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(06-03-2013, 10:37 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: Oh, so tiny. Do you know his/her gender yet?

I think it's a girl but I'll be taking pictures of her genitals tomorrow to show a guinea pig forum since it can actually be pretty tricky.
Awww, h/she is so cute!
So cute Grandma Hex!! Keep the pictures coming :)

(For the record, it doesn't bother me when you double post because you don't post dumb shit.)

Also, Nola is in love with Miles Matheson from Revolution.

[Image: 21104_10200568964440181_722765912_n.jpg]
Well, I don't blame her on that one. ;)
[Image: 938w.jpg]

[Image: 1301oj.jpg]

[Image: 1336o.jpg]
Look at the kitteh sleeping on your leg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah she loved doing that years ago, ever since I made her move with me she rarely stays on my lap to sleep. Oh well she is normally the one waking up and rubbing against my face to wake me up so I can give her like 10 minutes of nonstop love.
Better pic of the baby and her mustache:

[Image: tumblr_mnw1a5hdsD1r85d4oo1_1280.jpg]
I'm having a squee attack!
Aaaaargh! I wanna keep this baby so bad! Both Iris and Dahlia love her! The baby tried to nurse from Iris by accident and she didn't even care! She just took a turn at cleaning it. Nowhere around me sells what's called C & C cages, and I wouldn't know how to put it together, plus I can't afford to feed three pigs. The baby is already eating hay! Guinea pig babies are so amazing!
(06-04-2013, 09:26 PM)Hexadecimal Wrote: Aaaaargh! I wanna keep this baby so bad! Both Iris and Dahlia love her! The baby tried to nurse from Iris by accident and she didn't even care! She just took a turn at cleaning it. Nowhere around me sells what's called C & C cages, and I wouldn't know how to put it together, plus I can't afford to feed three pigs. The baby is already eating hay! Guinea pig babies are so amazing!

Just don't go overboard Hex. If you do keep the Guinea, you're gonna have to cut back on collectables for sure. Just be ready for a little backlash.
Sit down and check all your finances, and see if you can shift them around. That's what I did when I got Nola.
You can save money by merely replacing one meal a day with ramen noodles! Or two meals! Or three!

But yea, what Cuccoos and Psychospacecow said. Take a close look at your finances. You may be able to do three guinea pigs yet!
Noooo... ;_;

Keeping the baby is out. It was more cooperative today, so I checked it again, and I got a little penis to pop out. The baby has to go after 21 days so the girls won't get pregnant.
Smart move.

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