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Horror Games
Since I love horror as a genre so much I thought I'd make a thread completely dedicated to them. Speak about your favorites and greatest experiences, whatevs! Or am I really the only person here who plays horror games?

I gotta say, it's definitely my favorite genre of video games. Point and click, sidescroller, 3rd person shooter... I don't really care, as long as it has the atmosphere and a good story I'm all set. I've played or watched someone else play pretty much all the biggest names. There's a few I still need to get but all in all, I'd say I'm pretty well rounded.
I would say this is my favorite horror "moment". In Halo: CE the part where you first meet the flood. I don't know just playing that in my living room late at night with all the lights off and just the glow of the screen. Trying to discover what happened and where is everybody. That part will always be my favorite in video games.
Favourite horror game? Hard to choose, for me, but I would say something like Silent Hill/Resident Evil. While those games aren't exactly scary (to me), they are definitely fun and give you that legitimate feeling of actually being in an apocalyptic scenario.
I'm not a horror game fan. I've never really found any game to be scary enough, but at the same time fun. Resident Evil wasn't scary as much as it was infuriating, which really brought me out of the horror. I flatout refuse to play Amnesia because of personal reasons. I was going to get Dead Space, but GameStop didn't have it when I went, but I'm keeping my eye out.
Oh boy! I have too many to really say but Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and Fatal Frame are the big three series. Haunting Ground and Rule of Rose are pretty fantastic too. These, I think, would have to be my go-to horror games.

I'm pretty big on symbolism in my survival horror games so Silent Hill and Rule of Rose are really great if you like that kind of stuff as well.
(03-17-2013, 01:54 PM)jumiofdiamonds Wrote: I'm pretty big on symbolism in my survival horror games so Silent Hill and Rule of Rose are really great if you like that kind of stuff as well.

Have you played Amnesia yet?
(03-17-2013, 01:54 PM)jumiofdiamonds Wrote: Oh boy! I have too many to really say but Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and Fatal Frame are the big three series. Haunting Ground and Rule of Rose are pretty fantastic too. These, I think, would have to be my go-to horror games.

I'm pretty big on symbolism in my survival horror games so Silent Hill and Rule of Rose are really great if you like that kind of stuff as well.

Love your signature ha. Fatal Frame 2 and Condemned 1(Barts Department Store, shivers) are probably the scariest games I've played. Fatal Frame is emphasised has a heightened sense of tension due camera obscura. Loved the idea of it. Don't get the 3DS version, it's gimmicky as heck and gets old fast. The old Resident Evil games I love but nowadays they're just laughably bad and pathetic (apart from the remakes). I think Silent Hill still stands up by todays standards and really did have my fudging my huggies when I was younger, especially in the primary school.

Got put the Dead Space series up their as an awesome jump scare game however, I'm deeply into the lore of Dead Space. I see you like symbolism in horror games, Dead Space is FULL of that(See Unitology). It's physically horrific and mentally with what Issac Clarke sees and how it effects him.

Currently waiting for a game called Asylum that Xannidel introduced me to. Wouldn't mind getting back into a more series atmospheric horror game than the crap that's out there at the moment.
I guess I should throw this out there:

It's my blog from last Halloween when I posted 30 completely free horror games all leading up to Halloween eve.

(03-18-2013, 12:13 PM)BumblebeeCody Wrote: The old Resident Evil games I love but nowadays they're just laughably bad and pathetic (apart from the remakes).

Really? I'm still playing RE2 like crazy and RE3 is still one of the best games I know of.
I never got into horror games like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, etc...

Unless Castlevania counts as a horror game :P
I'm an utter wimp so horror games really aren't my thing. In fact, I've only seen about three or four horror films in my life.

...the closest thing I own to a horror game is Luigi's Mansion.
(03-18-2013, 12:33 PM)SNESmaster Wrote: Unless Castlevania counts as a horror game :P

At least I count it as such, with all its horror elements and all. One of the first ones at that, too. One of my favorite series out there.
(03-18-2013, 12:31 PM)Mass Distraction Wrote: I guess I should throw this out there:

It's my blog from last Halloween when I posted 30 completely free horror games all leading up to Halloween eve.

(03-18-2013, 12:13 PM)BumblebeeCody Wrote: The old Resident Evil games I love but nowadays they're just laughably bad and pathetic (apart from the remakes).

Really? I'm still playing RE2 like crazy and RE3 is still one of the best games I know of.

RE 2 and 3 are MUCH better than RE1, but only because of cutscenes and voice acting. They haven't aged well and don't retain the scare factor that games like Silent Hill on the PS1 still retain. (Again my opinion) but I don't think the original RE series stands the test of time.

"You could've been a...Jill Sandwhich" hahahahahaha no
I still like the first game because it's so cheesy :D I even have two versions of it.

I don't play them for the scaryness, I play them because I love the gameplay for some odd reason. That and the overall atmosphere are just great. I may just have weird standards for I still think RE3 looks great.
I think my favorite is Corpse Party on PSP. I still need to start playing Book of Shadows. My favorite 3D one is Fatal Frame.

If 999 and VLR count, I like those too.

And then there's Clock Tower, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Dino Crisis, and Siren.
WAY BACK, I was afraid of Rayman 2: Great Escape. Why? I still don't know to this day.

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