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Sierra and her BFF, Flame.

[Image: 10514512_10203417559414961_7286349106507...e=5447C09A]
At the moment, I have two cats. I'm helping care for a second until they find a forever home for another cat. Unfortunately for me, my old cat Sophie is going haywire anytime any time she sees the new cat Lover and wants to kill her, so Lover has been staying in the garage. If they could get along, I'd take in Lover permanently in a heart beat. However, it's just too difficult with Sophie already being in poor health from the cancer to force in another cat on her.

But about Lover. Her name fits her very well. She seeks out attention and a warm lap like an addict. Not only that, but she loves to lick people. I haven't had a cat in a long time that did that. She's a black/grey/brown calico and is 8 years old with an ear partially torn apart. Tiny little thing, weighs somewhere between 4-5 pounds. She's not skinny, just that small of a cat. Her previous owner was an 90 year old woman who couldn't care for her anymore and just wanted her put down since it was just too much work now. Fortunately, the vet said NO, this cat is perfectly healthy and happy, we'll find another home for her. The haven't found one yet, but to save space at their office, she's in my house at the moment. I really wish Sophie would just make up with her and that I could keep her.
That's really sweet of you, Cosmyk!
So anyone would think she's an angel....

[Image: 1620639_10152717623373469_4999389020060544173_n.jpg]

But she's not...

[Image: 10590658_10152717623478469_2682114230067...a196cd8158]

She's a...

[Image: 10610684_10152717245008469_2962157577231...a093dc7e28]

I hate to write it down because I have the feeling it will set her fate in stone but my ferret is dying. She doesn't want to eat or to drink, her heart beats very fast, she has trouble breathing, she doesn't have the strength to move... Of course she saw the vet and he gave her something, but nothing changed... She looks like she is giving up. I am devastated because my girlfriend will soon have to decide what happens to her ferret and I know I will not be very useful to her...

I hate myself to be so lazy and always said "Later." when I was asked to come along to the park...
Hey ladies.

[Image: 10672210_10152738399568469_6960127134383...432a6fb14b]
I am back from the vet, it was for her best. She was beginning to suffer.

[Image: G4xlM0x.jpg]

Jump and explore around well my Himiko...
Oh god... I was feeling better, but Dahlia let out the most toxic fart ever. I'm actually gagging.
(09-14-2014, 06:42 PM)Hexadecimal Wrote: Oh god... I was feeling better, but Dahlia let out the most toxic fart ever. I'm actually gagging.

I've got this image of SWAT teams using guinea pigs that have "toxic farts" as substitutes for tear gas. Not only would it be effective but also adorable at the same time. (do not recommend actually throwing a guinea pig as that would be incredibly mean and quite silly to use for such a purpose)
Remember my coworker who has the malamute? She had her mother watch it for a few days. Her mom lives on a farm like area, so she let her dog and the malamute run around without a leash. This was fine until she tried to shoot a raccoon; the malamute freaked and ran away.

They didn't find him until more than a day later... 20 miles away. Someone called the police because they thought a wolf was on their lawn. The poor guy had just run until he was exhausted; my coworker actually had to scoop him up in a blanket and put him in the car since he was too warn out.

She's darn lucky no one shot him.
She is lucky the racoon didn't shoot back, yeah!
So, my family has a dog again. We got a rescue puppy that's somewhere between 6-8 months old. She's a cute little mutt. We know she had beagle and Rottweiler in her family tree, but we're not totally sure what all else. But her name is Tia and I'll try to get pictures of this curious puppy up soon.
^ Please do! I really want to see her! She's gotta really spunky with those two breeds mixed in. Does she bay like a Beagle?
Here she is!
[Image: IMG_20141018_153305_zps9eb431d8.jpg?t=1413671469]
Up until this point in her life, she's only been at shelters in small cages. She's clearly confused with the sheer amount of space in the house/outside as compared to a small cage. Every new noise is confusing to her too. But she's a little sweetie and she follows you EVERYWHERE you go.
Edit: I forgot, but she doesn't bay like a beagle, but she has the nose of one. She won't quit smelling everything.
Sierra today :D


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