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VG Facts Awards 2017 !
Currently compiling the list of awards. It'll be up by day's end !

Here you have it ! The list of awards for the 2017 VGFacts Awards ceremony !
Via PM, send me your nominees for as many categories as you wish, with the rationale behind your nomination (bonus points if you provide a link to a post if you refer to one).

Now get to it ! Nominations are open until the Sunday 19th of February.

Most Majestic Avatar [For that person whose avatar makes you moist]

Best Trivia Submission [Pretty self explanatory]

Best original content maker [Anyone make some good music or photography, or some art you particularly enjoyed ?]

Best Gamecaster [For anyone who made game-related videos and/or streamed]

Newscaster [The person who keeps us abreast of world affairs, or gaming news]

Best Newcomer [Best person to have joined since VGFA 2016]

Showcaser [Who has the damn best collection !]

Best picture [Who snapped a Pulitzer-worthy photograph this year ?]

Most Generous [For the person for whom thanking is an altruistic compulsion]

Gamemaster's Award Get Some Sleep, Man [For the longest time spent online]

King of the Forums [Will someone dethrone Petie ? (They better not... -Petie)]

Lord of the Forums [Will someone overthrow SERIOUSLY ? (I should reclaim my original title. I could totally be both. -Petie)]

Best pet pic [For that really good shot of your moggie, doggo or guino...piggo ?]

Weirdest Avatar [Who has the most bizarre avatarre ?] 

Best day of 2016 [Who has had the best day since last year (probably in the anti-vent thread)]

Worse luck of 2016 [Will CLX be lucky enough to make it two for two ?] 

Manliest Day..... can we still call it that without someone being offended ? [Which guy or gal has out-testosteroned us with their sheer display of unbridled virility ?] 

Humanitarian Award [To someone who has been thoughtful to another who was having trouble] 

Best Dream [Whose night-time wanderings made you think “somn-yum”]

Blowing Some Steam OR A Series of Unfortunate Vents [Best vent !]

The Archaeologist (Monster Reborn Award) [For the user who delves into the past and revives long-forgotten threads]

Best Moderator Award: Hey, they need love too. [Who doesn’t want to get banned ?]

The "Get Wrecked" Award: If you ever had a bad-ass moment in gaming. [Who scored a triple, or screamed the loudest for their mom to get the camera ?]

Jokester Award [The person who makes us often laugh, with jokes or pictures or just through their posts :)] 

Kick Out The Jams [Best Additions to the Music Thread]

Best Mustache: I just had mine professionally trimmed. Is it wrong to be this vain and try to get an award for it? Of course it's wrong, but we're all imperfect so just try and stop me. [I keep trying to delete this one, but it just comes back the second I look away.] 

Best signature [Self-explanatory]

Biggest fanboy/fangirl/fanzir [Who loves a certain game or series more than Kel loves orange soda ?]

Best user title [You know, that thing below your username]

Best Dressed [Who is the snappiest, the dapper-chap or the elegant damsel of the forum ?]

Best at non-consecutive kidnappings [Kidnappings are a serious thing.] 

Best Personal Problem Solver [This will be given to someone who has been thoughtful to someone who was having trouble]

Best Guy Who Barely Posts Anything [Who is more quality than quantity]

Best name under Retrolinkx [I have no bloody clue what this even means]

Best submission idea for VGFacts submit your category for the awards-award [This is so dumb, but I’m keeping it. 

Who submitted the best category ?]
^ Petie's additions are just epic.
(02-11-2017, 11:31 AM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: ^ Petie's additions are just epic.

I hadn't even noticed !
I stand by the "kidnapping" deals dying already.
Is there no Best Picture award?!
It has been rightly added !
A grand total of two people have so far handed in their nominations !
Remember you only have until day's end Sunday, after which I will nominate Cosmyk for every category with only one or two candidates.
(02-16-2017, 02:52 PM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote: A grand total of two people have so far handed in their nominations !
Remember you only have until day's end Sunday, after which I will nominate Cosmyk for every category with only one or two candidates.

That doesn't seem right. I'll get my nominations in either tonight or tomorrow.
I would nominate myself, but that's against the rules. I need to think this over.
(02-16-2017, 02:52 PM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote: A grand total of two people have so far handed in their nominations !
Remember you only have until day's end Sunday, after which I will nominate Cosmyk for every category with only one or two candidates.

I mean, between the dengue fever, getting locked out on the top of my roof and having to climb down and breaking my arm in multiple places/knocking elbow out of socket, I feel like I should at least got nominated for worst luck...
(02-16-2017, 06:40 PM)CLXcool Wrote: I would nominate myself, but that's against the rules. I need to think this over.

I though everyone could nominate everyone?
You are indeed allowed to nominate yourself.

No-one knows who nominated whom, so you could in fact just nominate yourself for everything !
I'll make my tired ass get in my nominations tomorrow. Time is just flying by.
A big thank you to those who have submitted their nominations :)

A reminder that you have until day's end to do so !! Soon thereafter, I'll be posting the list of nominees and voting will be open !
I've just spent the past few hours adding tons of nominees (and more importanly citations) to the various awards -- There's still time to enter your own nominations !!

I can tell you now, this year's awards are going to be a scorcher !

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