. Maybe another Pro Skater game in the style of Underground as well (before the series was ruined by gimmicks and in general screwing too much with the classic formula.)

Other than that... Rival Schools perhaps?
A new Persona would be my most anticipated title.

Earlier today, I was thinking there should be another Ape Escape. A Vita one could be pretty good. Same goes to Parappa. Maybe an HD PSN Parappa with Crossplay.

And then, one of the ones I'm sure I'll never get: StarTropics 3
Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure. Its a fairly recent title for the 3DS, and I loved it alot. Judging by the title, its a Rhythm game, and I loved it. It had a few quirks which annoyed me a bit, but I still adore it, and it could only get better.

However, due to Sega's incompetent marketing for anything that isn't Sonic, it sold poorly, and now I will never get a sequel.
(03-16-2013, 10:12 PM)breloomer236 Wrote: Chrono Trigger. Its character were developed and lovable, the story was great, and Chrono Cross, from what I've heard, didn't do the first game justice.

There's actually 3 games in the Chrono series: Chrono Trigger > Radical Dreamers > Chrono Cross.

Radical Dreamers was however only released in Japan for the Satellaview but you can probably find a fan translation of it somewhere online.

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