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Phoenix Wright related
I really like the idea of a new setting. It's nice to see all these other courts after so many games set in Japamerica. Too bad we've only gotten the AA vs. Layton game here. Seeing the old English court from Dai Gyakuten would have been cool...
I swear if they don't confirm this for release by year's end I'm using my 2016 tax return and buying a Japanese 3DS with all the Phoenix Wright games that got that shaft. I want AA6 that bad.
Prologue Anime Cutscene.

No subs, but someone was kind enough to translate if you want to watch it now.

What I like about this is that it reminds me of the first game. It'll just be Phoenix and Maya defending innocent people with no help from anyone. Plus, since they seem to not be a fan of attorneys, Phoenix will probably be the ONLY one there going around defending people.

I really hope it gets translated. It seems like it's going to be good.

Also, I love that montage of Phoenix going to the Airport. It's just so perfect for him. He's super serious at first, then he screws up, then his odd luck kicks in and he nearly forgets his suitcase it also burst open (take note of the playing cards he has) and then falls asleep on the plane. I love it.
Did they ever end up localising the second Miles Edgeworth game ?

Loved the first one.
Y'know, I didn't really get into the first Edgeworth game as much as I had hoped. It just seemed repetitive to me, story-wise. First case is, "Edgeworth committed a murder in his office, prove he didn't do it and then prove who did do it!"
Second case was, "Edgeworth committed a murder on a plane, prove he didn't do it and then prove who did do it."

I don't think I finished the third case before letting my DS sit for a while and die and just never cared enough to charge it back up. I was really disappointed by it.
(03-17-2016, 01:00 PM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote: Did they ever end up localising the second Miles Edgeworth game ?

Loved the first one.

No, but the fan translation was good enough.
Hnnnnngh! It's here, it's finally here! We only have to wait till September.





In other news, here is the final Japanese trailer

Apollo vs Wright. Now that should be a good trial. I remember I even said that Phoenix's and Apollo's investigations should lead up to a final case where they face off. Hopefully it should be good.

It's a shame they're using the DD voices, I wasn't a fan, but who cares. At least it's coming out.
Holy crap I cannot wait. It looks like it's gonna be so good. I'm actually okay with the voices but that's because I like the actors from other roles as well, though I have to admit it's still a little odd hearing Syallibus/Jude Mathis' voice coming from Phoenix. I never did get entirely used to that.
So news on the upcoming DLC. Spoilers ahead for a returning character coming back.

I hope both DLC's come to the west. This is one of them, and IIRC the other is about Apollo and Klavier I believe, either way any Ace Attorney news would be great and I'd love for it to come out whenever it can.

As for the returning character, I've always liked them so I'm happy they've come back, hopefully they will save the trial in one case like they have done beforehand in other games.
You guys probably heard about how a year ago First 4 Figures announced a Phoenix Wright statue. Today there was an update.

[Image: BloodFlower1471426061.jpeg]

...Just this. A 3D computer render of what they aim to make his face look like. Still gonna be awhile. 

I'll admit what makes me so antsy is because, once Phoenix is done, if he sells well it only makes sense that they'd make one of Edgeworth too.
[Image: vwideLi.jpg]


Good for you, it's not the best game in the series, but it's miles better than Apollo Justice.

Get ready for awful voice acting, a case themed around japan that isn't very good (but none of the japanese themed cases are really) and Bobby Fulbright. The best damn detective in town.

My rankings for the games are something like...

AA > AAI2 > T&T > PLvsPW > DD > AAI = JFA > AJ

...but even I'm not sure of it.
I finally accepted there will never be a physical copy released in America. LOL.

Ugh... It doesn't take much to be better than Apollo Justice. For games I've played, I honest to god would put it on my top ten worst of all time. ...There's voice acting now? Oh wow, I had no idea. That will be a very interesting change.

Looking forward to meeting the new characters! They actually seem pretty neat.

Needed something for the long car trip tomorrow. Got this, Persona Q if I need a break from it, and found some bad 90s songs for my MP3 player xD


But yeah, the VA's are pretty bad.

Phoenix sounds like he's 15 and I can't even remember Apollo.

Athena is fine tho

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