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It's a bit early but, E3 hopes/predictions/thoughts etc...
Yo-Kai watch happened. I cannot wait for the holidays now. So much yes for me right there.
Nintendo one was just commercials. You can find what you want on their youtube channel.

Just Cause 3. Dec 1st.

New NieR.

Rise of the Tomb Raider - Nov. 10th. Its so gonna get Fallout stomped.
Break time. Square's talking mobile games like we give a damn.
Mobile game version of Tomb Raider. "Lara Croft GO"

Dragon Quest Heroes trailer shown as intermission.
Kingdom Hearts presenter didn't have an interpreter. He presented the FF7 remake.

Mobile kingdom hearts game. "Unchained key"

Kingdom Hearts III
And now KH Unchained. Don't care.
Tangled in KH3.

Hud looks to be using rendered huds instead of cartoon ones. Hard to say if more dynamic movement or if its action events. It looks like they doing something akin to Dream Drop Distance but with more weapon changes and they're showing off a lot of summons.

World of Final Fantasy. Same trailer as Sony conference. Formation and monster team based.

New Hitman is just called "Hitman".
Well, I got one thing almost completely right thus far, we got at least two new games from Square, one not being an RPG. A new Neir, Final Fantasy World and Hitman. I didn't expect two sequels though.
I got it right that they showed something Kingdom hearts related and Final Fantasy related for this.
Star Ocean Integrity and Faithlessness
I'm so happy with Star Ocean happening. I'm probably the only one who wants it more than KH3.
Deus Ex Mankind Divided - getting that Illuminati action going.

Final Fantasy Portal App - I have trouble understanding this guy so I'm not certain what it does.
Tokyo RPG Factory - New studio.
Project SETSUNA.
That app seems to be something that has information on several, if not all of Square's FF RPG games.
Kinda hit or miss for this presentation.

I'm keeping an eye on this.
(06-16-2015, 01:26 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote:

I'm keeping an eye on this.
Absolutely yes on that. I love the concept.

Square gets a C because most of the games they announced got me at least interested in what they were doing, but the presenters were all boring, and the translator wasn't that great. He even forgot to translate at one point.

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