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The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
(12-13-2016, 09:47 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: I wonder why it is that things keep unstickying,

I have no idea. I sticky the chit chat thread about once a week. Then it's all "no, i must slide back down to my people."
Just played through Oxenfree in a day, pretty great lil' indie game where the teenagers actually sound like real people cough life is strange. The gameplay is tedious as shit, but it has a really well done story that genuinely creeps you out without jump scares, and the videogame dialogue is actually done really well and lets you cut people off or listen to their crap or whatever at your own pace.

One of the things that I really liked was the multiple endings; A. because it's not reliant on "collect every single x y and z to get the BEST ending!" since I hate that shit, and B. that there really is no "best" ending, they all have their pros and cons.
(12-13-2016, 07:23 PM)Space Jockey Wrote: Well, looks like this thread is no longer stickied again....can the mods fix this?

 Stickied. - SERIOUSLY

Not anymore......................
Maybe make a new thread, sticky that and if THAT thread stays, move Free chat to that?
I don't know if it could affect anything, but I'll do 2 things:

Log out when I'm not on instead of staying logged in and closing the window on my work PC and I can change back to mobile version on my phone (I can log out on it, also)
Me: Oh, awesome! Trico is so smart! I’ll just rely on him when I get stuck!

Last Guardian: OK, tutorial’s over, and Trico now doesn’t know jack shit. Figure out what these commands make him do and hope that he’ll listen.

So I'm on the Epilogue of The Witcher, the evacuation mission of STALKER and the final stretch of Shenmue 2. Now I just gotta get to the end of Pokémon and that'll be four games I'll finish by Christmas.

I also started playing a cute little game called Gurumin. It's an interesting platforming action game with puzzle elements, no other way to describe it really. I haven't played much but its pretty cute and charming and I'll definitely finish it.

It feels like a 5th gen game, or a Dreamcast game that never got the light of day. It's really interesting.



You should've used the PS4 share button to record stuff, it's so useful for glitches and bugs. I've basically recorded both my Last of Us playthroughs whenever they did dumb shit and it's hilarious.
(12-17-2016, 05:18 PM)retrolinkx Wrote: ^

You should've used the PS4 share button to record stuff, it's so useful for glitches and bugs. I've basically recorded both my Last of Us playthroughs whenever they did dumb shit and it's hilarious.

Oh... I'm so urban Amish I have no idea what systems are capable of nowadays >>;
So it turns out that the Resident Evil forums (the same ones were our very own MassDistraction was an Admin) got shutted down recently.

What do you guys think?
So in Last Guardian the narrator is the grown up self of the boy you're playing. If you take too long with a puzzle I love how he's like "So, dumbass, what I did here was..." and drops a hint.
Honestly... I am still not coming down from playing that game.

This is one of those titles where top notch graphics were ESSENTIAL for the experience. Trico was so believable as a real creature. He showed such an array of emotions and you can tell they studied real animals to get his movements right. 

The following video is a spoiler, but it makes no sense out of context; it just really shows what I mean about the attention to detail on Trico:

I miss these sorts of games. There's no way they'll make a huge profit on it so I am so glad it actually became a reality. The PS2 will always be my favorite system because of all the risks they took. I want another experience that will move me like this one, not just something I had fun playing.
I just got the latest update for Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition. I haven't had much of a chance to check the update out; out took so long to download I fell asleep.
What a bad time to be a Best Friends Play fan. Matt is burned out, so he's taking a break, and Liam announced he's just flat out leaving.

Matt's break I can understand but, at the same time, I kind of wish he and Liam could trade jobs with me. Then they'd realize what real mental and physical anguish is and go running back sitting around and commentating on games all day. Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to just say "Fuck it" and stop doing any form of work for awhile.

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