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The Legend of Zelda
Okay then. Thanks for the advice guys!
If you were on the fence about Hyrule Warriors, I think this might change your mind. Also stay till the very end for an awesome surprise.
That is awesome.
So excited :D :D
I've always wanted to play a Legend of Zelda game. Today I got The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. I started moving around and finding out what every button does. Soon I found out that I can smash pots and throw bush things and that when I did, there was a chance that stuff came out, so I spent most of the time just doing that. It took forever and I wasted a lot of time instead of doing what I was supposed to do. The first 20 minutes of gameplay went somewhat like this for me.
Playing your first Zelda game is always such a magical experience.
(08-06-2014, 11:06 PM)JiraiyaSennin Wrote: Playing your first Zelda game is always such a magical experience.
It wasn't for me. The first one I played was Wind Waker and I thought it was incredibly stupid. To this day, I'll play a LoZ every now and then, but they have never been a favorite of mine. They have have too much going on for me. Choose one game style and stick to it.
(08-06-2014, 11:06 PM)JiraiyaSennin Wrote: Playing your first Zelda game is always such a magical experience.

Unless the first game you played was Link: The Faces of Evil for the CD-i
(08-07-2014, 04:42 PM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: The first one I played was Wind Waker and I thought it was incredibly stupid.

Thems fightin words m8.
(08-07-2014, 04:49 PM)Carlos Wrote:
(08-06-2014, 11:06 PM)JiraiyaSennin Wrote: Playing your first Zelda game is always such a magical experience.

Unless the first game you played was Link: The Faces of Evil for the CD-i

No it's still magical. Just in another reason.
If I'm ever going to cosplay, I'm going to be this guy.
[Image: tumblr_mwydekqytO1r1uwego1_250.gif]
Just look at him. Who wouldn't wan't to dress up as a giant rabbit and dance like that?
I'll probably be getting into the action late. I love all of the news and trailers for the new Zeldas, but I have no idea when I'll get a Wii U. Heck, I didn't even have a 3DS to play the Ocarina of Time remake I want too play so much.
Well, Hyrule Warriors is out.
Well, I currently own 14 out of the 17 main series games and Link's Crossbow Training ( I am missing Spirit Tracks, Minish Cap, and Four Sword Adventures). It's a pain because the three I need are for some reason 20$+ for a used copy, and I don't live near that many places that sell old games.

Current Favorites (In order): Majora's Mask,Link's Awakening DX, The Wind Waker, and Link Between Worlds

One which I feel are "meh": Phantom Hourglass

Overrated: Ocarina of Time, A Link to the Past.

Underrated: Zelda II.

@ Carlos: I wished it had a Int. release like Pokemon X and Y. Still waiting for Sm4sh to get a Wii U, but would love to pour over gameplay footage to feed my appetite.
(08-23-2014, 10:15 PM)Takahashi2212 Wrote: Well, I currently own 14 out of the 17 main series games and Link's Crossbow Training ( I am missing Spirit Tracks, Minish Cap, and Four Sword Adventures). It's a pain because the three I need are for some reason 20$+ for a used copy, and I don't live near that many places that sell old games.

Current Favorites (In order): Majora's Mask,Link's Awakening DX, The Wind Waker, and Link Between Worlds

One which I feel are "meh": Phantom Hourglass

Overrated: Ocarina of Time, A Link to the Past.

Underrated: Zelda II.

@ Carlos: I wished it had a Int. release like Pokemon X and Y. Still waiting for Sm4sh to get a Wii U, but would love to pour over gameplay footage to feed my appetite.

On a plus, the one's you're missing should be easy to find !

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