So... After getting acquainted with Courage the Cowardly Dog thanks to Hex and Psycho, I figured I better post the music video that scared the bejeebies out of me and gave me nightmares as a kid. Seriously, from the 3:30 mark on, my 5 year old eyes should probably have never seen...
This is actually a pretty catchy song. Finally got VH1 back now that I have a converter box so now I watch some music videos before going to work and this one caught my eye.
This was one of my favorite songs when I was a kid. I remember buying some cheapo CD of the best of The Moody Blues when I was 7 or 8 and started going around everywhere singing this song... My mother thought I was crazy. I only got the CD because I asked some stranger what was old, good music and he said The Moody Blues.
I'm not kidding about that. But, my parents let me buy my own music when I was little, so that was good, I guess.
I know the second video should be in the Youtube thread, but I first heard I"n un'altra vida" in this second video. And, I cried.
On second thought, I'll throw it in that thread, also.