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The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
Damn I do love Outrun. Played the hell out of the re-release on Xbox 360 Arcade.

Keep and eye on 80's Overdrive if you're looking for something new. I'm eagerly awaiting this game.

Vaporwave Outrun???
These Neptunia games are the first case I've seen where a game has "nudity" tagged on it in steam, and it actually has nudity. Caught me by surprise. I was posting footage to youtube. XD

So much for that.
Aw Yiss. Spl2n looks good.
So I've been playing Persona 3 recently, got into quite a bit and I've been doing a lot of social links surprisingly. Unless I'm missing out on become friends with the SEES team, there's no real reason for me to interact with them unlike in Persona 4 where a max social link would improve their personas.

Anyhow, I've maxed out two social links already, and I'm working on two others. So I get a call from one friend asking if I'm doing something on Sunday, I tell them I'm free because I completely forgot I had plans on that day, and then boom. Game reminds me I have plans. So I go to cancel the plans with the other friend. Seems simple enough right?

Well, NO. The game tells me that this one incident has fucked up my friendship as of now. Seriously? Cancelling plans on a Sunday (a few days in advance mind you) has "soured" our friendship? I mean, wow. That's a new one.

Thank God this was removed in Persona 4, I probably would've gotten this by accident many times in a row.
I finally got a PS4. Amazon had a deal for it's prime day and my mom gave me a "loan" so I could get it. It was the slim version that came with Uncharted 4 and I bought Mighty No.9 because I like bad games, it was cheap, and I wanted a second game for the system. The bad news is that I've had a sore throat for the last few days and it's made me not want to do all the start up things it's going to ask me to do. Soon I'll feel better and I'll get around to playing Mega No.9.
A bit late to post this, but I went to a Zelda escape room last week. So hype. Was just a small hall but was decorated with Zelda items. Had different domains laid out and the overall puzzle was damn exciting.
Lil sis got Ocarina of Time on 3DS without me mentioning it. Wasn't expecting that, but she's enjoying it.
The World Ends With You turns 10 years old today.

[Image: TWEWY.jpg]

You guys should play it if you haven't.
SSX 3 turns 14 sometime in December.
[Image: SSX3-2-min.jpg]

You guys should play it if you haven't.
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground turns 10 years old this October.

[Image: tonyhawksprovingground_fe001?%24TwoColumn_Legacy%24]

ehh, you can skip this one.
Somehow in my hours long quest to fix a broken Japanese PS2 I got for pretty cheap, I got it to, and I'm still not even sure how I did this, load up a North American game.
[Image: 20632415_1639623192715487_1734347836_n.j...e=5985CD57]

Sorry for the shitty image, but the game I loaded up was an american copy of Madden 2002. I'm still not even sure how this happened, but hey this means it works, I guess!

EDIT: Okay so I figured it out: if you place a PS1 game into the console while it's on, let it spin for a bit, and then hit the reset button twice, the game will load up. I've tested this with both Madden NFL 2002, and Destruction Derby 2, and they both loaded up and played just fine. I have a feeling I just stumbled across a modchipped PS2.

EDIT 2: Yup this thing is softmodded. From what I gather online, this thing is in a constant "PS2 Mode", which means it will only read PS2 games and CDs. Hitting the reset button twice will flip it into "PS1 Mode" which will allow it to read PS1 games. Hitting the reset button three times puts it in "DVD mode" which allows it to play DVD movies. I couldn't find any name of a modchip with this particular set of instructions (although the Super 7 modchip does feature the same "hit reset twice to play PS1 games" so maybe I have a chip in the same family), or even any evidence of a modchip (although granted I wouldn't even know what to look for), considering the bizarre nature of loading games and DVDs, and the region free nature of the machine (which isn't standard), it's safe to say it's modified in some capacity.

Only noticeable thing about this modchip (besides all the reset hitting) is the fact that the console is region free (besides the DVD player). I've yet to try and play backups.

and what this really means is that all the time I spent tinkering with this thing was for nothing because the thing didn't have an issue reading PS1 games at all it was just in PS2 mode and I didn't know how to get it out.
Went to an arcade today.

Had a lot of fun, played on an actual Outrun 2 arcade machine and was kinda disappointed. The machine itself was great, but the quality on the TV was awful, it was like 480i composite, as opposed to my 1080p, 8XAA I can get on my PC.  It was very hard to play since drifting was difficult but overall I had a lot of fun. I sadly didn't complete a run of the arcade.

They also had Initial D. Funnily enough my brother lost to Itsuki who is the worst racer in the anime. I beat him in an 86 since they allowed you to have one. It was kinda boring to be honest, but I didn't use manual transmission so it could've been a lot more fun with that.

They had a billiards table as well, which I beat my brother at. The table was very large and the pool cue was odd to say the least, jump shots happened a lot more than they should've on that table.

They also had a weird rhythm game, two actually. One was called Groove Coaster or something (apparently the only one in Europe) and was full of Japanese music I didn't know, luckily they had some Danganronpa music which I aced because I knew it so well and it's one of my favourite tracks.

Here's some gameplay of it.

They also had a Taiko: Drum Master, which was the loudest fucking game in there. Like seriously, imagine Japanese being blasted at you at 200% from tinny speakers. It was awful. The worst part was that we kept on getting free games and eventually had to choose the hardest one (which was Tank from Bebop by the way). It had tons of anime openings and video game stuff, including Lucky Star, School Days, Evangelion and Initial D, they even had eurobeat.
What arcade did you go to?

Someplace in Soho, my brother brought me there so I didn't check the names. I'm sure if you searched up "Soho Arcade" you'll find it.
So here's something kinda interesting, doubt it's trivia worthy but I'll share anyway.

Was walking around the house when I heard a familiar song from a movie my dad was watching.

Around the 1:30 mark, and then I noticed something.

It's pretty much just this, without the guitar. They even bob left and right.

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