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General Anime/Manga/Otaku Thread
Heaven's Lost Property.

What sucks is that I loved the Angeloids and the idea behind them. What I don't like is the MC, Tomoki, and how the series just devolves into him being a major pervert every episode. It's not funny. The fan service isn't sexy.

Tenchi Muyo! GXP.

I was all excited for a new Tenchi series only for him to really not be in it at all! It revolves around a 15 year old boy named Seina and these ladies who are way older than him trying to get into his pants. It was funny in the original series when this happened to Tenchi, but it gets downright dirty and tiring when it's all that happens in GXP. Sometimes pirates show up, but it's mainly chicks hitting on Seina and there's also this pervy robot thing, who I think it supposed to be comedy relief, but is just awful.

The anime adaptation of Hyper Police just insults the original manga, which is my favorite out of my entire collection. I felt like I'd been slapped when the sexy comedy manga I loved so much was turned into a surprisingly almost G rated kiddy show that got all serious in the end. The manga was so great because it never took itself seriously and I was laughing at nearly every volume.
I know I haven't got mine out yet and I'm working on it, but I was thinking of taking another shot at the anime night thing. I'm gonna stream a big playlist of random animes; some I want to watch, some I've seen, some I'm going in blind, some subbed, some dubbed, and maybe even a movie. And I'm gonna just make it a big fat anime weekend.

But Matt isn't livestreaming anime bad and gonna get you in trouble?

Well yeah, but hey I'll just make a throw-away account on a service I wouldn't care if I get banned from. I'll stream in the afternoon to midnight tomorrow and Saturday. I'll also be running a skype call at the same time for vocal chat.
^ Sweet! I'll be late tomorrow due to work, but I can hang out with you guys all day Saturday!
I'd still be up for it.
I will be there for Saturday but unfortunately I already had plans to do things on Friday.
What timezone? It'll help me figure out what time it's gonna be in here.

Worst anime discussion: Princess Resurrection. Also known as Monster Princess and Kaibutsu Oujo. My GOD is this series bad. Like, I can usually bare through pretty much anything when I start it. This I dropped after the third episode because it only confirmed my preconception of the series. An airhead big boobed sister, a mary-sue main female protagonist and a harem gathering around a guy who is the most plain character I've ever seen in my life. This accompanied by some of the lamest animation I've seen in an actual, commercial series... Yeah, this is shit.
(04-26-2013, 01:56 PM)Mass Distraction Wrote: What timezone? It'll help me figure out what time it's gonna be in here.

In about half an hour?

I'm running a test or two right now.

Gonna go live in a few minutes:

Now showing: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi

Drop a message on skype if you want in on the call.
Is working wonderfully!
We're moving past hour 3 of the Fat anime stream. Now Showing Ergo Proxy.
...Your livestream hates me. I've been waiting ten minutes now and it's still initializing ><
(04-26-2013, 05:24 PM)Hexadecimal Wrote: ...Your livestream hates me. I've been waiting ten minutes now and it's still initializing ><

try refreshing, if not I'll try and restart the stream
I hope I can stick around for longer next time, it's been fun :)

Just keep us updated.
Hey people, if you are not busy, then its only me and matt on the stream.
You guys already did it? Drats, shame I missed it.
(04-26-2013, 07:34 PM)MexicanAnime Wrote: You guys already did it? Drats, shame I missed it.

What? No we're still going.

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