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General Anime/Manga/Otaku Thread
If you want to join in, now's a good time. We're just switching over to something called "Hetalia".
Oh man... I only watched one ep of Hetalia and had no idea what I was watching. I just know the lady folk love to make teh gay pornz of it.
There was an issue with the episode, we switched to something called "Grenadier"
(04-26-2013, 09:01 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: There was an issue with the episode, we switched to something called "Grenadier"

I was really hoping it would work out. I wanted to make a manifest destiny joke.

Anyways we're in hour 6 of the stream. Watching Night Wizard. Hex if you want, since I'm flying solo right now, we could try using Ustream.
Sorry I had to bail. My head is starting to hurt, and its almost 10 p.m. so I figured I should stop.

Edit: My signature feels so empty now.
Well midnight has come and past. Thanks everyone for watching these 9 hours. As I promised here's a list of what we watched today:

Come back tomorrow.
Oh wow, I left when it was not even at halfway point. Well done people and thanks for the list.
I've started the stream show will start in about 10 minutes with [C] Money Soul and Possibility Control. Same rules and junk as last time:

Also if anyone is having trouble with LiveStream I have Usteam up and ready.
Got a link to your Ustream if you're trying that?
Livestream is back up, but if you guys are willing to try watching these the way I used to do this then let me know.
While I enjoy the stories that deal with the supernatural more and prefer Bakemonogatari due to this, Nisemonogatari was still platinum mad and very enjoyable. Despite the fanservice being more prevalent this show(toothbrush and more nudity), the dialogue remained as funny and witty as ever.

As far as the characters go, Araragi is still an amusing protagonist, but I felt they went a bit crazy at times with how he acted towards the female characters at times. While it's a shame we don't see Oshino appear, the two other specialists acted as great conflicts for the two arcs and caused for a great conclusion at the end of each. Last of all, I now prefer Monkey over Crab and can start to see why Bat is so popular.

Now that leaves Nekemonogatari left.
[Image: Mr_Ryu451287190128.jpeg]
Decided to finally watch a Gundam series. Ironically, I decided on a Gundam that was the first one not to be written by the main creator of Gundam.

Gundam 0080 : War In the Pocket is much more story oriented that focuses more on the characters than the mech battles, which are not all that frequent. This OVA excels in that department as both of the main characters receive proper attention in their development as they bear witness to the impact that the war causes with its destruction. What makes this all the more unique is that the story is told from the perspective of the "bad guys" rather than it being the cliche "There's bad guys coming to invade! As heroes of justice, we must stop these evil monsters".

While on the subject of war, the story does a great way portray the true effects of war rather than glorying the whole matter. Careful attention and detail were given into the theme, with one of the last few lines of the OVA told being almost haunting. One of the scenes that stuck out the most was a very early scene when the main child was playing a war game in where the whole town was being destroyed by the boy, only leaving monsters to consume the land.

As for my complaints, one of them would have to be how while the main two characters were very well written, much of the other characters didn't get as much development. Chris Mackenzie being one who could have been done really well if she had more time on screen. Other than that, I feel a bit odd about part of the ending.
I started watching Shingeki no Kyojin a few days ago and I would highly recommend you all to check it out. It's four episodes in right now and I love it so far. Here's the trailer:
I'm gonna try streaming anime again tomorrow with I won't be doing it till midnight like last time.

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