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VGFacts Awards 2018!
;-; its okay. You don't need to have such specific thing just so I get it.
(04-07-2018, 01:09 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: ;-; its okay. You don't need to have such specific thing just so I get it.

Nah, think of it as a lifetime achievement award. 10/10

PS - Only just caught up with this thread. Will post nominations to you soon !
REMINDER: less than a week left to submit you nominations!
I'm going to push nominations back an additional week.
I have nomination submissions from 1 person.

I know there's a lot of adulting and such and time isn't on our side. If there's not enough interest or participation for the Awards, I'm looking at possibly canceling the handing out of invisible gold statues and perhaps we can get a group chat date made. The voice channels on our Discord don't get used enough anyways.

Good day, ya'll!
Votes are in, good luck everyone.
Handed in my nominations. EVERYONE SHOULD DO THE SAME (he says having waited until the last moment) or else I will change the whole forum's font to Comic Sans.

Actually, you should do that anyways.

I wear many hats at work and my supervisor's last day with the company is tomorrow, at a bad time with production changes and such. His baby is being born Thursday, though, so that's awesome.
Don't go all sans on us Seriously. I got my votes in a few days ago. I'm good.

Best Trivia Submission [Pretty self explanatory] - 
CLXcool (posting animation related gaming trivia(e.g Cuphead, Disney licensed games etc))
Mass Distraction
ZpaceJ0ck0 (Street Fighter: The Movie), (, (, (, (Art of Fighting 2)

Best original content maker [Anyone make some good music or photography, or some art you particularly enjoyed?] - 
Hexadecimal (Really enjoyed her art especially for someone who doesn't draw much and it's been improving)
tatochypz (for his dope doodles)
Arjahn (for that breathtaking short film about a UFO Taking a dump)
SERIOUSLY THOUGH (for more interactive adventure goodies) 

Newscaster [The person who keeps us abreast of world affairs, or gaming news] - 

Best Newcomer [Best person to have joined since VGFA 2017] - 
Antagonist (comebacks count in my miiiiind)

Showcaser [Who has the damn best collection !] -

Best picture [Who snapped a Pulitzer-worthy photograph this year ?] -
Arjahn (cuz he took more photos this year than he has in the previous ~20)
SERIOUSLY THOUGH (for the rollercoaster of emotions)

Most Generous [For the person for whom thanking is an altruistic compulsion] - 

Gamemaster's Award Get Some Sleep, Man [For the longest time spent online] - 
Gamemaster1991 ! Even if he's hardly ever around.

King of the Forums [I can't remember if SERIOUSLY THOUGH or Petie wears the imaginary crown, and at this point I'm afraid to ask] -
Arjahn (for the dethrone points),
Psychospacecow (he holds this sh!+ together)
Kakariko Kid

Lord of the Forums [The never-ending battle between SERIOUSLY THOUGH and Petie. Who will be victorious?]
tatochypz (because Arjahn wants to see what this kind of immense power will do to him)

Best pet pic [For that really good shot of your moggie, doggo or guino...piggo ?] -
GameMaster1991's new puppy

Weirdest Avatar [Who has the most bizarre avatar ?] -
Furo (that's my spirit animal tbh)
Colossus (for the eternal Christmas Melons),
Arjahn (It's pretty freaky)

Most Majestic Avatar [uhhhh, this is how it was submitted so new category I guess?] - 
SERIOUSLY THOUGH - Obvious Reasons
Petie - Trigun is pretty great, and I love it
Hexadecimal - She changes it a lot of the time, but it's usually something great. I like her current one.
Mass Distraction - I don't even know what it is, but it's pretty rad.

