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The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
Hey so, you know the "water monkee / searching for the sea banana" meme? Well, the animation comes a Donkey Kong Country commercial.

"wow, the animation/visuals at the beggining are pretty good for early 2003" - No, not really. This kind of quality was standart for the time. Please do not confuse pre-rendered CGI with video game graphics.
Throwback Thursday!

Remenber this game called Tri-achnid? It was made by Edmund McMillen and Florian Himsl, the same people behind The Binding of Isaac. Edmund McMillen also made Super Meat Boy.

Speaking of Newgrounds, remenber the Millie Megavolte series by Myroid?

Myroid is currently working on a game called Johnny Lionface.

EDIT: This one is not on Newgrounds, but remenber this one game called Extreme Pamplona?
Throwback Thursday!

Remenber The Groosenator? Yeah, Groose from Skyward Sword had his own fangame. It was deleted on 2019, tho.

Some gameplay footage I could find. Audio is in Spanish.

Speaking of fangames, remenber A Koopa's Revenge?
Happy 20th anniversary to the Xbox brand!

Happy 35th anniversary to Mystical Ninja Goemon!

Two days late, but happy 5th anniversary to DOOM!
Two days late, but happy 10th anniversary to Terraria!
Just came to say that Miitopia's avatar creator is really great. You can create so many different things, so many options.

Miitopia as in the Switch remake, not the original 3DS game.
Heads Up ‘Metroid’ Fans: Oh Man, We Forgot We Signed An NDA, Nevermind
Anyone remenbers Alkie Kong and its sequel Alkie Kong 2? To be honest I only played the second one. It's on Newgrounds.

Also, remenber Super Mario 63?
Throwback T- Oh, it's not Thursday anymore.

Remenber the URA Zelda restoration project by ZethN64? For those who don't know, URA Zelda was supposed to be an expansion for OOT for the 64DD, with new dungeons and everything, but it was canceled in favor of Majora's Mask (that and because the 64DD flopped HARD). The restoration project by ZethN64 started out as exactly that, but then it changed in direction. Instead, the URA Zelda project became something of its own. It was gonna have an original story, a protagonist who isn't Link (The Hero of Light), the dark world from ALTTP, ect.

Man, I remenber when it got canceled. I was bummed.

Have you heard of Mega Man X Corrupted? It's a Metroidvania (yes, you read that right) Mega Man X fangame developed by JKB Games. Its been in development since the late 2000's . The game takes place in an alternative continuity after Mega Man X5.

Two console generations have passed since then and the game is not yet complete. Might as well change the name to Mega Man X Forever.

I wonder if Mega Man X Corrupted will share the same fate as Sonic Mania and Street Fighter X Mega Man: fan games that were endorsed and even supported by the original IP holders. It's the best possible scenario for JKB Games.

JKB Games have both a YouTube channel and a Facebook page.
I'm a little surprised how the original arcade version of Punch-Out!! and Super Punch-Out!! were never ported to the Nintendo DS or the Nintendo 3DS. One would think that the system's two screens would be a perfect match considering those two arcade games also used two screens but for some reason it just never happened. Plus, I'm sure that even the DS was powerful enough to deliver Arcade perfect ports of and Punch-Out!! and Super Punch-Out!!
Remenber 2006's Murloc RPG (vanilla version)? I do, it was my first introduction to World of Warcraft. I don't think I ever completed it.

In 2011 or so they launched an expansion for the game called Stranglethorn Fever.

There's also Murloc RPG 2: Episode 1, which was also released in 2011. Never played that one.

Remenber this MMORPG called Sherwood Dungeon?

Happy 15th anniversary to Half-Life 2: Episode One!
Throwback Thursday!

Remenber Prison Escape by Free World Group? I just played it again and I made it to level 17, so that's nice.

Remeber Collateral Damages? TBH I only played the second one.

Lastly, remenber Nimian Flyer Legends and Nimian Hunter?
Throwback Thursday!

Remenber the Crash and Spyro McDonald's Mini Games?

Also, you know how people go and say things like "man, this game doesn't look as good as I remenber"? There is a good reason for that other than just nostalgia.
(02-27-2021, 01:24 PM)ZpaceJ0ck0 Wrote: Why I have the feeling that Nintendo is gonna ignore Metroid's 35th anniversary, which is also this year? I mean, they did ignore the 25th anniversary back then, so...

Man, I'm glad Nintendo proved me wrong! No sarcasm here, I'm actually glad to be proven wrong in this scenario.

So this showed up in my recommended. A mod for Fallout 4 named Fallout: London.

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