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Truly the best review of Persona 4.
Got Persona Q and I'm loving it so far, there are new elements with returning ones which makes it feel great. I'm doing a playthrough with the Persona 3 protagonist and I must say that it finally feels so good seeing someone other than Yu Narukami take charge. It just feels more natural that the Persona 3 protagonist is the leader in my opinion.
Well, after beating Namatame and doing nothing but sorting out my social links, doing jobs at night, putting all my skills to max and just wasting time in general. The story started to move on.

So, we get to Nanako in the hospital bed and then she passes away. Through this mystery inc go to Namatame and start to wonder if they should kill him or not. Eventually I chose all the "Hold up" and "Something's missing here" stuff until I got to a section where I think I just said to just leave it. We left, Nanako got better and we skipped all the way to March with Yu just getting on the train and leaving and....that was it.

Now, I'm a bit annoyed with getting this ending. I expected a big final fight was Adachi or whoever the final boss was going to be, but turned out I got the "Good Ending" upon searching this all up.

Didn't fucking feel like a good ending, it just felt like it was building up to something and then the game thought "nah fuck it" and gave you your ending there and then.

I guess it's my own fault in the end, but damn I want to replay that section and actually get the ending that's right. I didn't even expect multiple endings, I just thought it was going to be a single ending, or possibly two where you win or you lose. I guess I should actually try to finish it properly.
You know, I've never played a persona game before, but looking at gameplay of Persona Q and watching the Persona 5 trailers, I really think I want to give them a go.
(02-07-2015, 02:59 PM)RepentantSky Wrote: You know, I've never played a persona game before, but looking at gameplay of Persona Q and watching the Persona 5 trailers, I really think I want to give them a go.

If your interested, play Persona 3 Fes. The game is great, with the only negative thing I have to say is that the dungeon crawling (half of the game) is not really good. The Tired/Sick macanic is stupid and the friendly AI is all over the place. If you have a PSP, I hear that Persona 3 Portable fix these problems.
(02-07-2015, 03:46 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote:
(02-07-2015, 02:59 PM)RepentantSky Wrote: You know, I've never played a persona game before, but looking at gameplay of Persona Q and watching the Persona 5 trailers, I really think I want to give them a go.

If your interested, play Persona 3 Fes. The game is great, with the only negative thing I have to say is that the dungeon crawling (half of the game) is not really good. The Tired/Sick macanic is stupid and the friendly AI is all over the place. If you have a PSP, I hear that Persona 3 Portable fix these problems.

I do have a PSP. Perhaps that's a good place to start then.
(11-16-2014, 06:57 PM)retrolinkx Wrote:

Truly the best review of Persona 4.

So yeah, that 30+ hour long Persona stream finished yesterday.
Persona 4: Dancing All Night

Persona 5:

Persona Platinum:
(02-07-2015, 03:46 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: If your interested, play Persona 3 Fes. The game is great, with the only negative thing I have to say is that the dungeon crawling (half of the game) is not really good. The Tired/Sick macanic is stupid and the friendly AI is all over the place. If you have a PSP, I hear that Persona 3 Portable fix these problems.

Ehh. I don't find the dungeon crawling to be that bad. The only really bad thing about the Tartarus is the balancing on the bosses. They are way too strong most of the time. The Full Moon Shadows are decent challenges, but I hate having to fight a boss in the Tartarus. BTW, Have fun fighting the "I'm going to cast a insanely strong spell that can kill most of your party in one hit that you can't dodge in any fashion at random" Sleeping Table. Seriously Atlus, that's definition of balance? A boss with no weaknesses that can one shot almost your entire team!?

If you want to have an easy time killing it, get a Persona with Revolution. It increases you critical hit rate, meaning you can knock it down and get a bunch of All-Out Attacks.
(02-09-2015, 08:41 PM)Takahashi2212 Wrote:
(02-07-2015, 03:46 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: If your interested, play Persona 3 Fes. The game is great, with the only negative thing I have to say is that the dungeon crawling (half of the game) is not really good. The Tired/Sick macanic is stupid and the friendly AI is all over the place. If you have a PSP, I hear that Persona 3 Portable fix these problems.

Ehh. I don't find the dungeon crawling to be that bad. The only really bad thing about the Tartarus is the balancing on the bosses. They are way too strong most of the time. The Full Moon Shadows are decent challenges, but I hate having to fight a boss in the Tartarus. BTW, Have fun fighting the "I'm going to cast a insanely strong spell that can kill most of your party in one hit that you can't dodge in any fashion at random" Sleeping Table. Seriously Atlus, that's definition of balance? A boss with no weaknesses that can one shot almost your entire team!?

If you want to have an easy time killing it, get a Persona with Revolution. It increases you critical hit rate, meaning you can knock it down and get a bunch of All-Out Attacks.

I don't mind the bosses. They give you a good challenge and make you think on your feet. I've only lost to two bosses (would have been three if Lovers had anything to say about it). I have more trouble with my partners. My trip before last into Tartarus had me spending 5 hours just leveling up to get a Persona for Elizabith. Mitsuru would never heal me and Stupei wanted to run right into battles that I don't want, both of which lead to content Game Overs.

