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Fighting Games
I agree with this video's title. This move should come back for TEKKEN 8, or any future TEKKEN game for that matter!

Watch the video at 720p60fps (or higher) if you want to understand what's going on in this video. Yes, really.

Speaking of Namco's 3D Fighters, remenber Soul Calibur II HD Online? It was released on the PS3 and X360. Among other things players could play as either Heihachi or Spawn on BOTH consoles (meaning that the guest characters weren't locked to one console or the other). In the original release for the game Heihachi was exclusive to the PS2 version while Spawn was exclusive to the Xbox version. Link from the Legend of Zelda series was in the GameCube version, the same Link that wasn't included in Soul Calibur II HD Online for obvious reasons.

My point is that it would nice to have a Switch version of Soul Calibur II HD Online. It's the only way we can have all 3 guests characters in the same version of the game, thus making it the most complete version of SCII. No, I'm not port begging, I'm just saying that it's the only way to have the 3 guest characters togheter.
ULTIMATE MARVEL VS CAPCOM 3 vs Devil May Cry 3 Dante Skills Comparison.
Been playing a lot of Tekken 7 lately. Recently modded a fighting stick and just decided to have Tekken 7 as my go to fighting game. So far, major suckage as I am not used to 3D fighters but I'm slowly learning and improving. 

Maining Kazuya and finding out that he is in Smash was a pleasant surprise.
@ArcSystemWorksU Wrote:#GuiltyGearStrive keeps on rocking with over 500K units worldwide!

We're announcing the 1st DLC character on our YouTube Channel!

07/20 6PM PST
07/21 3AM CEST

You can also buy the Season 1 Pass currently at a special price!

Hello all, we would like to thank you all for the support. We apologize for the "special price" portion of this post. It was a mistake on our part and is not in effect. In the future we will be sure to directly post if there is such a deal. We are deeply sorry for any confusion.

VF5US Version 1.05 Update:
SEGA Wrote:On July 16, 2021, a new update for this title, version 1.05 has been released. The installation of this update is required in order to use any online modes.

Changes in this update
■Bug fixes:
Fixed a bug in the warm-up period of Normal matches and Kumite matches which was preventing players from progressing to matches after setting their status to OK.

We had previously announced that known issues reported in Ver. 1.04 would be fixed in the next update, however these issues will be fixed in a future patch. We apologize for any inconvenience these issue have caused. Thank you for your patience.

KOF Recap Cartoon Bloopers by Tanzong.
Sega made Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown in only 1 year, planning more updates including Team Battle mode (Though there's still no plan to make balance changes or add new characters)

Kyōtarō Azuma Launches New The King of Fighters Manga About Shingo
Melty Blood: Type Lumina releases first character introduction trailer for Shiki Tohno.

Kouma Kishima was also revealed.
Goldlewis Dickinson is the first character of Guilty Gear Strive's season pass.

Goldlewis Dickinson becomes playable next Tuesday on July 27th, 2021 for Season Pass holders. The individual DLC (for non-Season Pass holders) goes live on Friday, July 30th.
Tizoc King of Dinosaurs has been confirmed for The King of Fighters XV and he comes with a new Climax.

EDIT: The reason why SNK posted the trailer earlier than usual is because Gematsu posted the trailer early. The trailer was unlisted and you could watch it thanks to Gematsu and so SNK removed the silhouette teaser Tweet and made the trailer public.

Now... when are we getting the K' character trailer? He was among the firsts characters to be revealed for the game and he still doesn't have a trailer. In fact, he's the only previously revealed character in need of a trailer.

Give us the K' trailer already!
Soul Calibur 6 crosses 2 million copies sold, new season of Online Challenge events coming later this year
The Guilty Gear StrIVe starter guide for Goldlewis Dickinson is here.

KOF XV vs. KOF XIV comparison. Feat. King of Dinosaurs
(10-07-2017, 09:03 AM)ZpaceJ0ck0 Wrote: For those out there who want to know what the characters in Guilty Gear Accent Core Plus + are saying:

It seems the old video is no longer available. rednecked crake uploaded a remake.

rednecked crake Wrote:Did this years ago. But looking back at it the sound quality was awful, the fonts were tiny and there were some mistakes.
Man, it's been two years now since the last time fighting game website Madman's Cafe uploaded any news. Their forums are still active so that's nice.
Ed Boon Wrote:As Mortal Kombat 11 passes 12 million games sold & pushes the MK franchise over 73 million console games...

...we wanted to send a massive THANK YOU to all the support Mortal Kombat fans have given us over the years. It means EVERYTHING to us.

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