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Favorite game from :
I loved Tekken 3. I played Julia, Paul, and Gon.
Um Grandia 2 anyone? I mean come on, best RPG of it's generation ever.
Alright, best game from original Xbox. I'm between Halo 1 and the xbox version of Battlefront 2. I guess I'd say Halo since that's an exclusive.
The original Xbox? After thinking that(since I still have the old console that I need to sell soon). I think my favorite would have to be Grabbed by the ghoulies. It was fun, but it felt like Rare knew what they were doing at the time before Microsucks began to 'abuse' Rare's development process of how Rare made the games.
The only games on the original Xbox I ever played were Halo and Halo 2. I guess I liked 2 more, even though a power outage killed that one playthrough of it I had.
The only games from the OG Xbox I played were Halo so my vote goes to Halo 2.
Not counting ports (which means no Doom 3 or Tron 2.0) or things already said (Grabbed by the Ghoulies and Halo 2) I'd say:

An underrated RPG. Don't have much to say about it.

Blinx: The Time Sweeper
An underrated Platformer. Tell Microsoft to make a new one.

Voodoo Vince
See Blinx
I completely forgot about Blinx. That one was really challenging.
Hmm, hard to say. Halo would probably be it if exclusivity isn't included, but if it is then Metal Wolf Chaos The game that revolved around a fictitious President of the United States named Michael Wilson. Using a suit of powered armor named Metal Wolf, he battles forces who have taken over his country in a coup d'état, including his nemesis, Vice President Richard Hawk which was sadly only released in Japan, but if games I haven't played doesn't count. Then....uh....

Jet Set Radio Future.
Music Game.

I played the heck out of Guitar Hero 2.
Rhythm Heaven and Daigasso Band Brothers were 2gud, but if I had to choose one it'll be Rhythm Heaven.

Seriously. I love those games so much.
Xbox - Fable: The Lost Chapters

Music game - Guitar Hero .... The one with Aerosmith. I enjoyed playing them all, and Band Hero, with my first wife's cousins, but I owned the I've with Aerosmith. I wasn't always good at it, but I could play rhythm/bass on expert and got a 97% playing Complete Control by The Clash.
I'm going to go with what Psycho said, Guitar hero 2. Still wish I had the guitar around so I could play the game.
I have literally no experience with music games. They honestly bore me more than any other game genre out there and I still can't understand how they ever got popular.
I'm not sure what counts as "Music games" but I think I have an idea.

Mad Maestro
I'm not good at this game, but it's so unique that I can't help but like it.

Rock Band 2
I prefer Rock Band over Guitar hero. I think Rock Band 2 is better then the first and I have never played the other two.

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