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Poor cat -- the clocks changed back, but it's still 19h (feeding time) in her mind.
She has no idea why we're not currently feeding her.

I'm going to slowly bring it back -- Today i'll feed her at 18h30, hopefully surviving until then the many loving headbutts she's dishing out to everything that moves.
D'aww, poor kitty.
Bad things about living part of in another country: getting an email from mom that my kitty got hit by a car and died last night while I'm away.
RIP Lover, I'm sad I wasn't there at the end :(
Hope you enjoyed your 8 years. I enjoyed all my time with you...
(11-08-2015, 12:13 PM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: Bad things about living part of in another country: getting an email from mom that my kitty got hit by a car and died last night while I'm away.
RIP Lover, I'm sad I wasn't there at the end :(
Hope you enjoyed your 8 years.  I enjoyed all my time with you...

Oh no :( My condolences to you and your family.
Folks, meet Mr Bobo the friendly crow.

[Image: U75vaa8.jpg]

He had been hanging around the neighbourhood for a week or two before I arrived here for the holidays. The grandparents said he would peck at the window and stare. He appeared to have a hurt wing.

I get to France a few days ago, and kept an eye out for him. On my second day, I turned to the window, and there he was, staring in right at me.

Before I continue, let me tell you the story that has led me to believe that this is one smart bird (like crows tend to be, from hearing stories around the Internet). My grandparents have a knife that they keep on the window sill for gardening and/or shanking passers-by. The crow appears one day, about a week before I get there, and steals their knife, flapping to the top of a tree in their garden. It keeps the knife for a while before dropping it to the ground. The next day, my grandparents wake up, look at the sill to find not only their knife, but another unknown knife. The crow had apparently decided that they needed more knives (probably for dual-wield shanking), and nicked one from someone else in the area !

Back to my first meeting with Mr Bobo the friendly crow. I open the window and he flaps away, unsure. Then I unleash my secret weapon of bread and he comes fluttering back. One wing does seem a little iffy, but he's flying ok (though from later interactions, I noted that he prefers to jump towards you rather than fly, including up stairs). So I give him some bread. He takes the bread and gives my hand a little peck. Thank you ?

He hops off with the bread and puts it near a shrub on the ground. He then proceeds to cover the bread with leaves and stones before coming back for more. It's amazing ! What a smart animal. He did this a few times, before I went outside and sat near him. He hopped towards me, no fear at all, and started pecking (it seemed playfully) at me. It didn't hurt, which is why I think he was doing it for fun.

I love it ! We have a pet crow. I have a few videos of him that I'll upload when I have the time.
I'll also keep you appraised of his adventures until I leave on the 8th of January. He came back this morning for a nibble of bread, some sunflower seeds and a few affectionate(?) pecks.

Finally, I've also put a coin on the window sill. My logic is that, just like the knife, he'll examine it and bring me back some similar coins and I'll be rich !

More photos and adventures to come !
Super Mr Bobo Update !

Over that past two days, this smart fella has :

Nipped the hand that feeds him (playfully, I think, from the strength of the nip)
[Image: GOhnZG1.jpg]

Posed like a pro for the camera
[Image: bezvSdo.jpg]

Played 'chase the leaf'
[Image: RlydW5z.jpg]

And mocked the pitiful attempts of a dog trying to catch him by making it rain twigs
[Image: nJADKy4.jpg]

Next time : The tale of Mr Bobo and the lost banana.
My photos of Poe (the crow's new name) are on my tablet, so I'll upload them when I can.

Now for the sad tale of Poe and the lost banana.

Here we were, chilling, eating bananas, when Poe appears at the window. "Ayy feed me" quoth the crow.
We give him some banana, he looks at it, takes a peck. And goes absolutely ballistic. Tearing and pecking and guzzling. He had apparently never tasted something so good.

Naturally we give him a little more before going upstairs to get changed for the day. Two minutes later, who doth appear at our window but our favourite crow ! Smart bugger knows where we are. So I go down and get some more banana (wondering if we've begun a spiralling addiction). Poe happily takes his piece of banana and flies off to the neighbours window-sill. He starts a-pecking when the three kids that live there spot him and come up to the window to say hi.

Poe is happily pecking at the window as he usually does when it comes to communicating with humans. Then, scum arrives. I refer to her as scum, as she doesn't like Poe. She tries to shoo him, waving a towel around. Poe, startled, flies off, astruck with sadness as he sees that he forgot his banana on their window sill.

But Poe got the last laugh. The window doesn't open, and is on the 2nd floor. Which means that scum was stuck with banana on her window-sill until her husband got the long step-ladder. Not sure when they finally removed the banana, as it was still there the following morning.

I hope Poe has taken it upon himself [or herself, who knows what gender s/he is] to peck at their window all night.

More Poe stories to come, with video, including "Poe Vs the evil iPad screen".
[Image: Qwt667p.jpg]

[Image: JDaVZNS.jpg]
Here is a Haiku about my cat.
This is my cat Mew.
He "mews" all day everyday long.
He is an asshole.
[Image: 25Vpf8R.jpg]
[Image: TnYyHlO.jpg]
That's not a haiku. The second line has 8 syllables.

--> I'm that guy.

Adorable cats, though; both of you.
(02-23-2016, 03:27 AM)SamuraiGaiden Wrote: That's not a haiku.  The second line has 8 syllables.

--> I'm that guy.

Adorable cats, though; both of you.

I suppose "mews" could be considered 2 syllables
(02-23-2016, 10:00 AM)Colossus Wrote:
(02-23-2016, 03:27 AM)SamuraiGaiden Wrote: That's not a haiku.  The second line has 8 syllables.

--> I'm that guy.

Adorable cats, though; both of you.

I suppose "mews" could be considered 2 syllables

I just looked it up. "Everyday"is only two syllables. I thought it has 4 and thought the second line has 9. Nope, only 7.
The writer in me prays that is just a trolling joke.

Proper enunciation is 4 (Ev-er-ee-day), but the common enunciation is only 3 (Ev-ree-day).

I don't see how you can pronounce that word with only 2 syllables. (Ev-day, Vee-day...?) Even Ebonics slang has 3 syllables: Air-ee-day, or even four Air-ree-day-yah.
But in Tennessee it's air-day. We hicks don't talk right.
Trying to decide if I should get another dog or not. Its been almost two years since Ray died.

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