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The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
I'm so bummed they already finished. Jesse Cox played I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream with Octopimp.

That game is both fucked up and amazing so it was fun to see their reactions.

I talked about it on Discord and had to be like "Wait, wait, wait, wait!" when the German we have on there got interested.

Yeah... She's not too keen on it now thanks to Nimdok's segment.
Finished Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg a few hours ago.

I knew about the game since I was a kid, never got it because it seemed weird and I was right on the money when I played it. I tried to play it in 2016, but my computer wouldn't run it quickly so I finished it this year instead.

My only real complaint about the game was that it was unnecessarily frustrating. There were so many bits that pissed me off to no extent that could've been avoided. The game had shitty platforming that was just awful to deal with, the game never tells you that you need 25 emblems until RIGHT at the end (emblems are basically like stars in Mario 64, and you need 25 to unlock the final stage) and does it in such a fucking disgustingly smug way it pissed me off that I dropped the game for a month.

Overall though, the game wasn't bad it was just flawed in a lot of design principles and such. If the game came out on the Dreamcast in around 1999, I could look past this stuff but it was a mid gen platformer by Sega and Sonic Team. It didn't deserve this kind of game.

If this game ever got a sequel, I hope they try and make it "non linear" in the sense that you could complete a stage in two ways a platforming hell, or a just fight your way to the end. Depending on which you chose you'd get a stage that was suited for that. I found myself enjoying the fighting because it was quite simple, and when I was overwhelmed with enemies it was actually quite a challenge to bounce myself around to avoid hits, and hit them back.

Overall, the game was a 7/10, and took around 15 hours to complete. It's flawed, but I'd like to see a sequel someday.
Got into Borderlands 2 a couple months ago and loved it. Got stuck and stopped playing it, but recently got back into it and got to the final boss (although I'm having more trouble with The Warrior than I should be AHHHGJGJG).

But my friend got me Pre-Sequel as a birthday present and I have been enjoying it so. Safe to say, I've gotten invested in this series and don't know why I put off playing these for so long. I can easily say it's now one of my favorite franchises. I'm excited to see what's in store for the future. (Also Pre-Sequel makes me feel like a Star Wars-ey badass like I've never felt like one before)
Got spring break next week and am too broke to go anywhere since I spend all of my money on trading cards and hot dogs.

Anyone got a solid single player game they'd recommend? Asking a super vague question since honestly I'm up for trying anything here. Just started my 12th skyrim playthrough and I think I recognize locations in that game better than I do in my hometown.
Pick a JRPG and pray.
Or you could pick a good JRPG that like a Shin Megami Tensei title, or Fantasy Life, or Yokai Watch, or FF9, or Valkiriya Chronicles, or Tales of Berseria, or Infinite Undiscovery, or Eternal Sonata, or Xenoblade 1 or 2, or...this list just goes on.
Megaman & Bass for the GBA was released in North America 15 years ago.

Also, I know that I'm 5 days late but happy 10th anniversary to Ryū ga Gotoku Kenzan! (Yakuza Kenzan)
(03-09-2018, 02:19 AM)Arjahn Wrote: Got spring break next week and am too broke to go anywhere since I spend all of my money on trading cards and hot dogs.

Anyone got a solid single player game they'd recommend? Asking a super vague question since honestly I'm up for trying anything here. Just started my 12th skyrim playthrough and I think I recognize locations in that game better than I do in my hometown.

Participate in the vidya gauntlet.

Click NES on the top, and start from there, once you complete that game, go onto SNES and from there work your way down and try and complete them all.
With the background change this month, I got excited that VC4 was coming out this month.

Turns out it's just for Japan. Well there goes my plans for Easter.
Get this shit out of my Deus Ex pls eidos

[Image: BC21BDE6BE8876CD0856C445FAAD55DBDDAE24B5]
Got the social enhancer perk and it told me this really important NPC "Backs down when challenged"

So I challenged him and he got pissed at me.

Today marks the beginning of the 9th case Phoenix Wright took on.

Honestly, good thing I remembered it was today. My mind had me thinking it was the 25th.
(03-20-2018, 05:02 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: Today marks the beginning of the 9th case Phoenix Wright took on.

Honestly, good thing I remembered it was today. My mind had me thinking it was the 25th.

Whenever you post these, it makes me want to start playing the series again. 
Such a good game.
Playing through Deus Ex: Human Revolution and trying to actually finish it since last time I got to around the second major boss fight, which was obnoxious and crappy as all of the boss fights and gave up.

Thing is that they released a Director's Cut a few years after the game came out that made the boss fights not shit anymore, so my stealth playthrough isn't completely boned!

Bad news is that I decided to try a pacifist play through during the first mission and killing enemies in the tutorial stops you from getting the achievement, and I just remembered that I most definitely killed guys in the tutorial this morning at about ~16 hours into the game. Now how am I going to show off my sick trophies :(
Soul Calibur 2 was released (in Japan) 15 years ago today!

Hard to believe it's been so long. I remember picking up the Gamecube version as a kid just because it had Link on the cover, not even knowing what Soul Calibur was. Turns out that unlikely crossover would introduce me to one of my favorite fighting franchises.

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