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The Music Thread
Steve 'n' Seagulls. A Finnish band dressed as rednecks playing a rock song in a southern bluegrass way. I love it.

So... After getting acquainted with Courage the Cowardly Dog thanks to Hex and Psycho, I figured I better post the music video that scared the bejeebies out of me and gave me nightmares as a kid. Seriously, from the 3:30 mark on, my 5 year old eyes should probably have never seen...
^ I'm going to bed soon, so I'll watch that tomorrow. That preview image is already creepy.

Waterflame is best flame.

I've been listening to this. I like the way it sounds.
After a LOOOOOOOOONG day, it's nice to just listen to one of my favorite Bon Jovi song.

This is actually a pretty catchy song. Finally got VH1 back now that I have a converter box so now I watch some music videos before going to work and this one caught my eye.


Song of my lyfe.
This was one of my favorite songs when I was a kid. I remember buying some cheapo CD of the best of The Moody Blues when I was 7 or 8 and started going around everywhere singing this song... My mother thought I was crazy. I only got the CD because I asked some stranger what was old, good music and he said The Moody Blues.
I'm not kidding about that. But, my parents let me buy my own music when I was little, so that was good, I guess.
I know the second video should be in the Youtube thread, but I first heard I"n un'altra vida" in this second video. And, I cried.
On second thought, I'll throw it in that thread, also.

I confuse my mother pretty badly. One moment Tom Jones is playing on my MP3 player, then Brocas Helm.

Not sure if anybody still listens to Slipknot. but their new song is sooo good.
So, this song is from 1967, and I doubt you'll ever hear such an ironic, cheery song with such odd lyrics.
I've been enjoy two songs that popped up randomly right after each other on Pandora.

Superheroes - The Script

Superhero - Simon Curtis

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