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VGFacts Awards 2018!
Yes, I still want this to happen and I owe everyone an apology. I've really misused what free time I've had since I'm currently not working due to my broken foot. I have the tally on votes started on my laptop and I'll try to get them finished soon.
Now that I'm back to work (my work computer had more progress on the vote tallies), I think I have the format ready to enter the info correctly. 1 member's votes are in, I have like 6 or 9 to go.
80% (give or take) of votes have been tallied. I'm hoping to finish today or tomorrow and we can get this shindig on the road!
Annndddd my format was wrong. I have to make some changes and re-tally. I didn't allocate who's votes go to each candidate, but only how many votes were received for each one.

I'm hoping we can get enough of us together to do this in August. Proposals for dates is open for discussion.
How about August 10th?
I shouldn't have to work that day but our production is a bit of a mess right now. Hopefully there won't be a last minute work Friday added on August 10.

I'll keep that in mind. Let's see what others' availability is.
I’m away still until the second week of September, so I’ll listen to the recording ! <3
I will be still be able to upload the video onto youtube
I now have all votes put in. Working on it now.
I'll be PM'ing members to see if we can get some suggestions on a date in order to be able to include as many as we can.
If we do this on Aug 10 (tomorrow), what time would best for y'all? I'm in the Eastern Time Zone.
Pretty much after 4 PM est for me.
Is anyone opposed to doing this on Sunday the 12th? My wife's work schedule changed to working an evening to morning shift and I'll be taking care of both my daughters.
I'm fine with Sunday.
Sweet! Petie's in!
I wont be around for the show since I got work. Just thought I'd give you guys a heads up

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