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The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
To be fair, violence can kill people. Sex doens't.
(01-26-2017, 11:03 PM)Zpace Jockey Wrote: ^
To be fair, violence can kill people. Sex doens't.

To be fair, pedophilia isn't cool either.

I just think it's really strange how video games are given so much harsher treatment than movies. It's perfectly fine to release a theater version that fits the R rating, but you can't release an "Unrated" version of a video game because major retail stores won't carry it.

Not trying to get into a fight here. I just think that violence, especially when it's against someone who's a threat to you in a video game, isn't that big of a deal. The rating system exists for a reason and people should be able to get these games uncut and uncensored in one way or another. 

Even though I don't always agree with game content, and might bitch about, the creators have just as much of a right to put something out there the way they envision it.
(01-18-2017, 06:35 AM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: Here ya go, Jocko.
Does this cheapest/most expensive places to buy consoles report reflect those prices accurately?

Sadly, yes. That's about as accurate.

Oh yeah, sorry for the late response, dude.

(01-26-2017, 11:07 PM)Hexadecimal Wrote: I just think it's really strange how video games are given so much harsher treatment than movies. It's perfectly fine to release a theater version that fits the R rating, but you can't release an "Unrated" version of a video game because major retail stores won't carry it.

Not trying to get into a fight here. I just think that violence, especially when it's against someone who's a threat to you in a video game, isn't that big of a deal. The rating system exists for a reason and people should be able to get these games uncut and uncensored in one way or another. 

Even though I don't always agree with game content, and might bitch about, the creators have just as much of a right to put something out there the way they envision it.

No, it's ok Hex, I understand your point, but keep in mind that, unfortunaly, there are people out there who still hold the believe that videogames are only for children. Why do you think TV, movies and even comicbooks can get away with all the violence and sex they want?
Trying to get a friend I know into some good video games and in turn he's getting me into good anime. In a way it's a win win situation.

I gave him Ghost Trick Phantom Detective at the start of January. He finished it today and sent me a message on Facebook telling me it was fantastic.

I'm happy he enjoyed it and knew it was a masterpiece. He's on his way to having good taste in video games.

Incidentally, if none of you have played Ghost Trick yet. Do it right now.
I just got home, so I haven't had time to investigate to see if this is all true or not, but apparently JonTron is committing career suicide?
Wait, he's doing what now? Are you getting this info from /r/jontron?
I never cared much for Jontron, but here.

I only listened to around 50 minutes of the end of it. I hate Sargon of Akkad mostly because he's your generic "Hey guys, you know how SJW's lack common sense? Well here's me explaining why something they did angered me so much to make a video where I mock them for thirty minutes with a picture of a smug pepe that I've created in MS paint to look like Sargon of Akkad. Also look at my cool memes I found on 4chan "le ironic XD"".

All Jontron did was point on things that a lot of people are afraid to say. He did make some fun of the holocaust (questioning numbers) and some random racist stuff I think. But overall I think he was discussing some things people are afraid to say, such as immigration to other countries usually being bad due to changes in culture and I think how people shouldn't be mad at Donald Trump being president since it was a democratic way of voting and the Democrats shot themselves in the foot with Hillary.

IIRC he did this once before, and lost a few hundred viewers. He's not bothered about talking about this.
(01-29-2017, 03:18 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: I think he was discussing some things people are afraid to say, such as immigration to other countries usually being bad due to changes in culture

Very few people have a problem with "immigration" per se. The problem is mass/uncontrolled immigration of people from incompatible cultures, specailly if some of these people aren't willing to integrate. Communities within communities form, then slowly the cycle of one culture wanting more and more restrictions placed on the other begins, tensions rise, racism etc. (see Sweden and Germany).

EDIT: So I just finished listening to the whole stream:
And three hours more stuff of stuff. 

Yup, he's definitely a Nazi.
Finishing Assassin's Creed III is going to take me twice as long as it should... YOU CAN INTERACT WITH ANIMALS and I can't stop myself from giving them all a bit of love everytime I come across one. I just spent five minutes feeding turkeys for crying out loud, then a COW appears and I give it a chin scratch !!

This sums it up
[Image: 58d7500bc9d79a85cfce547619d4dcb0.jpg]
I love watching Magic the Gathering Pro Tours from a few years back to get ideas for new decks since they're out of rotation and really cheap. Thing is, I get sleepy as heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell watching them. Not really complaining, I sorta like having something that isn't drugs that I know will knock me out cold, it's just weird when I wake up, feel like watching some Magic, then promptly doze off twenty minutes in.
After messing around with the settings of The Witcher 3, I noticed there was a 30fps option. What's interesting is that, I can play the game perfectly fine with everything set to High and will get 60fps. Alternatively, I can set everything to Ultra (including Nvidia hair physics, which AMD would have trouble with) to max, and make the fps limit to 30 and it'll play fine as well....just at 30fps.

Honestly, if I never saw a difference between them, I'd put it at 30fps and Ultra just because.

Just found out that both the Conquest and Birthright route of Fire emblem Fates is neither canon but a true route in "Revelations" is the truest of canon.

I know they wanted more money by going the Pokemon strategy of two games but don't tell anybody that the game you are playing is not "True Canon". Like seriously, what a dick move.

At least I didn't get Birthright, otherwise I would be screwed both ways.
Dragon Ball Fusions got an update that includes a good couple characters from the Mortal Extermination arc and online mode. It now feels like a proper rpg with a good endgame and incentive to play. I only have 2 canon characters left to collect. SSGSS Vegeta and Hit.
Can we get this stickied again? I got SSGSS Vegeta btw.
As much as I hate comp in Overwatch, I do want to do my placements, and after spending 4 hours in comp, winning 5 games, losing 4 and tying 1. It's nice to know I just barely reached Diamond. 3012.

It's nice to be above average at something.

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