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The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
(08-23-2017, 03:28 AM)BumblebeeCody Wrote: I only just realised that Mario Odyssey is coming out in October which means I have to buy a Switch sooner than I wanted to. :(
First world problems

I have to wait til the 1st of September to even have a chance to get one but I'll just wait for 2018.
That's not a bad idea. I got my Switch on the day it released just so I could do that for the first time in my life. And I only have Botw and Minecraft. I know there are more games, but I want to wait until there's an even better variety of games to choose from.
In a series of mundane events, I somehow got Project M running on my PC. If anyone wants to play some smash, hit me up during the weekends.

And for the tech wizards out there that is unimpressed by my PC skillz(in which I went through hours learning how to install the damn thing)...
shut up.
Holy shit, Ristar is a fucking difficult game. So, the main gameplay is to propel Ristar around with his long elastic arms. He'll grab something and pull back, let go and be flung towards something. Enemies will also fly around the screen if you attack them and there are also some ledges and ladders you'll have to grab onto throughout the game, sounds easy right?

The first stage was pretty simple, it was just some acrobatics that needed perfect timing. I died a few times due to me being a bit silly but overall it was fine.

The boss wasn't that difficult either, it was just good timings on hits.

The second stage was an annoyance due to it being underwater, so grabbing things was difficult since you'd move slightly in the direction of your grab, so I'd get hit from something annoying.

But oh man, the third stage was absolute hell. You basically need to be PERFECT at hitting diagonal grabs which required you to press Right/Up or Left/Up at the same time and if you press Right or Left you move in that direction. To add insult to injury the devs decided to put the bars/objects you need to grab around spike pits. So it's either get really good at diagonal grabbing or lose health, and oh man did I lose health. I'm not even sure if the Mega Drive supported directional input without moving the character left/right.

I mean just look at all the stuff I gotta avoid and get the diagonal jumps on point for.

The game does grant you 25 lives though and there are 6 stages from what I can tell. I'm currently on Stage 4 which is probably the worst stage yet int terms of these spike pits, and I've only got 10 lives left. The game is good, but damn is it hard as fuck.
So I finished Yu-No, and this game honestly just got crazier and crazier as time went on. Like seriously, the amount of things this game does is ridiculous. I'm condensing big plot points into little one sentence bullet points. If you have no intention of playing the game (took me 43 hours to 100% it) but wouldn't mind watching an anime they'll create in 2018. I wouldn't read the spoiler otherwise if you wanna be in for a badly explained ride, go ahead.

Here's some music while you read this crazy thing.

I should also add this game had an actual fucking thesis on time travel/dimension jumping.
(08-28-2017, 07:39 AM)Berry Wrote: In a series of mundane events, I somehow got Project M running on my PC. If anyone wants to play some smash, hit me up during the weekends.

And for the tech wizards out there that is unimpressed by my PC skillz(in which I went through hours learning how to install the damn thing)...
shut up.
Install Project M 3.6 and try Turbo mode feature. Insanity fun!
Gonna try Dark Souls for the 9th or so time, got 7 hours in this game and I've never beaten the first real boss since the game is so frustrating. Think if it doesn't click this time I'm just gonna remove the game from my account.
yeaaaah forgot that the skeletons literally have homing attacks, it aint happening

I dislike Dark Souls quite a bit actually, but you did notice the stairs behind Firelink Shrine right? That's the way you're meant to go, not the graveyard that the game faces you towards and places an NPC near so that turning around and going off into the distance would be a stupid and illogical thing to do.
(09-03-2017, 01:57 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: ^

I dislike Dark Souls quite a bit actually, but you did notice the stairs behind Firelink Shrine right? That's the way you're meant to go, not the graveyard that the game faces you towards and places an NPC near so that turning around and going off into the distance would be a stupid and illogical thing to do.

No yeah I've gotten to the first real boss a few times through the town and all that, was talking about the armored skeletons.

I also gotta reiterate again how nice Monster Hunter feels after this. I feel like I might enjoy the game if it was all 1v1, but just like in MH, when you throw multiple enemies at you when the mechanics were clearly not designed for it, it just feels like shit.

Also super narrow spaces to fight enemies in constantly, gud level design 10/10
So, Gamestop promised to restocked the Nintendo Switch console by September 1st. As it turned out, they had only 2 stocks when I showed up. My intent was just to tag along with my buddies and mind my own business...and I ended up walking away with a Nintendo Switch. and a Nintendo Switch traveling case.and Zelda BOTW. and ARMS.

Safe to say that I am not responsible with money after all this time.
But the Switch is f%#king hella good and I am not just saying that because I haven't touched a game for over 2-3 months now.
Mario and Rabbids is great and all, but holy fuck Ubisoft KNEW no one gave a shit about their Rabbids concept and they don't allow you to play as 3 Mushroom Kingdom characters. You NEED to have one rabbid character in your team at all times.

Fuck sake, all I wanted was to be Mario, Luigi and Peach against it all, but now I have to have some epic minion tier Peach in my team because it's "funny".

Thanks for nothing Ubisoft.
Today marks the beginning of the 7th case Phoenix Wright took on.

Weird they put the 1st case being set after the 2nd.
Today is the 18th birthday of the Dreamcast. Which means I can finally fuck it legally.

It's still thinking.
I know some people want a new Sega console, but that's probably not a good way of going about it.

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