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The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
So I came back home for a few weeks due to Easter and found out my brother bought a Rift for VR games.

I'm not against VR, but I think it's kind of a novelty and will be amazing in around 20 years when we've worked everything out, but for now it's just "really cool", but man it's a whole lot of fun.

I played some Gamecube games on VR, F-Zero, Skies of Arcadia, Wind Waker, Smash and Deg Jam Fight for NY. F-Zero was probably the only cool one of the bunch since it actually worked quite well (50fps) and you could put it in first person and look around the area. Skies of Arcadia would've been cool but a huge black box which had the game being rendered in Red and Blue 3D basically made the game an eyesore to play. It was kind of cool when the game was showing a cutscene and it was like you were kind of there watching things play out but apart from that it wasn't incredible. Wind Waker was similar, it was cool to go first person and look around from the starting point of the game, but otherwise it's just alright to play.

Then my brother showed me the VR games to play one of them is called Robo Recall and it's FUCKING AMAZING. It's basically an arcade shooter for the modern day. It's a mix of Time Crisis with an 80's gameshow/music style where you take out malfunctioning robots, everything about it is incredible.

Like seriously, THIS should be the poster child for vr. You could grab bullets out of the air and throw them back at people, throw empty guns at enemies and if they hit them grabbing them back for extra points and a free reload, dodging headshots by moving your head away from the bullet (WHICH THE RIFT TRACKS), pulling guns from your back and killing things in mid air. God damn, it was SO MUCH FUN.

It's amazing how they're GIVING this game away for free if you own an Occulus Touch.

This game really makes me wonder why people haven't tried making VR arcades, sure the price might be a bit too steep right now, but fuck man. I'd go to one every day if they allowed you to play Robo Recall. IT'S SO GOOD. My only complaint was that the moving system was a bit too weird to get used to, but I'm sure I will with more playing.

I also played a bit of Superhot. I can see the appeal and doing things like throwing a gun over to the next area you're going to be in, and then teleporting there to grab the gun to give you an advantage in your fight is cool. The game feels very trial and error like, but I enjoyed it for what it was. Although, hitting my shelf several times wasn't fun. I hate this small room ;-;

I also tried Google Earth, Batman VR and Toy Box. They're all pretty fun but lose their appeal the more you play. Seeing your parents killed as a young Bruce Wayne was scary.
GTA London 1969 (an expansion pack for the original GTA game) is 19 years old now.
Been messing around with Titan Quest again recently. I kinda wish the inventory system were different in hindsight, but its still a fun romp.
Shenmue 1 and 2 finally getting a port in HD.

Took Sega long enough tbh.

Although, it looks like the cutscenes are in 4:3. I really hope they fix that because if an emulator can do it, so can they.
A day late to the party, but The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past was released in North America 20 years ago.
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My 10 year old daughter and I downloaded PUBG mobile and she has managed to place 19/100 while my best is 42/100. I can't vent and can't anti vent.
(04-14-2018, 09:24 PM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: My 10 year old daughter and I downloaded PUBG mobile and she has managed to place 19/100 while my best is 42/100.  I can't vent and can't anti vent.

Getting closer every day to that chicken dinner.
I thought this was pretty cool:
(04-14-2018, 09:30 PM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote:
(04-14-2018, 09:24 PM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: My 10 year old daughter and I downloaded PUBG mobile and she has managed to place 19/100 while my best is 42/100.  I can't vent and can't anti vent.

Getting closer every day to that chicken dinner.

She got that Winner Winner Chicken Dinner today. =D

UPDATE: I got that Chicken Dinner, 10 kills, and MVP the next day. It's kind of exciting.
Cards rotating out of standard in hearthstone is like having a giant, crusty booger in your nose for two years and finally managing to get it out.
(04-18-2018, 08:07 PM)Arjahn Wrote: Cards rotating out of standard in hearthstone is like having a giant, crusty booger in your nose for two years and finally managing to get it out.

Just serves as a reminder that you're playing in Ben Brode's nose imo.
I have a run tomorrow morning in a speedrunning marathon in a game I haven't practiced in nearly a year....
Welp, guess I'm cramming tonight.
You gonna stream the cramming?
(04-21-2018, 03:12 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: You gonna stream the cramming?
Yep, live now
Just got a spam email that said "welcome to the new world of sex" and my first thought was "oh cool they're making a new ssx game."

they aren't :(

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