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It's a bit early but, E3 hopes/predictions/thoughts etc...
I'm gonna make a smaller list of predictions, some of which are different from my first post, but with explanations so here we go:

- Persona 5 will not be at E3, but Persona 4: Dance All Night might be. To be honest, I don't think we'll see Persona 5 simply because we haven't seen anything from it since it's teaser trailer, not even in Japan, so it seems more like we'll get something at the Tokyo Game Show later in the year. The one thing that might make me wrong, is that the game will release world wide for everyone on day one which would make E3 the perfect place to reveal it's release date. Persona 4: Dance all night will likely be talked about because of the fact that we haven't gotten an English trailer revealing all the details about the 80 dollar version yet.

- Level 5 will announce at least two games. This one is kind of a long shot, but I think we'll get an announcement of 1, Ghost Watch for the 3DS, 2, a new game for consoles, possibly Dark Cloud 3 and 3, Ghost Watch 2 and both it's versions will be announced for release if given that a certain number of copies of the first one sell. That last one is probably the biggest stretch, but it's possible considering that the game sold almost as well as Pokemon did once it released it's games world wide on the same day.

- Ryu is coming to Smash at E3, probably to be released in about two months. I say this because I think since Lucas is coming, they'll give him about the same time to be released that Mewtwo and Lucas' release got.

- Another crazy prediction, but I think we'll get an Earthbound Collection game series for the 3DS, which will include Mother 3. After last year's obvious hint that Nintendo knows we want more Earthbound, I really think they are considering giving people a chance who never played it before, to give it ago on the 3DS Ala a Majora's Mask/Ocarina of time HD remake, minus the HD. If not a collection, we'll get a Mother 3 digital release as a virtual console thing.

- New Megaman/Metroid game this year, on 3DS. With the constant want for new games from both of the series, I see something happening for one of them this year, more Megaman than anything else though. The reasons for that should be fairly obvious, what with Mighty No. 9's success, a Megaman TV show, and several DLC's in other Nintendo games that are Megaman related. Metroid only has one of those things going for it though, so I'm not as sure that it will happen, despite some small hints here and there.

- There will be no news for Fire Emblem If. We know the game is coming out next year, likely before the Next E3, but I don't think we'll get anything because most Fire Emblem game news in Japan becomes common knowledge in the West soon after it releases. There's almost no way they can tell us something about the game that we don't already know.
Someone's predicting that Rayman 4 might make its way to e3

3 hrs 44 minutes until Beth Con.
We got an Earthbound on Virtual Console
20 minutes, get in here!


I'm gonna be watching from Bethesda's youtube channel here:

Given the track record of these streams, I think having more than one link is a good idea, so if anyone knows of any other streaming links besides the two already posted, it would be appreciated if you posted them. Just in case.

We're passonite!
One thing I was right about. Wayforward having a trailer for Shantae
Oh my god that Doom though. That's how you open E3.

This Doom snapmap this sick as hell.
Doom has aiming now. D:
(06-14-2015, 09:27 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: Doom has aiming now. D:

That's expected. Could you imagine the outcry if people couldn't aim in this day and age.
BattleCry classes shown.

Dishonored 2 is pretty awesome looking.
Female protagonist it looks like.

HD remake for new consoles of original Dishonored.

(06-14-2015, 09:35 PM)RepentantSky Wrote:
(06-14-2015, 09:27 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: Doom has aiming now. D:

That's expected. Could you imagine the outcry if people couldn't aim in this day and age.

Tell that to Fallout 3.

More Elder Scrolls Online content revealed.
(06-14-2015, 09:39 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: BattleCry classes shown.

Dishonored 2 is pretty awesome looking.
Female protagonist it looks like.

HD remake for new consoles of original Dishonored.

(06-14-2015, 09:35 PM)RepentantSky Wrote:
(06-14-2015, 09:27 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: Doom has aiming now. D:

That's expected. Could you imagine the outcry if people couldn't aim in this day and age.

Tell that to Fallout 3.
To that end it wouldn't surprise me if Fallout 4 has aiming. Besides, fallout 3 has a few years on it now. Things have changed since then.
Elder Scrolls is getting a cardgame called Legends. I hope it does well.

Fallout guy definitely speaks now.
Lots of beautiful concept art to comb through.
Both genders confirmed.
Animated sprites confirmed.
You, your wife, and son are caught in blast. You survive, and emerge as sole survivor 200 years later.

The armor isn't there at first. 10mm pistol still there. VATS doesn't freeze time, only slows it.

Pipe guns confirmed.
Pip boy is dynamic.
Pip boy has games.

Bayoneted weapons confirmed.
Pip Boy accessible via phone.

Fallout Shelter - Make a Vault mobile game.

Can rebuild the world in Fallout 4.
Dynamic world building, looks like Rust.
Power confirmed, laser turrets confirmed.
Raiders attack the settlements.
Megaman sprite Vault Boy confirmed.

Dynamic Item crafting confirmed.
Modding confirmed.
Extensive modding confirmed.

Armor modding and weapon modding confirmed.
Its extensive and changes properties.

Behemoths confirmed. ATOM BOMB BABY!

Vertibird combat confirmed.
Power Armor is its own mode of combat.

11/10/15 release date for Fallout 4.

Over 50 base weapons and over 700 mods. You can even modify your own power armor.

Trailer in post show for Doom.
All in all, that wasn't too bad. I don't think I'll bother much with post show, since almost 20 of my subs on youtube are probably gonna talk about it. I for sure want Doom and Fallout 4. I'm a little iffy on Dishonored 2 though. I didn't really like the first one much. We'll see. I love the fact that Fallout will let you switch in and out of 1st and 3rd person camera's. Not a lot of games do that and it's nice to see it happen.

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