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General Card Game Discussion
Hmm, Yu-Gi-Oh... I've played it in the past, but I'm not a serious player or anything. I have one of the premade decks slightly modified, and my boyfriend and roommate both have their own premade deck as well, but that's about as far as we've gone. One of my roommate's friends is a super serious player, but we don't play with him often because his custom made zombie deck always beats our premade decks' butts.
(04-01-2013, 11:15 PM)gaiages Wrote: Hmm, Yu-Gi-Oh... I've played it in the past, but I'm not a serious player or anything. I have one of the premade decks slightly modified, and my boyfriend and roommate both have their own premade deck as well, but that's about as far as we've gone. One of my roommate's friends is a super serious player, but we don't play with him often because his custom made zombie deck always beats our premade decks' butts.

If you can get me specs. I might be able to get you something to counter it.
Specs on his deck? Next time he comes over, I'll take a look at the deck. All I recall right now is a fair amount of graveyard abuse and something about pyramid turtles being lame. :p
(04-03-2013, 11:45 AM)gaiages Wrote: Specs on his deck? Next time he comes over, I'll take a look at the deck. All I recall right now is a fair amount of graveyard abuse and something about pyramid turtles being lame. :p

Oh pyramid turtles are the life blood of a zombie deck. Zombie's don't have that many monsters with high attack and the ones that do are hard to get out.

If I am not mistaken, this is the strongest zombie and it decays every turn as well as proves kind of hard to get out.

Also, most zombies have terrible defense so if you can, use cards like
maybe focus on an archetype like
I don't play it anymore, but I do still have my collection.
Got back into playing Stairway to the Destined Duel for the Gameboy, it's a really fun time waster, and game in general.

It's definitely the best Gameboy Advance Yu-Gi-Oh.

Just listen to that happy music when you face someone weak.
Just beat a guy on Dueling Network using a shapesnatch deck.

[Image: 300px-Shapesnatch-PGD-NA-C-UE.png]

the classy card that is useless without extreme focus on it.
Never seen this one before. Funny card. 5 stars and 1200 ATK/ 1700 DEF? How did you play it?
(04-11-2013, 06:51 PM)Reeves Reus Wrote: Never seen this one before. Funny card. 5 stars and 1200 ATK/ 1700 DEF? How did you play it?

I used ancient rules to special summon one, with inferno reckless summon, limiter removal and summoned a cannon soldier along with the card "Delta Attacker" and otk'd.
There is a new structure deck that was announced for Japan, and hopefully soon everywhere else, centered around Blue-Eyes.
Is anyone else excited?
Structure Deck with the Blue-Eyed White Dragon?? Wooah! Shit just got serious there!!
So, Dueling Network is being attacked by DDoS at the moment.
I used to love Yu-Gi-Oh back in the day. My Zombie/Robot deck was not only the coolest one it school, it was mostly unstoppable. Especially once I got my magna-warriors (Or whatever they were called). 40 cards of pure power, and nothing over a four star monster, except of course Valkyrion. I'd blitz everyone before they even knew what was going on.

I stopped playing when someone stole one of my most powerful zombies. I forget what it was called but it was a four star with 2000 attack and no defense.
(04-24-2013, 08:47 AM)Lazlo Falconi Wrote: I used to love Yu-Gi-Oh back in the day. My Zombie/Robot deck was not only the coolest one it school, it was mostly unstoppable. Especially once I got my magna-warriors (Or whatever they were called). 40 cards of pure power, and nothing over a four star monster, except of course Valkyrion. I'd blitz everyone before they even knew what was going on.

I stopped playing when someone stole one of my most powerful zombies. I forget what it was called but it was a four star with 2000 attack and no defense.
That wasn't it. It was like an army of something or other. I don't think it had an effect. Also I don't remember what the set names were but that looks like a much newer card. I stopped playing around the third or fourth expansion. After the FINAL cards came out. I don't know, this was over ten years ago.

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