Best day of 2017 [Who has had the best day since last year (probably in the anti-vent thread)] - 
Arjahn (because he was happy this year)
CLXCool (That guy seems to have a lot of trouble in his life, but whenever I see something good happen to him it brings a smile to my face)

Worst luck of 2017 
Colossus (That Gamestop rant angers me, and it's pretty bad luck)

Manliest Day -
Kakariko Kid

Humanitarian Award [To someone who has been thoughtful to another who was having trouble] -
The whole bloody forum
Kakariko Kid

Best Dream [Whose night-time wanderings made you think “somn-yum”] -
ZpaceJ0ck0 = Hong Kong shenanigans (hot sauce), Galactus the whale eater (yum!), "one of our menbers have passed away" (rip), sleep paralysis (NOPE!), 
Arjahn for his Sleep Paralysis adventures.

Blowing Some Steam OR A Series of Unfortunate Vents [Best vent !] - 
Colossus -

The Archaeologist (Monster Reborn Award) [For the user who delves into the past and revives long-forgotten threads] - 

Best Moderator Award: Hey, they need love too. [Who doesn’t want to get banned ?] - 
Kakariko Kid

The "Get Wrecked" Award: If you ever had a bad-ass moment in gaming. [Who scored a triple, or screamed the loudest for their mom to get the camera ?] -
Kakariko Kid's younger daughter (for getting that Winner Winner Chicken Dinner before him)
Arjahn (for the spider lady Deus Ex glitch and that Pharah dunk)

Jokester Award [The person who makes us often laugh, with jokes or pictures or just through their posts :)] -ZpaceJ0ck0 
Kakariko Kid

Kick Out The Jams [Best Additions to the Music Thread] -

Best signature [Self-explanatory] -
Furo - Love me some Metal Slug
Hexadecimal - She changes it a lot, but I really do enjoy the signatures

Biggest fanboy/fangirl/fanzir [Who loves a certain game or series more than Kel loves orange soda?] -ZpaceJ0ck0 (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure games and media) 
CLXcool (over the reveal of Crash Bandicoot's comeback)
Hexadecimal (She's always going on about something, and I love it)

Best user title [You know, that thing below your username] - 
ZpaceJ0ck0 (Doesn't Eat Anything Composed Of Atoms)

Best Dressed [Who is the snappiest, the dapper-chap or the elegant damsel of the forum] - 
CLXcool (funeral duds)
CosmykTheDolfyn (That Ecuadorian gun slinger poncho and hat)

Best Guy Who Barely Posts Anything [Who is more quality than quantity] - 
Beware of Cuccos
Arjahn (I find his few posts to be of quality)
A Zombie Riot (he's banned, so...)

Best Non-Gaming Trivia [Usually found in the General Did You Know thread] =
ZpaceJ0ck0. Diesel: the JoJo ripoff by Antartic Press (, The Kamehameha wasn't named after the Hawaiian king (, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is named after a song from The Beatles... or is it? (, Daryl Davis: the man who negotiated with the KKK (LINK), the richest man in history (, the iconic Predator was going to look a lot different (LINK), Detekoi Tobikiri Zenkai Power! (LINK), the shortest lived presidency (LINK) .

Best History Behind a Username [We all have a reason for having a name. Which one do you find most entertaining or interesting?] - 
ZpaceJ0ck0 (LINK)

Remember, we are again using the Preferential Ballot System, so you'll be voting on your preference of all nominees from favorite to least in each category . For example, if you voted for your favorite Presidents:
1. Barack Obama
2. Donald Trump
3. Richard Nixon
4. ClaudX
5. Hillary Clinton
6. Bernie Sanders
Glad to see however many years pass I'm still pretty irrelevant to this place. Congrats to those who've already won some catagories though. LOL.
Eh, you've won the collection during years you weren't even here. :)
I believe the list is complete now. Turn your votes in in the next 2 weeks please! Good day!
I find it funny how even after we came to the consensus that Humanitarian and Personal Problem Solver were the same thing and should not be split up, people still voted for each category regardless.
Nice find. I was doing copy and paste from the pm's and forgot to fix that copy and paste from the categories.
(05-01-2018, 06:20 PM)Hexadecimal Wrote: Glad to see however many years pass I'm still pretty irrelevant to this place. Congrats to those who've already won some catagories though. LOL.

Hey, you've gotten more nominations that I have and I imagine I'm more active than you are in posting, so what does that mean for me? ;-;

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