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The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
Megaman 11 is out now. Loving every second of it.
Been playing Mega Man 11 as well. I only have Bounce Man left, and I don't know if I'm gonna even try it anymore. His stage is the least fun I've had with a Mega Man stage in years. It might be my least favorite stage of all.
I was watching the end of a PUBG match posted on reddit. It was 1 v 3 at the end of a squad match and as the zone is coming in, the team of 3 had to jump down from a high cliff and the person recording sniped the first 2 and the 3rd one died from the jump.
I commented "It was at that moment, the last guy realized he didn't have a Yoshi to jump off of"; one reply is "yoshi?"
Am I so old that the are gamers that do not know the infamous jump off Yoshi's back and Mario makes it safely while Yoshi falls in a hole and is reincarnated in another egg? Come on, it's Yoshi. Who doesn't know who Yoshi is?
(10-05-2018, 07:47 AM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: I was watching the end of a PUBG match posted on reddit. It was 1 v 3 at the end of a squad match and as the zone is coming in, the team of 3 had to jump down from a high cliff and the person recording sniped the first 2 and the 3rd one died from the jump.
I commented "It was at that moment, the last guy realized he didn't have a Yoshi to jump off of"; one reply is "yoshi?"
Am I so old that the are gamers that do not know the infamous jump off Yoshi's back and Mario makes it safely while Yoshi falls in a hole and is reincarnated in another egg? Come on, it's Yoshi. Who doesn't know who Yoshi is?

Yoshimitsu of course. With his flea jumping sword.
(10-05-2018, 07:47 AM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: I was watching the end of a PUBG match posted on reddit. It was 1 v 3 at the end of a squad match and as the zone is coming in, the team of 3 had to jump down from a high cliff and the person recording sniped the first 2 and the 3rd one died from the jump.
I commented "It was at that moment, the last guy realized he didn't have a Yoshi to jump off of"; one reply is "yoshi?"
Am I so old that the are gamers that do not know the infamous jump off Yoshi's back and Mario makes it safely while Yoshi falls in a hole and is reincarnated in another egg? Come on, it's Yoshi. Who doesn't know who Yoshi is?

What's a computer ?
Been enjoying the overwatch Halloween event. Can't really go too long in endless though because my arms cramp up by the 2nd bonus round.
Yesterday marks the beginning of the 10th case Phoenix Wright took on.

I actually forgot I did this, the trial is happening today though.
When exactly did Mario Party start sucking? I checked and I stopped buying them after 5 (which was very, very good from what I can remember).

From videos I've seen of titles after that they had this really lame mechanic for one that had you moving around in a cart together, which would have made me trade in the game instantly. They also seem to have removed Boo's space and a lot of other mechanics that made the games ever so mean but also fun and strategic at the same time.
Might as well update with what I'm playing.

Going through Final Fantasy X, nearly finished with it too. Just reached Zanarkand, so probably another 2-4 hours left I'd say. I didn't like how linear the game felt, and still don't. It's not a bad FF game, but the first half was.

Also playing through Rhythm Heaven Silver, the game boy version of Rhythm Heaven that was never released here, it's Rhythm Heaven so I've got nothing more to say.

I also finished the other two cases of The Great Ace Attorney. These were MUCH better than Case's 1 and 2. 3 drops you off right into a case, and while I usually hate that stuff, if you put Case 2 and 3 together, it kind of makes sense. I enjoyed Case 3 a lot especially how one character was playing the entire courtroom into believing his story, and surprisingly HE DID THE SAME TO ME. I was actually shocked at how

Case 4 was also pretty good as well, and is pretty much the first "real" case in London. You get to investigate, talk to people, find clues and talk to Holmes. Once you've done all that, you do the trial. I do hope we get to meet Moriarty though.

Once I finished FFX, I'll be playing FFXII next so I've got that to look forward to. I've also got a few games on the backlog, like Spiderman, Detroit, and Yakuza 5.
Whether or not you think Detroit: Become Human is a good game or not you have to admit it looks absolutely fantastic. I wish that they'd remake Until Dawn and make the character models look that good. They were unfortunately very uncanny valley, especially with their mouth movements, which took me out of the experience. They'd look completely real if they looked like characters in Detroit.
I was meaning to post this on the first but this month marks the date of the First Nonary Game from the Zero Escape series. Now someone remind me to bring up the second game in nine years.

Today technically marks the beginning of the 11th and apparently 12th case Phoenix Wright took on.

I really wanted to play them both today, but my life got in the way and I don't have the time.
Today technically marks the beginning of the 13th case Phoenix Wright took on.
Today technically marks the beginning of the 14th case Phoenix Wright took on.

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