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The Walking Thread (SPOILERS!!)
This is a thread for the television show and comic book The Walking Dead.
A lot of them. If you are not caught up with the show or do not wish to know any spoilers, please do NOT continue reading this thread.

To begin, here is the season 4 trailer released at comic con:

for the UK

Something I noticed: The walkers are becoming more organized. I was hoping for something like that to happen in the show.

A guess on someone dying: Goodbye Sasha?
I'm assuming that the spoilers will be unmarked. So here I go.

To start out, I am going to say Hershel is die ether this season or the next. He looks rough for wear and I doubt that he will make it far on one leg. As for the two people that died, I don't see anyone really missing from the group so it could be two random people. If I could guess, I would say a child and Carol. It seems like the thing they would do.

To go back to the last season, WHAT THE F@CK PRODUCERS?! I like Andrea, and, yes, she was a bitch and winy, and slept with a lot of guys, but I could see that she was changing and I wanted to see how much she changed after leaving the governor. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Andrea is one of the few original crew mates still alive in the comics. I guess it would have been fine if they had someone else kill her....... but they didn't.
RIGHT?!?! I was so fucking mad at the finale. I cried so hard. There is NO possible way she would have died in that situation either.

So they're saying two people are going to die this season? I bet one is Sasha. The other could be Hershel or Beth or maybe Carol. I just hope it's not Glenn yet. I'm not ready for that.


Also, my friend told me the guy who plays Glenn is going to leave, so I imagine his character is going to be killed off, so after that happens there will be no reason to watch Walking Dead, since we'll be left with pretty much all the shit characters excluding Rick, and Deryl.

Also I was pissed that TDawg died, he was a cool guy. I still don't know why that grey haired woman hasn't died yet. I'd rather her die that Andrea.

Oh, and I loved comparing the Governor to Big Boss, they're similar in pretty much every way including the eye patch.
Glenn dies in the comics. It's a pretty big deal. T-Dog dying was so upsetting, but he went out heroically saving Carol's life. I don't think any of the characters are "shit" anymore. They have each grown so much since they came into the show. Even Tyreese and Sasha. (As a comic fan, I was super excited when I finally saw that hammer!)

The writers are fucking us though. They get a sick pleasure out of it. They have warned us numerous times that "no one is safe". Which would be fine if they would kill off characters in realistic ways. Andrea's death was not realistic for her character.
Speaking of Tdog, has a black person died each season? That chink no one cared about died in season one, I'm not sure about season two, Tdog died in season three, and it looks like we will get another one in the upcoming season with the Beeny wearing guy.

How about Merle? I'm not sure about you guys but I liked what they did to his character last season. It was nice to see how both him and Daryl worked off each other. I wanted to see more of that in the next few seasons. Why kill him off just like that? I expect it was to give Daryl some more baggage on his way, but you could have done so much more with him. We could have a few episodes this season questioning if we could trust him or not since the Governor is still out there. A racist redneck living in a prison with a black group and he just turned to your side. With a show that made trust a number one priority and surviving means working together, this would have made a good season. Shame he was killed just to give Daryl more character development.
I don't think he was solely killed to give Daryl character development. Michael Rooker said that when he played that scene, he played it with the mindset that Merle knew he wasn't coming out. He let Michonne go, and did one last good deed by taking down as many of the governors men as possible. While I do think it will affect Daryl, I don't think it will be huge. The characters are becoming stronger each season as the world they know vanishes around them.
I still wonder how it's all going to end.

It won't be happy, that's all I know.
I hope it runs for a long, long time. But you're right- when it ends, it won't be a happy ending.
The way I see it, I really hope it ends with the "virus" (not sure what to call it) being cured and the last of of the infected are being dealt with. The whole plot was a story being told by Judith to some grandchildren and humanity is being start all over again. As Glen once said "I'm a glass half full kinda guy" but I know how life works. Knowing how dark the series can get and has gotten at this point, it will probably end with Judith as the last surviving human on earth just about to die long after her last relative does.
How was Andrea's death not realistic?
Andrea has been shown to hold her own from a whole building of Walkers and not get as much as a scratch on her. If the Governor had not strapped her to the chair, she could have dealt with Milton without too much of a sweet. She died from one walker and she could have survived real easily. That and she could have gotten out of the chair real easily if she tried if I remember correctly.

Michonne needs to kill the Governor for this one. What do you guys think?
I just don't want it to end like The Sopranos.
(07-22-2013, 04:01 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: The way I see it, I really hope it ends with the "virus" (not sure what to call it) being cured and the last of of the infected are being dealt with. The whole plot was a story being told by Judith to some grandchildren and humanity is being start all over again. As Glen once said "I'm a glass half full kinda guy" but I know how life works. Knowing how dark the series can get and has gotten at this point, it will probably end with Judith as the last surviving human on earth just about to die long after her last relative does.

That's an interesting way to look at it. I wouldn't hate to see that ending.

(07-22-2013, 04:43 PM)A Zombie Riot Wrote: How was Andrea's death not realistic?

I will answer this thoroughly when i'm not drunk. I have had a very, very bad day.

(07-22-2013, 05:05 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: I just don't want it to end like The Sopranos.

That would be the worst.
It has been confirmed that Morgan will be returning for Season 4. Now the question is, Is he going to be as ax crazy as he was last time he appeared or will he be as calm as Rick is now?

I like Morgan and it's too bad that he only got one episode last season, and it was more or less a reality check for Rick to not go revenge crazy on the Walkers. I really hope he doesn't turn into what Mural was last season.

(07-22-2013, 08:43 PM)Beware of Cuccos Wrote:
(07-22-2013, 04:01 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: The way I see it, I really hope it ends with the "virus" (not sure what to call it) being cured and the last of of the infected are being dealt with. The whole plot was a story being told by Judith to some grandchildren and humanity is being start all over again. As Glen once said "I'm a glass half full kinda guy" but I know how life works. Knowing how dark the series can get and has gotten at this point, it will probably end with Judith as the last surviving human on earth just about to die long after her last relative does.

That's an interesting way to look at it. I wouldn't hate to see that ending.

Which ending? the good one or the bad one? I really want the good one, but again "the glass is half full."

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