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The Walking Thread (SPOILERS!!)
^Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Spoiler that shit!

(02-24-2014, 05:08 PM)retrolinkx Wrote: A long ass scene where Joel is under the bed with Ellie, and the player has to direct Joel into other rooms and stuff with the correct tempo so he is not seen, or he will die.

Damn, Walking Dead would actually make a really good game if they adapted a lot of the episodes to a game.

Considering how retarded the friendly AI is, Ellie would propably have been sitting next to the bed with the guy sleeping on it and breathing heavily in his face.

Plus, Walking Dead already is a really good game. I'd rather play a side story instead of the same events I've already seen/read.
I don't know how to spoiler from mobile, if I even can. My bad. My bad. But, that's the comic I was talking about, not the show. They are SO different. The show just pulls elements (or discards them) in a sporadic order.
(02-26-2014, 11:12 AM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: I don't know how to spoiler from mobile, if I even can. My bad. My bad. But, that's the comic I was talking about, not the show. They are SO different. The show just pulls elements (or discards them) in a sporadic order.

First off: It should be the same way you do it on a computer. [ spoiler ][ /spoiler ] without the spaces.

Second: We're talking about the walking dead and the title says SPOILERS!!!!!. I think there are going to be spoilers for both the comics and show, since people are going to compare, tell people about the new characters that show up in both, and just as a way of telling people what COULD happen. Besides, The Govoner had a brother and was twice as evil in the comic (to the point that I think he did/attempted to rape Michonne).

Third: This is how I want Charl to act all the time. Not complaining he can't have it his way in the apocalypse, but also not being happy about being among the walking dead. Have him be grown up, while showing that he is lonely (being the only alive teenager for miles) and still a kid (him getting happy and than sad at the Xbox for a few episodes back). There is a like able character some where in there and this is showing it.
I can't figure out how to do it. I am not, by far, tech savvy. Plus, I'm older than most. Computers weren't that big when I was your ages. Sorry.

Update. Figured it out.
Beth is my favorite character. She is the only person who saw the light in the darkness. This episode was great for her character, though I could live with out the romantic tone with Daryl.
I don't think there is really a romantic tone. During the episode, it seemed more like Beth wanting to let loose and do all the things she wasn't able to do before, like her wanting that drink. Towards the middle, I think it was more about finding normality. She used to have people to talk to, to open up to, to gossip with, etc. And at the end, it was about both of them finally opening up and gaining a mutual respect for each other.

I thought it was a wonderful episode. I'm glad we got to see some character development for them. They are such an unlikely team, but i'm glad we're seeing them working together.

Did anyone else watch the preview for next week? Are y'all as terrified as I am?
Looks like we're going to see some action next week. The last good amount of action, I think, against the zombies was when Rick and Carl had to gun them down at the prison.
(03-03-2014, 09:15 AM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: Looks like we're going to see some action next week. The last good amount of action, I think, against the zombies was when Rick and Carl had to gun them down at the prison.

I'm really nervous because Lauren Cohan is a guest on Talking Dead again, even though she was JUST on there. I'm not ready to lose her. And in the preview, Sasha says "We have six bullets left." And they're in the fog. AND I'M NOT READY FOR THIS.
I think she'll stick around for a while.
I know, but they're not going by the comics. They're taking characters and locations, but that's about it.
True. And honestly, I kept waiting for Beth to say "I've never had sex" when she was playing that drinking game. I guess she's developing into a stronger and different type of person than she was, but in three prison.... I think she wanted him bad.
(03-03-2014, 10:46 AM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: I think she'll stick around for a while.

So? That prooves nothing.
(03-03-2014, 12:00 PM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: True. And honestly, I kept waiting for Beth to say "I've never had sex" when she was playing that drinking game. I guess she's developing into a stronger and different type of person than she was, but in three prison.... I think she wanted him bad.

That was the thing that made me really uncofterble about this episode. When it was about the character development, it was good, but in between those scenes were it made you think that they were going to hook up/have sex because they thought they were the last survivors. I know that the actress is 28, but Beth is suppose to be like 17-19. Right?

Also We need to stop having really dumb people on the Talking Dead.
17-19 is what I was thinking. It was weird thinking that Beth might hook up with a Boondock Saint. Two totally different generations.
She has Farmgirl looks, most people can look much younger that what they're trying to be, she could be 21 in the show, but looks much younger.

Also, I like how Daryl changed his voice, it's like he covers it up for some reason. I also found it kind of odd how they didn't try to keep at least one or two jars, it's flammable, so they could use it for fire or for molotovs.

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