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The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
(04-04-2017, 05:20 AM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote: For anyone who enjoy the Dynasty Warrior series, the mobile game is SO MUCH FUN.

It's freemium, but I've been enjoying myself without paying so far.

Glad to know that Dynasty Warriors doesn't falter to mobile and a good freemium game is hard to come by, anywho.
Finally got around to playing Metroid Prime. I've had it as a kid, and got around an hour into every Prime game with the exception of Hunters where I got halfway, but I never actually played a lot of it.

I disliked the 3D gameplay that Prime had, especially after going through all the 2D Metroid's and loving them all, but after finishing Metroid 2's remake I thought I might as well give Prime another shot.

Apart from the fact it has no dual analogue controls it's a pretty perfect game. I tried playing with a KB+M but it proved to be a bit of a pain so I just continued on with a controller and you get used to it I guess. It's just a shame.

Oh, and some of the sections of the game such as enemies respawning in areas you left a minute ago when you come back, and certain puzzles/items like the Boost Ball and the half pipes.
This is not really news per-se so I'll post this here instead:

SNK recently revealed their new mascot (most likely for the entertainment division), her name is 'Enter-Girl'.

She looks cute.
Outrun is surprisingly fun. Never thought it would work on a 2D plane, but here I am playing it pretty frequently. I've got 2/5 goals so far, but I want to get them all and experience all of the roads.

This must've been something back in the day, getting into a plastic car with an actual gear stick, driving wheel and the accelerator/break while people behind watch you take on the roads. With some bad ass music coming out of the speakers.

Also I discovered that back in the 80's malls in Japan used to have bands that would play Sega Arcade music such as Outrun and Space Harrier in the middle of the mall, and I'm talking actual bands.
Looking forward for Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia.

Can't wait for it to ruin my time management skills.
Spent the last 14 hours starting and finishing Lisa: The Painful. It should've really been 10 hours, but you'll see why.

Sadly, I feel as if the game was lost on me. I've discovered that if a majority of people tell me a game is sad, or depressing (and thus is very good because of it) I will always find a way to not fit into that mentality. In a way, if a very story heavy game is thrown onto me to play because of the story I will just say it's not as good as people said it was.

In this case, I feel as if the ending was lost on me (although I read more into it, the prequel and the sequel and understand it A LOT more). It's a fine game, nothing special. It just has a great story and gives you a feeling of despair, hopelessness and sadness.

Still, my enjoyment of the game fucking dipped by the 2nd act, holy fucking shit. I'm still pissed off about it.

The funniest thing, is that I found out that BOTH map were optional, it's just that the walkthrough I looked up to confirm this, made it seem like you had to go to that island, when in fact you just needed to go to another area. When I first went to that area, two fucking dudes ended me in one move and I didn't get a game over. I just assumed that they were unbeatable, but in fact they were just very very strong, and wouldn't end your game.

I'll probably play the DLC when I get a chance, it seems interesting and I did enjoy Buddy as a character, same with Brad.

It's a great game, ignoring all the things in my head to say it's medicore since it's just been tainted with being very tired right now.
hmm...Loving FE Echoes so far. Who knew that proper voice acting can make it 10x better. Currently on Act 3, the maps has been mixed but the dungeons are fun( if battle encounters is your thing). Overall, having a great time.

I wholeheartdly agree with this article.

Too bad this is EA that we are talking about. The changes of this happening are very slim, and even if it does happen, it is going to be butchered in some way or another.
Riley makes a good point: 

[Image: ls9jSCJ.jpg]
Today marks the beginning of the 6th case Phoenix Wright took on.

I mean, a train journey that lasts three days is in the way, but all the same really.
(06-16-2017, 10:22 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: Today marks the beginning of the 7th case Phoenix Wright took on.

I mean, a train journey that lasts three days is in the way, but all the same really.

I get such a nostalgia trip every time you post these.

Don't worry, I'll be doing these for years to come.
For a few years now I've had a game called "Yu-No" in my favourites on Youtube for a while. It was just a segment of the OST that sounded really cool and because of that I really wanted to play it to find out what it was.

When I did do some research (I think it was 2014 at this point) I found out it was getting a remake, and held off on playing it to wait for the remake. Well 3 years later and I've completely forgotten about the remake and never really cared about it one way or the other, I decided on giving it a go after finding a English translation.

The game immediately started up with some nudity and then went onto a panty shot from below, I don't expect much from VN's so this didn't come to me as much of a shock. What did come to me as a shock is the main characters.

I'm somehow relating to this kid, like in every dumb aspect of his life. For example, when he enters his house for the first time in game, I noticed his TV was widescreen and started to think it was a bit stupid to have one back in the 90's, TV's where in 4:3. When you select the TV to look at THIS IS THE FIRST THING THE KID SAYS AS WELL, another example would be how he's always going on about how he loves the architecture of the surrounding area which I can relate to. He has an affinity for history and dislikes pretentious art.

The kid even has a goofy and confident sense of humor. A lot of the actions you can select but not necessarily do (since the kid will just stop you from doing so, leading me to believe that the kid is directly talking to me, the player) in the game are really funny as well, ranging from moving out of an area by going under a girls skirt, and having an option of eating food or my step-mother.

I'm enjoying the game so far, but it's hardly got into the main story yet. Can't really say much for it, but give the OST a listen at least, it's really cool.

Still not 100% sure what the game is about which is what I kinda like. I know it's about going back in time, but beyond that is a mystery to me. I'm hoping it's really good though, as right now it's a charming game that has a cool soundtrack and aesthetic but beyond that it could be an average VN.
Reinstalled TF2 for the first time in a year or so. I like Overwatch but holy shit mobility in TF2 is just so much better. Rocket jumping just blows everything blizzard has out of the water.
So it turns out that the Outrun 20th Anniversary Edition that came out over 10 years ago is actually a really cool.

I just thought it would be like a collection of 50 or so tracks, but damn was I wrong.

IT'S OVER 200 TRACKS FROM OUTRUN GAMES ON MULTIPLE SYSTEMS. Seriously, ranging from the minigame in Shenmue 2 to the damn FM version of the Master System versions. There are tons of versions of the same three tracks in different consoles and soundchips. It's really cool to see.

I'd love to buy one, but can't really see myself getting on anytime soon, still the playlist on Youtube will have to do.


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