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The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
Remenber how Shenmue was lauded as this groundbreaking masterpiece of a game back in the early 2000's? From what I've seen, nowadays more and more people than ever see the Shenmue series as nothing but a joke. And I mean the series as a whole, not just Shenmue III.
Flashback Friday!

Remenber the flash game The Rise of a Knight and its sequel The Rise of a King by SeethingSwarm? SeethingSwarm is also behind the Hobo series.
(07-09-2021, 10:32 AM)ZpaceJ0ck0 Wrote: Happy 40th anniversary to the Donkey Kong series!

Why is Nintendo ignoring Donkey Kong's 40th anniversary? I get that they are focusing on Metroid, but a simple tweet or whatever to celebrate the anniversary shouldn't take long. Maybe they planning something big for later this year?

... Nah, the most likely explanation is that Nintendo just forgot about it.
Four days late, but happy 20th anniversary to the Nintendo GameCube!

Four days late, but happy 15th anniversary to God Hand!

Happy 30th anniversary, Captain Commando!
Deltarune chapter 2 is now available.
So there's a controversy (if you can call it that??) about the way Thor looks in the upcoming God of War: Ragnarok.

I'm just gonna say this: THAT is the way Thor looks in Norse mythology. If you don't like it that's fine, but that's the more accurate version of Thor. This is Norse mythology Thor, not Marvel's Thor.

EDIT: As for Angrboda? Yeah, I don't understand why they choose that design for her.

"Why are people complaining about Angrboda's design in GOW Ragnarok? Heimdall was played by Idris Elba and people loved it!" - Yeah, but that was Marvel's Heimdall, not Norse mythology Heimdall. Plus, Idris Elba nailed that role.

"Heimdall in the comics was also white!" - Actually.... yeah, he WAS white. Then they turned him black because gotta imitate everything the MCU does, I guess.

Heh, and people say that "Blackwashing" isn't a thing. People will tell you that blackwashing isn't real just because it isn't as prominent or talked about as whitewashing. People will call you a "stupid redneck" just for pointing out that blackwashing is, indeed, a real thing.

But yeah, like I said. Blackwashing is real, it's just rare... unless you're a redheaded character from Marvel or DC Comics, then it's inevitable. Blackwashing is also prominent in Twitter art.

Angrboda's design in Assasin's Creed: Valhalla is more accurate to the way she was described in Norse mythology.
[Image: ACV_DB_Angrboda.PNG]

And of course people criticizing Andrboda's design in this game are being labelled as racist bigots on Twitter. Then again, it's Twitter. So nothing new under the sun.

EDIT: You know what i find funny? The people defending Andrboda's redesign uses arguments such as "ugh, she's a fictional character. This doesn't affect you. Creators can interprete characters in any way they want".

What's funny about that, you ask? Its funny because those exact same people will bitch and moan about whitewashing. ROFLMFAO! Worst part is that they don't even realize their hypocrisy even if you point it out to them.

Hypocrites, all of them.
AO rated games should be destigmatized.

"Most AO rated games (not all, but most) are pornographic in content. Most people don't wanna sell porn" - But selling ultra violent games like Mortal Kombat 11 is somehow better?? Not only that but games like MK11 get an M rating instead of an AO rating, even thought you can also get an AO rating for violence. Ao rating for violence makes even less sense because only 3 games so far have ever been rated AO because of violent content, one of which was never officially released. If anything, the fact that people think that AO rated games = porn is another reason why the AO rating should destigmatized. Games with an AO rating can contain other subjects and genres.

Don't take me wrong, I'm not saying that games like MK11 or Doom Eternal should be censored. I'm just saying that the gaming industry and retailers should stop treating the AO rating with such an stigma. To stop treating like the "kiss of death".

Anyway, I'm just gonna leave this video here while we are at it.
Flashback F-Oh wait, it's not Friday anymore.

Remeneber 3D pinball Space Cadet?

I didn't even knew this game had music! It seems the music in this game is turned off by default.

Retro Smack Wrote:My previous video of this game was rather popular, and when reading the comments, I realised there were a few things I didn't know when I was playing it. Firstly, the game has music! I made sure it was turned on this time. Secondly, there's a launch skill shot, which I haven't completely mastered yet. Most importantly though, 3D Pinball Space Cadet was part of literally thousands of people's lives! I hope you enjoy my new high score video as much as I enjoyed achieving it.
Happy 35th Anniversary, Castlevania!

Happy 25th anniversary, Sakura Wars!
I just realized Bayonetta has the proportions of a character in a Tim Burton film. She's all leg, like Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Not saying this is a bad thing, of course.
Wonder Woman should get a solo videogame already! It's long overdue! She's the only menber of the DC trinity that doesn't have a solo video game.

EDIT: Upon doing more research I found out that Wonder Woman did have a solo video game. It's called Wonder Woman: Rise of the Warrior. It was released in 2017 by Snapchat (yes, that Snapchat).

There's also Wonder Woman - Robot Rumble which is a web-browser game that is based on the show DC Super Hero Girls. You can also play it on mobile devices.

Now that I know this I must rephrase my post: Wonder Woman should get a solo videogame for consoles and PC. A "proper" video game as some people might call it.
Happy 1st anniversary, Friday Night Funkin'!
(01-13-2021, 03:48 PM)ZpaceJ0ck0 Wrote:
(10-28-2020, 10:27 PM)ZpaceJ0ck0 Wrote: Kurohyō: Ryū ga Gotoku Shinshō (Black Panther: Like a Dragon New Chapter),and Kurohyō 2: Ryū ga Gotoku Ashura hen (Black Panther 2: Like a Dragon Ashura Chapter) are pair of PSP games released in 2010 and 2012 respectively. As the name suggest, Kurohyō is a spin-off of the Ryu ga Gotoku/Like a Dragon series (know simply as 'Yakuza' in the west); the games are known as Yakuza: Black Panther by western fans. While the original Yakuza series mainly focuses on over-the-top battles against multiple opponents, Kurohyō takes a more realistic, 1-on-1 approach.

The game was developed by Syn Sophia (formely AKI Corporation), the same studio behind the Def Jam games.

The reason I'm bringing this up is because the fan-translation project for Kurohyo 1 was completed after 7 years in the making... for the most part. From what I heard the main story is fully translated but some side-stories and menus are not. The translation team said that this is as far as they'll go.

Now, if only the Kurohyo games could get a remaster like they did for Yakuza 3-5. Or at least feature Tatsuya Ukyo in the mainline Yakuza games.

Another team is now working on a fan-translation for Kurohyo 2. The team will translate everything, from the main story to menus and side-stories. All of it. The translation is coming on January 7th. (The team's Twitter page)

The team is planning to work on Kurohyo 1 after they are done with this game. The new Kurohyo 1 translation will be done from scratch.

EDIT: next year is the 10th anniversary of Kurohyo 2.
In punch-out for the NES, Little Mac is listed as 4ft5in (140cm) tall. Meanwhile, in Punch-Out for the Wii he is listed as 5ft6in (170cm).

In other words, the character went from Little Mac to Medium Sized Mac. Boring!

Granted, he's still the smallest character in Punch-Out for the Wii (all of his opponets are taller than him). But that doesn't change the fact that he's still a Medium Sized Mac in Punch-Out Wii.

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