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Used to be scared to play FPS games, until my cousins wanted me to see me play Perfect Dark.
I used to call Link, Zelda.
I realized a week ago why the downward dog has its name.
My first crush going up was... Princess Peach. Man, she looked hot in all those sports games... Especially Super Mario Strikers...
Oh yeah, and theeeeeerrrrreeee is a slllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiight possibility that when I played FF VII I named Cloud Link and that when I played LoZ Twilight Princess I named Link Cloud. Just a possibility.
(06-10-2013, 12:11 AM)JiraiyaSannin Wrote: I realized a week ago why the downward dog has its name.

Have you been playing No More Heroes?
(06-10-2013, 01:19 PM)BumblebeeCody Wrote:
(06-10-2013, 12:11 AM)JiraiyaSannin Wrote: I realized a week ago why the downward dog has its name.

Have you been playing No More Heroes?

No, I just realized it when I saw my dog stretching the same way. I still have no idea why I never noticed it sooner.
Kingdom Hearts is one of my favorite franchises of all time, but I've never gotten past one of the first worlds in the original game, and I have no intention of doing so. That game controls like shit.
It's weird because Kingdom Hearts 2 is one of my top five favorite games ever made, but I seriously fucking hate the first one.
(06-11-2013, 01:52 AM)Arjahn Wrote: Kingdom Hearts is one of my favorite franchises of all time, but I've never gotten past one of the first worlds in the original game, and I have no intention of doing so. That game controls like shit.
It's weird because Kingdom Hearts 2 is one of my top five favorite games ever made, but I seriously fucking hate the first one.

I never tried the second one becuz I absolutely hated KH1. I got stuck in alice in the wonderland planet for nearly 2 hours until I got the hang of the combat. But the game storyline is beautiful though. I'm looking forward to KH3 too.
I actually sort of like Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts. It's like Star Fox Adventures, yeah it's bad as a successor to the core, awesome series, but on its own the games are fun and surprisingly unique. Starfox Adventures has some pretty engaging dungeons, and Nuts and Bolts has a great visual style to it. That all being said, the car gameplay is pretty bad, but it's fun to exploit all of the glitches and fly around underneath maps.
(06-11-2013, 01:52 AM)Arjahn Wrote: Kingdom Hearts is one of my favorite franchises of all time, but I've never gotten past one of the first worlds in the original game, and I have no intention of doing so. That game controls like shit.
It's weird because Kingdom Hearts 2 is one of my top five favorite games ever made, but I seriously fucking hate the first one.

Are you planning on getting the 1.5 HD Remix? I hear they had to build it from scratch due to most of the game's assets having gotten lost so I would assume they made the controls better too.
Ok guys, confession time.

Here is the honest truth:
I have played Devil May Cry, then I played DMC (the reboot) and...I LOVED IT!

I really have no idea why there is so much hate for the reboot; the game play is freakin fun as hell, Dante and Vergil are great and I love the updates made to them, I loved the modernization of Mundus, Kat is a great character to have. I really think 98% of the people who complain about it have never actually played it and are basing their ill-placed hate off of the fact that Dante doesn't have white hair -.- "not in a million years"

I really hope the company can just ignore the masses and make a sequel

I'm sure I will get flame after flame or be called "troll" or "stupid" but I felt I had to share.
(08-11-2013, 03:45 AM)TheGenomePrincess Wrote: I have played Devil May Cry, then I played DMC (the reboot) and...I LOVED IT!

[Image: giphy.gif]

I loved DMC3, but DMC4 just doesn't appeal to me.The style changing in DMC4 is wayyyy too hard to do on a Xbox360 controller.

DmC fixed everything, included everything in DMC4, and made the controls a lot more accessible. The only thing that should be hated is the scoring system. How could the player deserve a SSS with 2 death?!
(07-05-2013, 01:20 AM)Arjahn Wrote: I actually sort of like Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts. It's like Star Fox Adventures, yeah it's bad as a successor to the core, awesome series, but on its own the games are fun and surprisingly unique. Starfox Adventures has some pretty engaging dungeons, and Nuts and Bolts has a great visual style to it. That all being said, the car gameplay is pretty bad, but it's fun to exploit all of the glitches and fly around underneath maps.

That's how I thought of RE:Operation Raccoon City. As a Game It's okay, as a Resident Evil game it sucks.
A lot of people hate that game so I guess it's a confession that I like Raccoon City :#
(08-11-2013, 03:45 AM)TheGenomePrincess Wrote: Ok guys, confession time.

Here is the honest truth:
I have played Devil May Cry, then I played DMC (the reboot) and...I LOVED IT!

I really have no idea why there is so much hate for the reboot; the game play is freakin fun as hell, Dante and Vergil are great and I love the updates made to them, I loved the modernization of Mundus, Kat is a great character to have. I really think 98% of the people who complain about it have never actually played it and are basing their ill-placed hate off of the fact that Dante doesn't have white hair -.- "not in a million years"

I really hope the company can just ignore the masses and make a sequel

I'm sure I will get flame after flame or be called "troll" or "stupid" but I felt I had to share.

That's fine. Do What you want. I still have not bought DMC becuse of who is behind it. (Hint:It's the people who hate Mega Man).

I still need to go back and beat Devil May Cry. I don't know what it is, but I can't play it for a long time without getting board. Maybe one day.

Oh, before I forget. The whole white hair thing. Yea, I hear he gets that in the end of the game by over using the Devil Trigger or something like that. So that point is noel and void. Hell if I can like POP for doing something different with Prince of Persia than you guys can at lest enjoy a Devil May Cry Game.

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