I'll keep your tip in in mind becuse apparently my record of beating a shadow on my second try may not last for much longer.

If I can also nit pick, Fuuka sounds like her voice actor has a cold and it bugs me every time she talks, which won't help me to enjoy the battle.
4 rounds and a good deal of leveling later, Sleeping Table has been put to sleep.

In reality, he's not all that hard. He just has this annoying attack that is unavoidable, even with a Magic Mirror.  I beat him with at level 50 with Decarabia and a Level 43 Yukari (so that I can have her cast Mediarama) with Akihko and Koromaru (Level 42 each) tagging along for attack power. At tese levels, the attack did half damage (4/5 damage for Yukari) which ment that we all lived. I was also really lucky that he did it once and used Evil Eye and Hama on everyone for the rest of the battle, killing only Koro at the last turn.
(02-13-2015, 05:00 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: 4 rounds and a good deal of leveling later, Sleeping Table has been put to sleep.

In reality, he's not all that hard. He just has this annoying attack that is unavoidable, even with a Magic Mirror.  I beat him with at level 50 with Decarabia and a Level 43 Yukari (so that I can have her cast Mediarama) with Akihko and Koromaru (Level 42 each) tagging along for attack power. At tese levels, the attack did half damage (4/5 damage for Yukari) which ment that we all lived. I was also really lucky that he did it once and used Evil Eye and Hama on everyone for the rest of the battle, killing only Koro at the last turn.
The difficulty from the Sleeping Table really comes from how much he uses Megido. It's all luck, or grinding. I used Mitsuru, Shinjiro, and Akihiko. We were all around the early 40s.

Good to hear you didn't have as much trouble as I did!
(02-13-2015, 06:45 PM)Takahashi2212 Wrote:
(02-13-2015, 05:00 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: 4 rounds and a good deal of leveling later, Sleeping Table has been put to sleep.

In reality, he's not all that hard. He just has this annoying attack that is unavoidable, even with a Magic Mirror.  I beat him with at level 50 with Decarabia and a Level 43 Yukari (so that I can have her cast Mediarama) with Akihko and Koromaru (Level 42 each) tagging along for attack power. At tese levels, the attack did half damage (4/5 damage for Yukari) which ment that we all lived. I was also really lucky that he did it once and used Evil Eye and Hama on everyone for the rest of the battle, killing only Koro at the last turn.
The difficulty from the Sleeping Table really comes from how much he uses Megido. It's all luck, or grinding. I used Mitsuru, Shinjiro, and Akihiko. We were all around the early 40s.

Good to hear you didn't have as much trouble as I did!

Like I said, I got lucky that he used his instent kill move once, becuse I think he would have killed Yukari if he did it agien, which would have thrown my plan off. There are so many tricks to the mini-boss, I'm surprised that I did it not take me more trys. It's all in being a high enough level and bringing equimpent and Personas (and team members) that are resistant to both wind and fire (which is the reason I did not bring Mitsuru, whose weak to fire, with me), and fear if you really want to.
I ended up picking up Persona Q a bit ago. It's really fun. It's about time there was a really good dungeon crawler to play. I've missed that genre as of late. It helps too that I recognize most of the voice from anime like FMA and the like.
So I beat Persona 3 FES a couple days ago. The Journey anyway. For anyone who hasn't played it, it is a great game, although I grinded too much at the end which made the final boss way to easy. The Answer, I hate with a burning passion. The gameplay is "difficult", but instead of the enemies getting smarter or something like that, the enemies just get way more health, and deal way more damage, all the while the AI shits the bed. It's not a fair challenge; it's annoyingly frustrating. After an hour of trying to beat the first boss, I gave up and watched the story. Spoiler:And I wished I hadn't. The story pisses me off to no end. It ruins the ending of the Journey, and it as a standalone thing is terrible. The characters feel so out-of-character that they are almost un-recognizable (except Akihiko) and I just couldn't stand it. I was so pissed just by WATCHING it. I am glad I didn't go through that grindfest to get this story or I probably would've been angrier.

So I just ended up starting Persona 4. and I love it! All my problems with Persona 3 are remedied here. The characters feels way more relate-able, as they suffer from what my friend calls "real people problems", and the plot so far feels like a rated M episode of Scooby-Doo!. You can probably guess who my favorite character is. I'm currently in late July, and I'm using Chie, Yosuke, and Teddie for my investigation team.
You know, I got a vita almost specifically for Persona 4 Golden, and when I went to get the game, it was out. Here's hoping it'll be there when I go to pick up my Type 0 game on the 17th, because I will buy it without a thought if it's available. Just watched some gameplay of it and man it looks like fun. Having a watched a decent amount of the original PS2 version, I honestly say I already saw a few new things I want to try for myself.

Edit: By the way, thinking about Persona again made me think of getting Persona 3 Portable, but the only place I can find it on the cheap, meaning below 35 bucks, is in PSN, and I'm sorry, I'm not taking 1/16 of my memory card up just to save 15 bucks. That is just too much.

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