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[Image: 375149_10200594913608894_505019324_n.jpg]
I think your cat understand what a camera is and purposely poses.
(06-10-2013, 08:13 PM)Hexadecimal Wrote: I think your cat understand what a camera is and purposely poses.

Hahaha. If I ever want a nice picture like this, I have to get it quickly. Either that or it's by accident. Seriously, she can just be laying there. I'll do a million things, she just lays there. UNTIL I get my phone to take a picture, then she moves. I'm pretty sure it's on purpose.
From what I've seen of this thread it's mostly Hex and Cuccos posting...
(06-10-2013, 09:14 PM)Ghost Nappa Wrote: From what I've seen of this thread it's just Hex and Cuccos posting...

We just really love showing off our kid(s).

I'd love to see you folks post more of your pets!
I once won a goldfish in one if those carnival games on my first try. So did my friend. Mine died, his is still alive somehow.
(06-10-2013, 11:06 PM)Ghost Nappa Wrote: I once won a goldfish in one if those carnival games on my first try. So did my friend. Mine died, his is still alive somehow.

That's just how fish are. Some die almost instantly while others live crazy long.

I once had a beta fish that was around for awhile and only died when my mom tried to "help" me while I was sick. She accidentally killed it while changing the water.
I used to have around a dozen male show guppies.

I also had a goldfish from a carnival that commited suicide. It lived for several months then jumped out of the open lid one day... Put it back after I got home, only made it another day.

I had a neon tetra that KILLED all other fish. Tetras are usually a calmer fish, but this one named Spryo killed two other tetras, a bottom feeder fish that only ate algae, a goldfish...
This is Sierra. She's only been ridden for 2 months. We just did our 2nd competition on Sunday. :)[Image: 217392_10151622496773469_842785674_n.jpg]

[Image: 552363_10151212351883469_1129510015_n.jpg] This is Sonic. He's all like 'hey ladies'
(06-11-2013, 06:56 AM)tigerlily Wrote:

Good looking kids!
[Image: do_you_mind___by_madforhatters-d68pasr.jpg]
"Oh my gosh! Do you mind?! I'm trying to relax here with my kid and you keep waving that camera in front of our faces! Do it again and I'll punch it through the back of your head!"
I thought you were getting rid of the kid.
I have delayed this way longer than it needed to be. My puppy Lucy sitting in my dads arm.
[Image: Pup_zps9da9af64.jpg]
(06-12-2013, 12:00 AM)Psychospacecow Wrote: I thought you were getting rid of the kid.

He has to stay with his momma for 21 days. Also, I found out a vet in town would be willing to neuter him when he's old enough. I'm really looking into neutering for guinea pigs to see if the risks are high since he's such a little animal.
Nola just stole half an eggroll off my plate.

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